Phenominer Database Results (10 results)


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Strain Phenotype Conditions Study Experiment Name Sex Age # of Animals Average Type Value Units SEM SD Method Method Duration Post Insult Type Post Insult Time Value Method Notes Clinical Measurement Notes Record ID Study ID
BBDR/Rhw post-insult time to onset of diabetes mellitus anti-RT6.1 antibody (2 ml) (for 28 days) and poly I:C (5 ug/g) (for 28 days) Martin AM, et al., Diabetes 1999 Nov;48(11):2138-44 glucose metabolism trait not specified 0 days-70 days 12 11.0 d 1.0 3.46 blood glucose analysis 0.0 injection 0 anti-RT6.1mAB and poly I:C 66148 711
BBDR/Rhw blood CD4 cell to R73 cell ratio specific pathogen-free condition Fuller JM, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2009 Apr 7. T cell quantity not specified 25 days-30 days 75 median 75.0 % fluorescence-activated cell sorting method 0.0 0 67843 690
BBDR/Rhw blood CD4 cell count to CD8 cell count ratio specific pathogen-free condition Fuller JM, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2009 Apr 7. T cell quantity not specified 25 days-30 days 75 median 340.0 % fluorescence-activated cell sorting method 0.0 0 67846 690
BBDR/Rhw calculated serum anti-rat type 2 collagen autoantibody titer Freund's incomplete adjuvant (50 %) and type II collagen (2 mg/kg) Furuya T, et al., Hum Mol Genet 2000 Sep 22;9(15):2241-50 blood autoantibody amount female 66 days-126 days 13 31.7 null 1.75 6.3 enzyme linked immunosorbent assay 0.0 0 titer 69926 1241
BBDR/Rhw blood R73 cell to total mononuclear cell ratio specific pathogen-free condition Fuller JM, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2009 Apr 7. T cell quantity not specified 25 days-30 days 75 median 60.0 % fluorescence-activated cell sorting method 0.0 0 67842 690
BBDR/Rhw percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time Freund's incomplete adjuvant (50 %) (between 1 and 7 days) and type II collagen (2 mg/kg) (between 1 and 7 days) then Freund's incomplete adjuvant (50 %) (between 1 and 35 days) and type II collagen (100 ug) (between 1 and 35 days) Furuya T, et al., Hum Mol Genet 2000 Sep 22;9(15):2241-50 joint integrity trait female 66 days-126 days 13 100.0 % in vivo visual assessment 0.0 0 69922 1241
BBDR/Rhw percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time anti-RT6.1 antibody (2 ml) (for 28 days) and poly I:C (5 ug/g) (for 28 days) Martin AM, et al., Diabetes 1999 Nov;48(11):2138-44 glucose metabolism trait not specified 0 days-70 days 12 100.0 % blood glucose analysis 0.0 injection 0 anti-RT6.1mAB and poly I:C 66147 711
BBDR/Rhw blood CD8 cell count to R73 cell count ratio specific pathogen-free condition Fuller JM, et al., Physiol Genomics. 2009 Apr 7. T cell quantity not specified 25 days-30 days 75 median 22.0 % fluorescence-activated cell sorting method 0.0 0 67844 690
BBDR/Rhw percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time Freund's incomplete adjuvant (50 %) (between 1 and 7 days) and type II collagen (2 mg/kg) (between 1 and 7 days) then Freund's incomplete adjuvant (50 %) (between 1 and 35 days) and type II collagen (100 ug) (between 1 and 35 days) Furuya T, et al., Hum Mol Genet 2000 Sep 22;9(15):2241-50 joint integrity trait male 66 days-126 days 11 100.0 % in vivo visual assessment 0.0 0 69921 1241
BBDR/Rhw calculated serum anti-rat type 2 collagen autoantibody titer Freund's incomplete adjuvant (50 %) and type II collagen (2 mg/kg) Furuya T, et al., Hum Mol Genet 2000 Sep 22;9(15):2241-50 blood autoantibody amount male 66 days-126 days 11 30.6 null 1.51 5.0 enzyme linked immunosorbent assay 0.0 0 titer 69925 1241