Phenominer Database Results (70 results)


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Strain Phenotype Conditions Study Experiment Name Sex Age # of Animals Formula Value Units SEM SD Method Method Duration Post Insult Time Value Method Notes Clinical Measurement Notes Record ID Study ID
SS/Jr heart right ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid level to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 14 days) then controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (for 63 days) Dutil J, et al., Physiol Genomics 2005 Mar 1;. heart right ventricle DNA amount male 98 days 11 1.1 ug/g 0.1 0.33 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 69044 1096
COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco plasma triglyceride level control condition Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood triglyceride amount not specified 105 days 8 0.45 mmol/l 0.06 0.16 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68558 933
COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco plasma triglyceride level fasting (for 16 hours) Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood triglyceride amount not specified 105 days 15 0.23 mmol/l 0.03 0.12 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68561 933
Hsd:WI liver malondialdehyde level to liver weight ratio fasting (for 16 hours) Aycan IO, et al., Int J Surg. 2014;12(3):213-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2013.12.013. Epub 2014 Jan 2. liver malondialdehyde amount not specified 0 days 10 0.37 nmol/g 0.03 0.08 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 85614 1618
Hsd:WI liver malondialdehyde level to liver weight ratio acetaminophen (500 mg/kg) (for 1 days) then fasting (for 16 hours) Aycan IO, et al., Int J Surg. 2014;12(3):213-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2013.12.013. Epub 2014 Jan 2. liver malondialdehyde amount not specified 0 days 10 0.71 nmol/g 0.05 0.15 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 85616 1618
Hsd:WI serum malondialdehyde level acetaminophen (500 mg/kg) (for 1 days) then thymoquinone (15 mg/kg) (for 1 days) then fasting (for 16 hours) Aycan IO, et al., Int J Surg. 2014;12(3):213-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2013.12.013. Epub 2014 Jan 2. blood malondialdehyde amount not specified 0 days 10 162.5 nmol/l 12.43 39.3 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 85613 1618
F344/NHsd serum alanine aminotransferase activity level fasting (between 12 and 15 hours) then acetaminophen (1.5 g/kg) (for 1 days) McGill MR, et al., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012 Nov 1;264(3):387-94. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2012.08.015. Epub 2012 Aug 23. blood alanine transaminase amount not specified 56 days-84 days 4 101.0 U/l 7.0 14.0 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 84756 1601
Y59/Zgd bone phosphorus content naringenin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. bone mineral mass female 105 days 10 mg/g bone tissue 77.87 mg/g 0.78 2.47 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 660nm; Varian Cary 50 right 97435 1758
Y59/Zgd kidney malondialdehyde level alendronate (40 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. kidney malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 10.66 nmol/mg 0.48 1.08 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97495 1758
Y59/Zgd kidney malondialdehyde level chrysin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. kidney malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 7.28 nmol/mg 0.59 1.31 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97497 1758
Y59/Zgd liver malondialdehyde level vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and naringenin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. liver malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 8.78 nmol/mg 0.71 1.59 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97484 1758
Y59/Zgd liver malondialdehyde level quercetin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. liver malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 6.29 nmol/mg 0.08 0.19 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97486 1758
Y59/Zgd liver malondialdehyde level naringenin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. liver malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 8.94 nmol/mg 1.28 2.86 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97488 1758
Y59/Zgd kidney malondialdehyde level naringenin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. kidney malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 8.41 nmol/mg 0.5 1.11 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97498 1758
Y59/Zgd bone phosphorus content vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. bone mineral mass female 105 days 10 mg/g bone tissue 69.4 mg/g 0.28 0.9 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 660nm; Varian Cary 50 right 97427 1758
Y59/Zgd bone phosphorus content ethanol (0.5 %) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. bone mineral mass female 105 days 10 mg/g bone tissue 75.5 mg/g 0.78 2.47 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 660nm; Varian Cary 50 right 97432 1758
Y59/Zgd kidney malondialdehyde level vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and quercetin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. kidney malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 8.48 nmol/mg 0.37 0.82 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97492 1758
WKY.GHS-(D1Rat32-D1Mit32) urine calcium excretion rate controlled calcium content diet (1.2 %) (between 5 and 9 days) Hoopes RR Jr, et al., J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 May;17(5):1292-304. Epub 2006 Apr 12. urine calcium amount male 61 days 8 1.67 mg/d 0.25 0.71 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 67889 831
