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Toll-like receptors (TLR) represent a large and the better understood family of pattern recognition receptors (PRR) that respond to a diverse array of exogenous molecules and also several endogenous ones. PRRs 'sensing' of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or endogenously derived damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) is a first line of defense initiated by the innate immune system. Ligand-activated receptors impinge on intracellular signaling pathway to elicit the expression

Pathway Diagram:

Ariadne Genomics Inc. Cd14 ---- Lbp Lbp ---- LPS LPS Cd14 Lbp LPS ---- Ly96 Ly96 Traf6 ---- Ube2n Traf6 ---- Ube2v1 Irak1 ---- Traf6 Irak2 Irak4 ---> Irak1 Irak1 Irak4 ---- Myd88 Irak4 Myd88 Unc93b1 Myd88 ---- Tlr8 Unc93b1 ---> Tlr7 Myd88 ---- Tlr7 Myd88 ---- Tirap Myd88 ---- Tlr9 Traf6 TICAM1 ---- Traf6 Ripk1 --+> nuclear factor kappa B signaling pathway TICAM1 ---- Ticam2 Ticam2 Tradd Irak4 ---> Irak2 Ripk1 ---- Tradd Ripk1 Ripk1 ---- TICAM1 TICAM1 ---- Tlr3 TICAM1 ---- Traf3 Traf3 Tbk1 Tbk1 ---> Irf3 Tbk1 ---- Traf3 LPS ---- Tlr4 Tlr3 endocytosed_Tlr4 ---- Ticam2 flagellin ---- Tlr5 Tirap Tirap ---- Tlr6 Tirap ---- Tlr2 Tirap ---- Tlr1 Ly96 ---- Tlr4 Tlr1 ---- Tlr1, 2, 6 ligands Tlr1, 2, 6 ligands ---- Tlr2 Tlr1, 2, 6 ligands ---- Tlr6 Map3k7 --+> p38 MAPK signaling pathway Tlr4 ---> endocytosed_Tlr4 Double-stranded RNA ---- Tlr3 Map3k7 --+> c-Jun N-terminal kinases MAPK signaling pathway Map3k7 --+> nuclear factor kappa B signaling pathway Tlr7, 8, 9 ligands ---- Tlr8 Tlr7 ---- Tlr7, 8, 9 ligands Unc93b1 ---> Tlr8 Tlr8 Tlr7, 8, 9 ligands ---- Tlr9 Tlr7 Tlr9 Unc93b1 ---> Tlr9 Tlr4 Tirap ---- Tlr4 Tlr6 Tlr2 Tlr1 Tlr1 ---- Tlr2 Tlr2 ---- Tlr6 Myd88 ---- Tlr5 Tlr5 TICAM1 Ube2v1 Ube2n Traf6 --+> Map3k7 nuclear factor kappa B signaling pathway c-Jun N-terminal kinases MAPK signaling pathway p38 MAPK signaling pathway Tlr7, 8, 9 ligands Tlr1, 2, 6 ligands flagellin Double-stranded RNA Tab(s) Map3k7 Irf3 endocytosed_Tlr4

Genes in Pathway:

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Toll-like receptor signaling pathway term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 6:131,713,716...131,735,319
Ensembl chr 6:131,713,720...131,733,921
JBrowse link
G Akt2 AKT serine/threonine kinase 2 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 1:82,877,228...82,933,828
Ensembl chr 1:82,883,547...82,933,817
JBrowse link
G Akt3 AKT serine/threonine kinase 3 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr13:88,943,708...89,225,831
Ensembl chr13:88,946,091...89,225,708
JBrowse link
G Casp8 caspase 8 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 9:60,263,863...60,312,542
Ensembl chr 9:60,264,075...60,312,542
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G Ccl3 C-C motif chemokine ligand 3 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr10:68,451,388...68,452,938
Ensembl chr10:68,451,388...68,452,938
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G Ccl5 C-C motif chemokine ligand 5 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr10:68,322,826...68,327,380
Ensembl chr10:68,322,829...68,327,377
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G Cd14 CD14 molecule IEA
PMID:22119168 rno:04620, RGD:7247704 NCBI chr18:28,335,522...28,337,383
Ensembl chr18:28,335,340...28,337,261
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G Cd40 CD40 molecule IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 3:153,790,372...153,805,279
Ensembl chr 3:153,790,449...153,805,534
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G Cd80 Cd80 molecule IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr11:62,254,543...62,293,414
Ensembl chr11:62,254,624...62,292,030
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G Cd86 CD86 molecule IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr11:64,142,193...64,200,816
Ensembl chr11:64,163,828...64,200,818
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G Chuk component of inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase complex IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 1:242,959,539...242,995,066
Ensembl chr 1:242,959,760...242,995,065
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G Ctsk cathepsin K IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 2:183,058,586...183,069,551
Ensembl chr 2:183,058,569...183,069,550
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G Cxcl10 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr14:15,704,772...15,706,969
Ensembl chr14:15,704,758...15,706,975
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G Cxcl11 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 11 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr14:15,689,432...15,692,207
Ensembl chr14:15,689,424...15,692,271
JBrowse link
G Cxcl9 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 9 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr14:15,722,868...15,727,779
Ensembl chr14:15,722,908...15,728,435
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G Fadd Fas associated via death domain IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 1:199,743,200...199,745,746
Ensembl chr 1:199,739,994...199,745,653
JBrowse link
G Fos Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
