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Phenominer Expected Ranges

Analysis Description: PhenoMiner's Expected Ranges result from a statistical meta-analysis of PhenoMiner data. For each rat strain where four or more experiments exist for a single clinical measurement, a meta-analysis is performed using either a random- or fixed-effect model, based on the level of heterogeneity."Zhao et al, in preparation"
Strain Group
Traitbody size trait
Strains TypeInbred
Damaging Variants
Number of Damaging Variants
MHS/Gib (ICL) 674
MHS/Gib (RGD) 1101
MHS/Gib (KNAW) 787


 body weight




 0-79 days
 80-99 days
 Age All


  Control Condition
Display Normal Ranges: Not available

Normal Ranges:
MHS - Measurement Data
Range NameStrainsMeasurementMethodConditionsSexAgeRange MeanRange SDRange LowRange HighUnitsExperiment Records of the range
MHS_body weight_Mixed_0-79 days MHS
body weight body weighing method
control condition
standard diet
Mixed 0 - 79 days 268.3579 11.5409 152.9485 383.7672 [g] Phenominer Link
MHS_body weight_Mixed_0-999 days MHS
body weight body weighing method
control condition
standard diet
Mixed 0 - 999 days 371.5114 10.0001 271.51 471.5129 [g] Phenominer Link
MHS_body weight_Male_0-999 days MHS
body weight body weighing method
control condition
standard diet
Male 0 - 999 days 416.6162 10.589 310.7262 522.5062 [g] Phenominer Link