WKY urine calcium excretion rate controlled calcium content diet (1.2 %) (between 5 and 9 days) Hoopes RR Jr, et al., J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 May;17(5):1292-304. Epub 2006 Apr 12. urine calcium amount female 61 days 8 2.11 mg/d 0.18 0.5 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 67892 831
SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-Adh1)/Ayd heart right ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid level to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 14 days) then controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (for 63 days) Dutil J, et al., Physiol Genomics 2005 Mar 1;. heart right ventricle DNA amount male 98 days 5 1.13 ug/g 0.05 0.11 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 69040 1096
COP/OlaHsd plasma free fatty acids level control condition Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood free fatty acid amount not specified 105 days 14 0.12 mmol/l 0.01 0.04 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68563 933
COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco plasma free fatty acids level control condition Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood free fatty acid amount not specified 105 days 16 0.1 mmol/l 0.01 0.04 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68565 933
COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco plasma free fatty acids level fasting (for 16 hours) Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood free fatty acid amount not specified 105 days 15 0.29 mmol/l 0.03 0.12 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68567 933
SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-Adh1)/Ayd heart left ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid level to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 14 days) then controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (for 63 days) Dutil J, et al., Physiol Genomics 2005 Mar 1;. heart left ventricle DNA amount male 98 days 5 3.0 ug/g 0.2 0.45 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 DNA extraction method 69035 1096
Hsd:SD serum alanine aminotransferase activity level fasting (between 12 and 15 hours) then acetaminophen (2 g/kg) (for 1 days) McGill MR, et al., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012 Nov 1;264(3):387-94. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2012.08.015. Epub 2012 Aug 23. blood alanine transaminase amount not specified 56 days-84 days 4 31.0 U/l 4.0 8.0 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 84759 1601
Y59/Zgd bone phosphorus content vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and chrysin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. bone mineral mass female 105 days 10 mg/g bone tissue 76.25 mg/g 0.88 2.78 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 660nm; Varian Cary 50 right 97430 1758
Y59/Zgd liver malondialdehyde level ethanol (0.5 %) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. liver malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 8.39 nmol/mg 0.63 1.4 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97479 1758
Y59/Zgd kidney malondialdehyde level quercetin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. kidney malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 5.83 nmol/mg 0.36 0.8 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97496 1758
Y59/Zgd liver malondialdehyde level vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and quercetin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. liver malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 8.33 nmol/mg 0.54 1.21 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97482 1758
Y59/Zgd liver malondialdehyde level chrysin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. liver malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 6.58 nmol/mg 0.25 0.55 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97487 1758
Y59/Zgd bone phosphorus content chrysin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. bone mineral mass female 105 days 10 mg/g bone tissue 76.67 mg/g 0.64 2.03 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 660nm; Varian Cary 50 right 97434 1758
Y59/Zgd kidney malondialdehyde level vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. kidney malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 11.75 nmol/mg 0.66 1.48 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97490 1758
SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat166)/Ayd heart right ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid level to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 14 days) then controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (for 63 days) Dutil J, et al., Physiol Genomics 2005 Mar 1;. heart right ventricle DNA amount male 98 days 4 0.5 ug/g 0.09 0.18 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 69041 1096
SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd heart left ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid level to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 14 days) then controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (for 63 days) Dutil J, et al., Physiol Genomics 2005 Mar 1;. heart left ventricle DNA amount male 98 days 5 5.0 ug/g 0.5 1.12 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 69037 1096
Hsd:WI liver malondialdehyde level to liver weight ratio thymoquinone (15 mg/kg) (for 1 days) then fasting (for 16 hours) Aycan IO, et al., Int J Surg. 2014;12(3):213-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2013.12.013. Epub 2014 Jan 2. liver malondialdehyde amount not specified 0 days 10 0.33 nmol/g 0.02 0.07 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 85615 1618