Ensembl chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
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G Ifna1 interferon, alpha 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 5:103,097,356...103,097,925
Ensembl chr 5:103,097,356...103,097,925
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G Ifna2 interferon alpha 2 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 5:103,258,617...103,259,195 JBrowse link
G Ifna4 interferon, alpha 4 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 5:103,069,174...103,070,120
Ensembl chr 5:103,069,483...103,070,052
JBrowse link
G Ifna4l1 interferon, alpha 4 like 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 5:103,524,733...103,525,302
Ensembl chr 5:103,524,733...103,525,302
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G Ifna5 interferon, alpha 5 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 5:103,187,852...103,188,430 JBrowse link
G Ifnar1 interferon alpha and beta receptor subunit 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr11:30,725,774...30,752,227
Ensembl chr11:30,725,790...30,749,979
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G Ifnb1 interferon beta 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 5:103,020,758...103,021,595
Ensembl chr 5:103,020,969...103,021,523
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G Ikbkb inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase subunit beta IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr16:69,319,487...69,373,251
Ensembl chr16:69,319,554...69,373,250
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G Ikbke inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase subunit epsilon IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr13:42,712,154...42,738,470
Ensembl chr13:42,712,159...42,737,143
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G Ikbkg inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase regulatory subunit gamma IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr  X:152,216,485...152,241,476
Ensembl chr  X:152,216,596...152,239,499
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G Il12a interleukin 12A IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 2:152,965,769...152,973,035
Ensembl chr 2:152,965,769...152,972,734
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G Il12b interleukin 12B IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr10:28,888,832...28,903,802
Ensembl chr10:28,893,008...28,902,903
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il6 interleukin 6 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Irak1 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr  X:151,768,621...151,778,521
Ensembl chr  X:151,768,777...151,778,521
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G Irak2 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 2 ISO RGD PMID:21235323 RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 4:146,786,004...146,842,615
Ensembl chr 4:146,786,100...146,842,602
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G Irak3 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 ISO RGD PMID:28954388 RGD:34888230 NCBI chr 7:55,653,949...55,714,371
Ensembl chr 7:55,653,962...55,713,121
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G Irak4 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 7:125,682,502...125,708,294
Ensembl chr 7:125,682,488...125,717,837
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G Irf3 interferon regulatory factor 3 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 1:95,479,966...95,484,926
Ensembl chr 1:95,479,821...95,484,935
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G Irf5 interferon regulatory factor 5 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 4:58,127,577...58,140,665
Ensembl chr 4:58,127,640...58,139,267
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G Irf7 interferon regulatory factor 7 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 1:196,367,380...196,370,943
Ensembl chr 1:196,367,361...196,370,832
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G Jun Jun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 5:109,894,175...109,897,268
Ensembl chr 5:109,893,145...109,897,656
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G Lbp lipopolysaccharide binding protein IEA
PMID:22119168 rno:04620, RGD:7247704 NCBI chr 3:146,953,889...146,981,032
Ensembl chr 3:146,954,015...146,981,586
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G Ly96 lymphocyte antigen 96 ISO
PMID:21741580 PMID:22119168 rno:04620, RGD:5685019, RGD:7247704 NCBI chr 5:2,582,233...2,612,357
Ensembl chr 5:2,582,254...2,612,386
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G Map2k1 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 8:64,683,449...64,754,900
Ensembl chr 8:64,683,449...64,755,147
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G Map2k2 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 2 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 7:8,590,729...8,610,279
Ensembl chr 7:8,580,905...8,610,243
JBrowse link
G Map2k3 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 3 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr10:45,608,145...45,629,492
Ensembl chr10:45,607,163...45,629,492
