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PhenoMiner Expected Ranges

Analysis Description: PhenoMiner's Expected Ranges result from a statistical meta-analysis of PhenoMiner data. For each rat strain where four or more experiments exist for a single clinical measurement, a meta-analysis is performed using either a random- or fixed-effect model, based on the level of heterogeneity."Zhao et al, in preparation"
Clinical Measurement
Ontology IdCMO:0000960




  0-79 days
  80-99 days
  100-998 days
  0-999 days




  Control Condition
Display Normal Ranges: Not available

Normal Ranges:
number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus - Measurement Data
Range NameStrain GroupStrainsMethodConditionsSexAgeRange MeanRange SDRange LowRange HighUnitsStudies within the Range
arm(s) of elevated plus maze apparatus
enclosed arm of elevated plus maze apparatus
control condition
Mixed 0 - 999 days 4.553 0.1793 2.76 6.3461 [null] Phenominer Link
LEW_0-79 LEW LEW/NIcoCrlf
arm(s) of elevated plus maze apparatus
enclosed arm of elevated plus maze apparatus
control condition
Mixed 0 - 79 days 4.553 0.1793 2.76 6.3461 [null] Phenominer Link
arm(s) of elevated plus maze apparatus
enclosed arm of elevated plus maze apparatus
control condition
Mixed 0 - 999 days 5.3472 0.1623 3.7237 6.9706 [null] Phenominer Link
SHR_0-79 SHR SHR/NIcoCrlf
arm(s) of elevated plus maze apparatus
enclosed arm of elevated plus maze apparatus
control condition
Mixed 0 - 79 days 5.3472 0.1623 3.7237 6.9706 [null] Phenominer Link