F344/NHsd serum alanine aminotransferase activity level fasting (between 12 and 15 hours) then vehicle control condition (for 1 days) McGill MR, et al., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012 Nov 1;264(3):387-94. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2012.08.015. Epub 2012 Aug 23. blood alanine transaminase amount not specified 56 days-84 days 4 35.0 U/l 11.0 22.0 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 84754 1601
Hsd:WI serum malondialdehyde level fasting (for 16 hours) Aycan IO, et al., Int J Surg. 2014;12(3):213-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2013.12.013. Epub 2014 Jan 2. blood malondialdehyde amount not specified 0 days 10 133.1 nmol/l 9.42 29.8 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 85610 1618
Hsd:WI serum malondialdehyde level thymoquinone (15 mg/kg) (for 1 days) then fasting (for 16 hours) Aycan IO, et al., Int J Surg. 2014;12(3):213-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2013.12.013. Epub 2014 Jan 2. blood malondialdehyde amount not specified 0 days 10 119.7 nmol/l 8.41 26.6 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 85611 1618
SS/Jr heart left ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid level to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 14 days) then controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (for 63 days) Dutil J, et al., Physiol Genomics 2005 Mar 1;. heart left ventricle DNA amount male 98 days 11 5.8 ug/g 0.6 1.99 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 69039 1096
COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco plasma triglyceride level fasting (for 16 hours) Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood triglyceride amount not specified 105 days 20 0.34 mmol/l 0.03 0.13 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68562 933
Y59/Zgd liver malondialdehyde level vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and alendronate (40 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. liver malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 8.26 nmol/mg 0.44 0.98 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97481 1758
Hsd:WI serum malondialdehyde level acetaminophen (500 mg/kg) (for 1 days) then fasting (for 16 hours) Aycan IO, et al., Int J Surg. 2014;12(3):213-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2013.12.013. Epub 2014 Jan 2. blood malondialdehyde amount not specified 0 days 10 253.4 nmol/l 17.9 56.6 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 85612 1618
Hsd:SD serum alanine aminotransferase activity level fasting (between 12 and 15 hours) then acetaminophen (1 g/kg) (for 1 days) McGill MR, et al., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012 Nov 1;264(3):387-94. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2012.08.015. Epub 2012 Aug 23. blood alanine transaminase amount not specified 56 days-84 days 4 41.0 U/l 11.0 22.0 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 84758 1601
Y59/Zgd liver malondialdehyde level vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. liver malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 11.41 nmol/mg 0.68 1.51 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97480 1758
Y59/Zgd kidney malondialdehyde level vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and chrysin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. kidney malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 8.02 nmol/mg 0.72 1.6 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97493 1758
Y59/Zgd kidney malondialdehyde level vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and naringenin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. kidney malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 7.99 nmol/mg 0.6 1.34 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97494 1758
SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Rat131)/Ayd heart right ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid level to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 14 days) then controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (for 63 days) Dutil J, et al., Physiol Genomics 2005 Mar 1;. heart right ventricle DNA amount male 98 days 5 1.1 ug/g 0.2 0.45 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 69043 1096
COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco plasma triglyceride level control condition Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood triglyceride amount not specified 105 days 16 0.54 mmol/l 0.07 0.28 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68559 933
COP/OlaHsd plasma free fatty acids level fasting (for 16 hours) Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood free fatty acid amount not specified 105 days 20 0.23 mmol/l 0.02 0.09 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68566 933
Y59/Zgd bone phosphorus content quercetin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. bone mineral mass female 105 days 10 mg/g bone tissue 76.25 mg/g 0.54 1.7 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 660nm; Varian Cary 50 right 97433 1758
WKY urine calcium excretion rate controlled calcium content diet (1.2 %) (between 5 and 9 days) Hoopes RR Jr, et al., J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 May;17(5):1292-304. Epub 2006 Apr 12. urine calcium amount male 61 days 8 0.78 mg/d 0.07 0.19 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 67890 831
SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd heart right ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid level to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 14 days) then controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (for 63 days) Dutil J, et al., Physiol Genomics 2005 Mar 1;. heart right ventricle DNA amount male 98 days 5 1.2 ug/g 0.09 0.2 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 69042 1096
COP/OlaHsd plasma triglyceride level fasting (for 16 hours) Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood triglyceride amount not specified 105 days 20 0.29 mmol/l 0.02 0.1 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68560 933
COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco plasma free fatty acids level control condition Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood free fatty acid amount not specified 105 days 8 0.13 mmol/l 0.02 0.06 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68564 933
COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco plasma free fatty acids level fasting (for 16 hours) Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood free fatty acid amount not specified 105 days 20 0.22 mmol/l 0.02 0.09 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68568 933
COP/OlaHsd plasma triglyceride level control condition Ways JA, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Dec 19;. blood triglyceride amount not specified 105 days 14 0.58 mmol/l 0.09 0.35 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 68557 933
SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Rat131)/Ayd heart left ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid level to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 14 days) then controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (for 63 days) Dutil J, et al., Physiol Genomics 2005 Mar 1;. heart left ventricle DNA amount male 98 days 5 3.7 ug/g 0.3 0.67 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 69038 1096
Hsd:WI liver malondialdehyde level to liver weight ratio acetaminophen (500 mg/kg) (for 1 days) then thymoquinone (15 mg/kg) (for 1 days) then fasting (for 16 hours) Aycan IO, et al., Int J Surg. 2014;12(3):213-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2013.12.013. Epub 2014 Jan 2. liver malondialdehyde amount not specified 0 days 10 0.45 nmol/g 0.03 0.11 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 85617 1618
F344/NHsd serum alanine aminotransferase activity level fasting (between 12 and 15 hours) then acetaminophen (1 g/kg) (for 1 days) McGill MR, et al., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012 Nov 1;264(3):387-94. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2012.08.015. Epub 2012 Aug 23. blood alanine transaminase amount not specified 56 days-84 days 4 39.0 U/l 4.0 8.0 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 84755 1601
Y59/Zgd kidney malondialdehyde level vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and alendronate (40 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. kidney malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 10.5 nmol/mg 0.73 1.63 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97491 1758
Y59/Zgd bone phosphorus content ethanol (0.5 %) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. bone mineral mass female 105 days 10 mg/g bone tissue 74.0 mg/g 0.35 1.1 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 660nm; Varian Cary 50 right 97426 1758
Y59/Zgd bone phosphorus content vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and naringenin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. bone mineral mass female 105 days 10 mg/g bone tissue 77.87 mg/g 1.75 5.54 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 660nm; Varian Cary 50 right 97431 1758
Y59/Zgd liver malondialdehyde level vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and chrysin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. liver malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 8.04 nmol/mg 0.72 1.6 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97483 1758
Y59/Zgd liver malondialdehyde level alendronate (40 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. liver malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 6.6 nmol/mg 0.56 1.26 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97485 1758
Y59/Zgd kidney malondialdehyde level ethanol (0.5 %) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. kidney malondialdehyde amount female 105 days 5 9.7 nmol/mg 0.93 2.08 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 97489 1758
Y59/Zgd bone phosphorus content alendronate (40 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. bone mineral mass female 105 days 10 mg/g bone tissue 78.25 mg/g 0.88 2.78 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 660nm; Varian Cary 50 right 97428 1758
SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat166)/Ayd heart left ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid level to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 14 days) then controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (for 63 days) Dutil J, et al., Physiol Genomics 2005 Mar 1;. heart left ventricle DNA amount male 98 days 4 5.0 ug/g 0.5 1.0 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 69036 1096
WKY.GHS-(D1Rat32-D1Mit32) urine calcium excretion rate controlled calcium content diet (1.2 %) (between 5 and 9 days) Hoopes RR Jr, et al., J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 May;17(5):1292-304. Epub 2006 Apr 12. urine calcium amount female 61 days 8 3.11 mg/d 0.32 0.9 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 67891 831
Hsd:SD serum alanine aminotransferase activity level fasting (between 12 and 15 hours) then vehicle control condition (for 1 days) McGill MR, et al., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012 Nov 1;264(3):387-94. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2012.08.015. Epub 2012 Aug 23. blood alanine transaminase amount not specified 56 days-84 days 4 30.0 U/l 1.0 2.0 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 84757 1601
Y59/Zgd bone phosphorus content vitamin A (80 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) and quercetin (100 mg/kg/d) (for 14 days) Orsolic N, et al., Eur J Nutr. 2014 Aug;53(5):1217-27. doi: 10.1007/s00394-013-0622-7. Epub 2013 Nov 23. bone mineral mass female 105 days 10 mg/g bone tissue 73.33 mg/g 0.56 1.76 spectrophotometry 0.0 0 660nm; Varian Cary 50 right 97429 1758