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G Map2k4 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 4 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr10:50,343,227...50,447,956
Ensembl chr10:50,344,915...50,447,993
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G Map2k6 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr10:95,373,304...95,490,406
Ensembl chr10:95,373,204...95,488,293
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G Map2k7 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 7 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr12:2,591,312...2,600,534
Ensembl chr12:2,591,219...2,604,222
JBrowse link
G Map3k7 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 5:46,356,973...46,415,597
Ensembl chr 5:46,357,931...46,415,597
JBrowse link
G Map3k8 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr17:53,382,908...53,403,216
Ensembl chr17:53,383,131...53,403,216
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G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr11:83,957,813...84,023,629
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
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G Mapk10 mitogen activated protein kinase 10 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr14:6,497,662...6,790,109
Ensembl chr14:6,497,707...6,786,201
JBrowse link
G Mapk11 mitogen-activated protein kinase 11 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 7:120,218,471...120,225,488
Ensembl chr 7:120,218,478...120,225,395
JBrowse link
G Mapk12 mitogen-activated protein kinase 12 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 7:120,206,005...120,216,711
Ensembl chr 7:120,206,271...120,216,664
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G Mapk13 mitogen activated protein kinase 13 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr20:6,835,277...6,845,500
Ensembl chr20:6,835,320...6,844,222
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G Mapk14 mitogen activated protein kinase 14 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr20:6,749,646...6,810,590
Ensembl chr20:6,749,670...6,810,589
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
JBrowse link
G Mapk8 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr16:8,638,897...8,721,960
Ensembl chr16:8,638,924...8,721,981
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G Mapk9 mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr10:34,169,661...34,211,138
Ensembl chr10:34,169,675...34,210,178
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G Myd88 MYD88, innate immune signal transduction adaptor ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 8:119,074,439...119,078,508
Ensembl chr 8:119,074,437...119,079,415
JBrowse link
G Nfkb1 nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 2:224,016,214...224,132,135
Ensembl chr 2:224,016,214...224,110,404
JBrowse link
G Nfkbia NFKB inhibitor alpha IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 6:72,858,713...72,861,941
Ensembl chr 6:72,858,712...72,861,941
JBrowse link
G Pik3ca phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit alpha IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 2:115,175,275...115,249,034
Ensembl chr 2:115,174,984...115,249,032
JBrowse link
G Pik3cb phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit beta IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 8:99,594,600...99,699,772
Ensembl chr 8:99,594,644...99,699,663
JBrowse link
G Pik3cd phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit delta IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 5:160,094,952...160,142,962
Ensembl chr 5:160,094,952...160,120,930
JBrowse link
G Pik3r1 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 2:32,878,942...32,963,668
Ensembl chr 2:32,882,032...32,963,631
JBrowse link
G Pik3r2 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 2 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr16:18,665,517...18,674,067
Ensembl chr16:18,665,457...18,674,065
JBrowse link
G Pik3r3 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 3 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 5:129,700,925...129,772,591
Ensembl chr 5:129,701,229...129,772,583
JBrowse link
G Pik3r5 phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 5 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr10:53,132,585...53,200,663
Ensembl chr10:53,132,603...53,199,374
JBrowse link
G Rac1 Rac family small GTPase 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr12:11,037,028...11,057,251
Ensembl chr12:11,036,698...11,057,251
JBrowse link
G Rela RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 1:202,925,001...202,935,484
Ensembl chr 1:202,924,945...202,935,484
JBrowse link
G Ripk1 receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 1 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr17:30,839,639...30,871,824
Ensembl chr17:30,839,650...30,871,824
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G Spp1 secreted phosphoprotein 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr14:5,308,885...5,315,120
Ensembl chr14:5,308,885...5,315,162
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G Stat1 signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 9:49,419,561...49,459,969
Ensembl chr 9:49,419,340...49,588,540
JBrowse link
