Phenominer Database Results (26 results)


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Strain Phenotype Conditions Study Experiment Name Sex Age # of Animals Formula Value Units SEM SD Method Method Duration Post Insult Type Post Insult Time Value Post Insult Time Unit Clinical Measurement Notes Record ID Study ID
WKY renal filtration fraction unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then enalapril (10 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 8 0.23 null 0.14 0.4 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 28 days 99958 2378
WKY renal filtration fraction unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then vehicle control condition Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 17 0.29 null 0.01 0.05 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 168 days 99986 2378
WKY glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then vehicle control condition Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 8 0.79 ml/min/100g 0.03 0.08 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 28 days 99946 2378
WKY glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then enalapril (10 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 8 0.54 ml/min/100g 0.02 0.05 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 28 days 99948 2378
MNS glomerular filtration rate streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) (for 147 days) and insulin (2 IU/d) (for 147 days) Ge Y, et al., Physiol Rep. 2017 Feb;5(3). pii: 5/3/e13089. doi: 10.14814/phy2.13089. glomerular filtration trait male 213 days 9 0.0 ml/min 0.0 0.0 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 0 104028 2886
WKY glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then enalapril (10 mg/kg/d) (for 154 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 16 0.66 ml/min/100g 0.02 0.09 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 168 days 99983 2378
MHS glomerular filtration rate streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) (for 147 days) and insulin (2 IU/d) (for 147 days) Ge Y, et al., Physiol Rep. 2017 Feb;5(3). pii: 5/3/e13089. doi: 10.14814/phy2.13089. glomerular filtration trait male 213 days 6 0.0 ml/min 0.0 0.0 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 0 104027 2886
MNS glomerular filtration rate streptozotocin (55 mg/kg) then insulin (4 IU/kg) (for 42 days) Pugliese G, et al., Kidney Int. 2005 Apr;67(4):1440-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1755.2005.00221.x. glomerular filtration trait male 126 days 6 4.1 ml/min 0.13 0.33 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 0 104115 2907
MNS renal filtration fraction streptozotocin (55 mg/kg) then insulin (4 IU/kg) (for 42 days) Pugliese G, et al., Kidney Int. 2005 Apr;67(4):1440-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1755.2005.00221.x. glomerular filtration trait male 126 days 6 ((A-V)/A)*100 0.31 null 0.0 0.01 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 0 filtration fraction 104119 2907
MHS renal plasma flow (inulin) streptozotocin (55 mg/kg) then insulin (4 IU/kg) (for 42 days) Pugliese G, et al., Kidney Int. 2005 Apr;67(4):1440-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1755.2005.00221.x. kidney plasma flow trait male 126 days 6 13.66 ml/min 0.62 1.51 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 0 104125 2907
MHS renal filtration fraction streptozotocin (55 mg/kg) then insulin (4 IU/kg) (for 42 days) Pugliese G, et al., Kidney Int. 2005 Apr;67(4):1440-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1755.2005.00221.x. glomerular filtration trait male 126 days 6 ((A-V)/A)*100 0.25 null 0.0 0.01 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 0 filtration fraction 104121 2907
WKY renal filtration fraction unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then vehicle control condition Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 8 0.26 null 0.01 0.04 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 28 days 99956 2378
WKY glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then bosentan (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 8 0.52 ml/min/100g 0.03 0.07 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 28 days 99947 2378
WKY glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then enalapril (10 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and bosentan (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 6 0.5 ml/min/100g 0.02 0.06 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 28 days 99949 2378
WKY renal filtration fraction unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then bosentan (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 8 0.23 null 0.12 0.34 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 28 days 99957 2378
MNS renal plasma flow (inulin) streptozotocin (55 mg/kg) then insulin (4 IU/kg) (for 42 days) Pugliese G, et al., Kidney Int. 2005 Apr;67(4):1440-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1755.2005.00221.x. kidney plasma flow trait male 126 days 6 13.39 ml/min 0.53 1.3 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 0 104123 2907
WKY renal filtration fraction unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then enalapril (10 mg/kg/d) (for 154 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 16 0.22 null 0.01 0.04 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 168 days 99988 2378
WKY renal filtration fraction unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then enalapril (10 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and bosentan (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 6 0.21 null 0.01 0.03 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 28 days 99959 2378
WKY glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then vehicle control condition Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 17 0.5 ml/min/100g 0.03 0.12 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 168 days 99981 2378
WKY renal filtration fraction unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then bosentan (100 mg/kg/d) (for 154 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 17 0.21 null 0.01 0.05 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 168 days 99987 2378
WKY renal filtration fraction unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then enalapril (10 mg/kg/d) (for 154 days) and bosentan (100 mg/kg/d) (for 154 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 16 0.21 null 0.01 0.03 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 168 days 99989 2378
MHS glomerular filtration rate streptozotocin (55 mg/kg) then insulin (4 IU/kg) (for 42 days) Pugliese G, et al., Kidney Int. 2005 Apr;67(4):1440-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1755.2005.00221.x. glomerular filtration trait male 126 days 6 3.43 ml/min 0.13 0.31 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 0 104117 2907
MHS renal vascular resistance streptozotocin (55 mg/kg) then insulin (4 IU/kg) (for 42 days) Pugliese G, et al., Kidney Int. 2005 Apr;67(4):1440-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1755.2005.00221.x. renal blood flow trait male 126 days 6 6.2 mmHg/ml/min 0.35 0.86 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 0 104129 2907
MNS renal vascular resistance streptozotocin (55 mg/kg) then insulin (4 IU/kg) (for 42 days) Pugliese G, et al., Kidney Int. 2005 Apr;67(4):1440-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1755.2005.00221.x. renal blood flow trait male 126 days 6 5.04 mmHg/ml/min 0.24 0.59 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 0 104127 2907
WKY glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then bosentan (100 mg/kg/d) (for 154 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 17 0.69 ml/min/100g 0.03 0.13 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 168 days 99982 2378
WKY glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio unilateral nephrectomy (for 28 days) then streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) then enalapril (10 mg/kg/d) (for 154 days) and bosentan (100 mg/kg/d) (for 154 days) Ding SS, et al., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jul;42(1):48-54. glomerular filtration trait male 0 days 16 0.67 ml/min/100g 0.02 0.08 inulin analysis by liquid phase colorimetry 0.0 unx 168 days 99984 2378