G Tab1 TGF-beta activated kinase 1/MAP3K7 binding protein 1 ISO RGD PMID:20940366 RGD:5685016 NCBI chr 7:111,675,829...111,707,058
Ensembl chr 7:111,686,371...111,707,058
JBrowse link
G Tab2 TGF-beta activated kinase 1/MAP3K7 binding protein 2 ISO RGD PMID:20940366 RGD:5685016 NCBI chr 1:2,375,026...2,425,115
Ensembl chr 1:2,375,490...2,424,756
JBrowse link
G Tab3 TGF-beta activated kinase 1 (MAP3K7) binding protein 3 ISO RGD PMID:20940366 RGD:5685016 NCBI chr  X:49,972,414...50,044,658
Ensembl chr  X:49,972,330...50,042,056
JBrowse link
G Tbk1 TANK-binding kinase 1 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 7:57,077,830...57,110,868
Ensembl chr 7:57,077,830...57,110,892
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G Ticam1 TIR domain containing adaptor molecule 1 ISO RGD PMID:21235323 RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 9:1,102,559...1,111,023
Ensembl chr 9:1,102,366...1,123,147
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G Ticam2 TIR domain containing adaptor molecule 2 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr18:39,289,902...39,311,462
Ensembl chr18:39,294,453...39,311,462
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G Tirap TIR domain containing adaptor protein ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 8:33,531,724...33,548,508
Ensembl chr 8:33,531,725...33,547,432
JBrowse link
G Tlr1 toll-like receptor 1 IDA
RGD PMID:16973131 PMID:21235323 RGD:1643119, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr14:43,384,127...43,396,765
Ensembl chr14:43,384,932...43,397,125
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G Tlr2 toll-like receptor 2 IDA
PMID:16973131 PMID:18353287 PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:1643119, RGD:5684896, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 2:169,200,620...169,206,819
Ensembl chr 2:169,197,419...169,206,630
JBrowse link
G Tlr3 toll-like receptor 3 IDA
PMID:16973131 PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:1643119, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr16:46,821,980...46,837,900
Ensembl chr16:46,822,039...46,836,545
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G Tlr4 toll-like receptor 4 IDA
PMID:16973131 PMID:21235323 PMID:22119168 rno:04620, RGD:1643119, RGD:5685014, RGD:7247704 NCBI chr 5:80,145,867...80,159,501
Ensembl chr 5:80,145,826...80,159,628
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G Tlr5 toll-like receptor 5 IDA
PMID:16973131 PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:1643119, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr13:94,634,778...94,658,992
Ensembl chr13:94,634,801...94,657,738
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G Tlr6 toll-like receptor 6 IDA
PMID:16973131 PMID:18353287 PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:1643119, RGD:5684896, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr14:43,362,164...43,374,500
Ensembl chr14:43,362,164...43,375,685
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G Tlr7 toll-like receptor 7 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr  X:27,027,380...27,054,309
Ensembl chr  X:27,027,425...27,054,754
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G Tlr8 toll-like receptor 8 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr  X:27,091,780...27,116,092
Ensembl chr  X:27,091,778...27,116,549
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G Tlr9 toll-like receptor 9 IDA
PMID:16973131 PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:1643119, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 8:106,864,680...106,868,796
Ensembl chr 8:106,864,680...106,868,796
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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G Tollip toll interacting protein IEA KEGG rno:04620 NCBI chr 1:196,961,585...196,984,252
Ensembl chr 1:196,950,771...196,983,625
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G Tradd TNFRSF1A-associated via death domain ISO RGD PMID:21235323 RGD:5685014 NCBI chr19:33,136,148...33,142,714
Ensembl chr19:33,136,138...33,142,638
JBrowse link
G Traf3 Tnf receptor-associated factor 3 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 6:130,199,696...130,307,168
Ensembl chr 6:130,206,484...130,305,481
JBrowse link
G Traf6 TNF receptor associated factor 6 ISO
PMID:21235323 rno:04620, RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 3:87,963,517...87,988,316
Ensembl chr 3:87,963,514...87,983,507
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G Ube2n ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N ISO RGD PMID:21235323 RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 7:30,154,330...30,184,373
Ensembl chr 7:30,154,616...30,184,355
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G Ube2v1 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 V1 ISO RGD PMID:21235323 RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 3:156,317,339...156,340,198
Ensembl chr 3:156,316,781...156,340,273
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G Unc93b1 unc-93 homolog B1, TLR signaling regulator ISO RGD PMID:21235323 RGD:5685014 NCBI chr 1:201,167,388...201,178,343
Ensembl chr 1:201,152,693...201,178,338
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Additional Elements in Pathway:

(includes Gene Groups, Small Molecules, Other Pathways..etc.)
Object TypePathway ObjectPathway Object Description
Small MoleculeTlr1, 2, 6 ligands
Small MoleculeTlr7, 8, 9 ligands
Functional ClassTab(s)Map3k7 binding proteins
Pathwaynuclear factor kappa B signaling pathwaynf-kappaB signaling plays essential roles in the proper functioning of the immune system
Pathwayc-Jun N-terminal kinases MAPK signaling pathwayone of the two stress activated MAPK cascades that responds to inflammatory cytokines and various stresses
Pathwayp38 MAPK signaling pathwayone of the two stress activated MAPK cascades that responds to inflammatory cytokines and various stresses

Pathway Gene Annotations

Disease Annotations Associated with Genes in the Toll-like receptor signaling pathway
Disease TermsGene Symbols
abdominal aortic aneurysmIl1b , Mapk8
abdominal obesity-metabolic syndrome 1Fadd , Tlr2
Aberrant Crypt FociFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Acanthamoeba KeratitisTlr4
acneTlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Acne ConglobataTlr4
acquired immunodeficiency syndromeIfna1 , Tnf
Acute Coronary SyndromeCd40 , Il6 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Acute Experimental PancreatitisTnf
Acute HepatitisIl6 , Tnf
acute kidney failureCcl3 , Ccl5 , Il1b , Il6 , Nfkb1 , Spp1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Acute Liver FailureCasp8 , Ccl3 , Ccl5 , Cd14 , Cxcl10 , Il6 , Mapk8 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Acute Lung InjuryAkt1 , Casp8 , Fadd , Il1b , Il6 , Irak3 , Tlr4 , Tnf
acute lymphoblastic leukemiaCasp8 , Cd86
acute myeloid leukemiaCd86 , Fadd , Il6
acute myocardial infarctionFos , Ikbkg , Il1b , Il6 , Tnf
acute myocarditisCd40
acute necrotizing pancreatitisIl1b , Il6 , Nfkbia , Rela , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9
Acute Otitis MediaMapk8
acute pancreatitisTlr4
acute promyelocytic leukemiaAkt1
Acute Tubulointerstitial NephritisTlr2 , Tlr4
Acute-On-Chronic Liver FailureCxcl10 , Tlr3 , Tlr4
Acute-Phase ReactionIl6
adenocarcinomaAkt1 , Akt2 , Casp8 , Ifna1 , Il1b , Nfkb1 , Pik3ca , Rela , Spp1 , Tnf
adenoid cystic carcinomaMap2k2 , Pik3ca
adenosine deaminase deficiencyCd40
Adenoviridae InfectionsNfkbia
adenylosuccinase lyase deficiencyTab1
adrenoleukodystrophyIkbkg , Irak1
adult respiratory distress syndromeCxcl10 , Il1b , Tlr3 , Tlr5 , Tlr9 , Tnf
adult T-cell leukemia/lymphomaCd80 , Cd86 , Ifna1 , Il6
agammaglobulinemia 7Pik3r1
Agenesis of Corpus CallosumPik3ca
Aggressive FibromatosisTnf
aggressive periodontitisIl6
Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome 3Fadd , Rela , Unc93b1
AIDS Dementia ComplexIl1b
AlbuminuriaIl1b , Il6 , Spp1 , Tnf
alcohol dependenceFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
alcohol use disorderFos , Mapk1 , Mapk14 , Mapk3 , Mapk8
alcohol withdrawal syndromeFos
Alcohol-Related DisordersCasp8 , Fos , Jun
alcoholic hepatitisAkt1 , Ccl3 , Ccl5 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Tnf
Alcoholic IntoxicationFos
alcoholic liver cirrhosisIl6 , Rela , Tlr9 , Tnf
Alcoholic Liver DiseasesAkt1 , Il1b , Il6 , Rela , Spp1 , Tlr3 , Tnf
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosisTlr9 , Tnf
allergic conjunctivitisCcl5 , Il1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9
allergic contact dermatitisCasp8 , Ccl5 , Spp1 , Tlr4 , Tlr7 , Tnf
allergic diseaseCcl3 , Cd14 , Cxcl9 , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k6 , Spp1 , Tnf
allergic rhinitisCd40 , Il1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9
alopecia areataCxcl10 , Cxcl9
Alport syndromeIl1b
Alveolar Bone LossCtsk , Il1b , Il6 , Tnf
alveolar echinococcosisTlr2
Alzheimer's diseaseAkt1 , Casp8 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Fadd , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk14 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3r1 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Amebic Liver AbscessTnf
amelanotic melanomaIfnb1
amnestic disorderIl6
amphetamine abuseAkt1 , Fos , Rela
amyotrophic lateral sclerosisAkt1 , Mapk14 , Tbk1 , Tnf
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 1Fos , Ifnar1 , Tnf
anaplastic large cell lymphomaRela
anemiaIl1b , Il6 , Myd88 , Tnf
AneurysmIl6 , Spp1
Angina PectorisSpp1
Animal Disease ModelsAkt1 , Fos , Il1b , Irak4 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Tnf
Animal HelminthiasisCd40
Animal Mammary NeoplasmsCd40 , Map2k6 , Pik3r1
Animal ToxoplasmosisCcl5 , Il6
Animal Viral HepatitisCd40
ankylosing spondylitisIl12b , Il6 , Irak1 , Tlr4 , Tlr5
anogenital venereal wartIfna1 , Il12b , Il6 , Mapk8 , Myd88 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tlr7 , Tlr8 , Tlr9 , Tnf
AnorexiaIl1b , Tnf
anterior uveitisCcl3 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
anthracosisIl1b , Tnf
anthrax diseaseIl1b , Tnf
anti-basement membrane glomerulonephritisCcl5 , Cd40 , Cd80 , Il1b , Mapk14 , Mapk8 , Spp1 , Tnf
Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated VasculitisTlr2 , Tnf
antiphospholipid syndromeCcl5
antisynthetase syndromeIl1b
anus benign neoplasmIfnb1
anxiety disorderFos , Tnf
aortic aneurysmSpp1
aortic dissectionSpp1
Aortic RemodelingIfnb1
aortic valve disease 1Il6
aortic valve stenosisTnf
aplastic anemiaCd86 , Tnf
Arenaviridae infectious diseaseMapk8
Arsenic PoisoningIl1b , Tnf
arteriosclerosisCcl5 , Il1b , Map3k7 , Mapk9 , Nfkbia , Rela , Tlr4
arteriovenous malformationPik3ca
arteriovenous malformations of the brainIl6
arthritisCd40 , Irf5 , Tlr4
asbestosisIl1b , Spp1 , Tnf
Ascorbic Acid DeficiencyIl6
aseptic meningitisIl6
aspergillosisTlr1 , Tlr2 , Tlr6
aspiration pneumoniaTnf
asthmaCcl5 , Cd14 , Cd40 , Cd80 , Cd86 , Chuk , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Il12a , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Irak3 , Irf3 , Myd88 , Tlr1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tlr6 , Tlr9 , Tnf
ataxia telangiectasiaIl6
ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 3Pik3r5
atherosclerosisAkt1 , Ccl3 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Il1b , Il6 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
atopic dermatitisCasp8 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk8 , Nfkbia , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
atrial fibrillationCd40 , Tlr2 , Tnf
Atrioventricular Septal Defect 2Irak2
atrophic gastritisIl1b , Nfkb1
autism spectrum disorderMap2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk11 , Mapk12 , Mapk3 , Tlr3
autistic disorderChuk , Ikbke , Ikbkg , Il6 , Irak1 , Mapk3 , Tab3 , Ticam2 , Tlr3 , Tlr7 , Tlr8 , Tnf
autoimmune diseaseCasp8 , Il6
autoimmune hemolytic anemiaTlr8
autoimmune hepatitisCcl5 , Il6 , Tnf
autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndromeCasp8
autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome type 2BCasp8
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, Type VCasp8
autoimmune myocarditisIfnb1
autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpuraCd40 , Cd86
autoimmune thyroiditisIl6 , Tlr3 , Tnf
Autoinflammation with Episodic Fever and LymphadenopathyRipk1
Autoinflammatory Disease, Familial, Behcet-Like-3Rela
autosomal dominant dyskeratosis congenita 6Tradd
autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder 31Cd14
autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder 48Rac1
autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder 7Ifnar1
autosomal dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2Irf5
autosomal dominant polycystic kidney diseaseCd14 , Fos , Spp1
autosomal hemophilia AIkbkg , Irak1
autosomal recessive polycystic kidney diseaseAkt1 , Cd14 , Pik3ca
B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaCd40 , Cd86 , Il1b , Il6 , Tnf
B-cell lymphomaCd40
background diabetic retinopathyMap3k8
BacteremiaTirap , Tlr4
Bacterial Eye InfectionsTlr2
Bacterial Infections and MycosesIrak4
bacterial infectious diseaseCasp8
Bacterial KeratitisLy96 , Myd88 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr5
bacterial pneumoniaCd14 , Cd40 , Cd80 , Chuk , Cxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9 , Ifnar1 , Il1b , Il6 , Irak3 , Irf3 , Mapk8 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr5 , Tlr6 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndromePik3ca
Bardet-Biedl syndromeAkt3 , Rela
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 16Akt3
Barrett's esophagusRela
Barth syndromeIkbkg , Irak1
Bartsocas-Papas Syndrome 2Chuk
basal cell carcinomaIl6 , Jun , Pik3ca
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromeIrf7 , Tollip
Behcet's diseaseIkbkg , Il1b , Il6 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tnf
benign hypertensive renal diseaseMap3k7
berylliosisIl6 , Tnf
beta thalassemiaIl6 , Tnf
Bile Duct NeoplasmsIl6
biliary atresiaCd14 , Spp1
biliary tract benign neoplasmIl6
bilirubin metabolic disorderTnf
Binge DrinkingFos
bipolar disorderAkt1
Bloch-Sulzberger syndromeIkbkg
Bloom syndromeMap2k1
bone development diseaseChuk
boutonneuse feverCxcl10 , Cxcl9
Brain AbscessTlr2
Brain ConcussionIl6
Brain ContusionCasp8 , Il1b , Tnf
Brain DeathMap2k4 , Map2k6
brain diseaseIfnb1 , Tab2
brain edemaMap3k7 , Tnf
brain gliomaFadd
Brain Hypoxia-IschemiaCasp8 , Fadd , Fos , Il1b , Il6 , Irak1 , Irak4 , Map3k7 , Tlr2
brain infarctionCxcl10 , Il1b , Tnf
Brain InjuriesAkt1 , Casp8 , Cd14 , Cd40 , Cxcl10 , Fos , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Map3k7 , Rela , Stat1 , Ticam2 , Tlr1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
brain ischemiaAkt1 , Ccl3 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Il6 , Irak1 , Irak4 , Jun , Map2k1 , Map3k7 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
Brain NeoplasmsPik3ca , Rela , Spp1
Brain-Lung-Thyroid SyndromeNfkbia
breast adenocarcinomaAkt1 , Pik3ca , Tnf
breast angiosarcomaPik3ca
breast cancerAkt1 , Casp8 , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Map2k1 , Map2k2 , Map2k3 , Map2k7 , Map3k8 , Mapk1 , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Pik3ca , Rac1 , Stat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Breast Cancer, FamilialAkt1 , Casp8 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3
breast carcinomaMyd88 , Pik3ca , Stat1
Breast NeoplasmsAkt1 , Akt2 , Casp8 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Cxcl9 , Fos , Ifnb1 , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Map2k4 , Map2k7 , Nfkbia , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Rela , Spp1 , Tnf
Bronchial HyperreactivityCd14 , Il1b , Tlr4 , Tnf
bronchiectasisIl1b , Stat1 , Tnf
bronchiolitisCd40 , Cd86 , Il1b
bronchiolitis obliteransCcl5 , Cd86 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9 , Il6 , Tlr9
bronchopulmonary dysplasiaCasp8 , Il1b , Nfkbia , Tnf
Brugada syndromeMyd88
Burkitt lymphomaCd40 , Pik3r1
BurnsCd14 , Cd86 , Il1b , Il6 , Lbp , Tnf
CachexiaIl1b , Il6 , Map3k7 , Myd88 , Tnf
Cadmium PoisoningIl6
Calcification of Aortic ValveAkt1
calcinosisIl1b , Spp1 , Tnf
cannabis abuseAkt1
capillary hemangiomaAkt3
Capillary Malformation-Arteriovenous Malformation 1Pik3ca
Carbon Tetrachloride PoisoningFadd
CarcinogenesisAkt1 , Map3k8
carcinomaLy96 , Pik3r1 , Tlr4
Carcinoma, Lewis LungIrak3 , Mapk14 , Myd88
cardiac arrestAkt1 , Ccl5 , Tnf
Cardiac ArrhythmiasMap2k4
Cardiac FibrosisMap3k7 , Nfkbia
cardiofaciocutaneous syndromeMap2k1 , Map2k2
cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 1Map2k1 , Map2k2
cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 3Map2k1
cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 4Map2k2
CardiomegalyAkt1 , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k6 , Map3k7 , Mapk1 , Mapk8 , Rac1 , Rela , Spp1 , Tnf
cardiomyopathyAkt1 , Il1b , Il6 , Irak1 , Mapk1 , Mapk11 , Mapk14 , Mapk3 , Tab2 , Tlr2 , Tnf
CardiotoxicityIl1b , Rac1 , Tlr2 , Tnf
Cardiovascular AbnormalitiesMap2k1 , Pik3ca
Cardiovascular Pregnancy ComplicationsIl6 , Tnf
cardiovascular system diseaseCxcl10 , Tlr9
Cardiovirus InfectionsIfnar1 , Tnf
carotid artery diseaseCd14 , Tlr4
carotid artery thrombosisTlr2
Carotid AtherosclerosisIfnb1
carotid stenosisCxcl9 , Spp1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4
Carpenter Syndrome 2Akt2
Carrington SyndromeCxcl10 , Cxcl9
Castleman diseaseIl6
cataract 5 multiple typesTradd
CD40 ligand deficiencyCd40
celiac diseaseCd14 , Cd80 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9 , Il6
central nervous system diseaseIl6
central nervous system lymphomaMyd88
Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 4Pik3ca
cerebral creatine deficiency syndrome 1Ikbkg , Irak1
Cerebral HemorrhageCasp8 , Cd14 , Ifnb1 , Il1b , Il6 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Rela , Spp1 , Tnf
cerebral infarctionCcl3 , Ifnb1 , Il1b , Il6 , Tnf
Cerebral ToxoplasmosisNfkb1
cerebrovascular diseaseCxcl10
cervical cancerIl1b , Map2k3 , Map2k6 , Tnf
cervical squamous cell carcinomaFos
cervix uteri carcinoma in situIl1b , Rela , Tlr9
Chagas diseaseCcl3 , Ccl5
Chanarin-Dorfman syndromeIrf7
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease axonal type 2KLy96
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease axonal type 2OAkt1 , Traf3
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease dominant intermediate CPik3r3
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2Pik3cd
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4ALy96
Chemical and Drug Induced Liver InjuryCasp8 , Cxcl10 , Fadd , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Irak1 , Lbp , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Spp1 , Tlr4 , Tlr5 , Tlr9 , Tnf , Unc93b1
Chemical BurnsIl1b , Il6
Chemically-Induced DisordersIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
childhood pilocytic astrocytomaMapk1
Childhood SchizophreniaRela
childhood-onset asthmaNfkbia
chlamydiaCd40 , Tnf
Chlamydia pneumoniaPik3cd
cholangiocarcinomaIl1b , Il6
cholestasisCd14 , Cxcl10 , Il6 , Ly96 , Mapk13 , Mapk14 , Rela , Tlr2 , Tnf
cholesteatomaIl1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4
cholesteatoma of middle earIl6 , Rela , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
chorioamnionitisIl6 , Tnf
Choroidal NeovascularizationIkbkb , Tlr2
chromosome 11 partial duplication syndromeTirap
chromosome 16p11.2 deletion syndrome, 593-kbMapk3
chromosome 16p11.2 duplication syndromeMapk3
Chromosome 16q12 Duplication SyndromeTradd
chromosome 17q12 deletion syndromeCcl3
chromosome 1p36 deletion syndromePik3cd
chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, distalMapk1
chromosome 22q13 duplication syndromeMapk11 , Mapk12
Chromosome Xq28 Duplication SyndromeIrak1
Chronic Allograft DysfunctionCd40 , Tnf
Chronic Allograft NephropathyCcl3
Chronic Cerebral HypoperfusionMapk14
Chronic Experimental PancreatitisIl1b
chronic fatigue syndromeCxcl9
chronic granulomatous diseaseTlr5 , Tlr9
Chronic Hepatitis BCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Ifna2 , Il12a , Il12b , Nfkbia , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tlr9
Chronic Hepatitis CCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Ifna2 , Il12b , Il6 , Nfkb1 , Spp1 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathyCcl5
Chronic Intermittent HypoxiaFadd , Il1b , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
chronic kidney diseaseIl1b , Map3k7 , Tlr9
chronic lymphocytic leukemiaCd86
chronic mucocutaneous candidiasisMapk8 , Stat1
chronic myeloid leukemiaAkt1 , Cd40 , Il1b , Mapk14
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCasp8 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Cd80 , Cd86 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9 , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Map2k4 , Map3k7 , Mapk8 , Rela , Tab2 , Tlr4 , Tnf , Tollip
Chronic PainTlr2 , Tlr4
Chronic PeriodontitisTlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tlr9
chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegiaIl1b
Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis 2, with periostitis and pustulosisNfkbia
cicatricial pemphigoidTnf
CLAPO SyndromePik3ca
clear cell renal cell carcinomaMap3k8
cleft palateChuk
CLOVES syndromePik3ca , Pik3r1
cocaine abuseCcl5 , Fos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
cocaine dependenceFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Cocaine-Related DisordersFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
cochlear diseaseIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
Cockayne syndrome BMapk8
cognitive disorderIrak1 , Mapk14
Cognitive DysfunctionIl1b , Stat1
colitisCd40 , Chuk , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Rela , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Colitis-Associated NeoplasmsMapk14 , Myd88
colon adenocarcinomaMap2k7 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myd88 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3 , Rac1 , Stat1
colon adenomaRac1
colon cancerAkt1 , Akt3 , Ccl3 , Chuk , Ikbkb , Map2k3 , Map2k7 , Mapk1 , Mapk14 , Myd88 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r5
colon carcinomaAkt1 , Cxcl10 , Myd88 , Pik3ca , Tlr3
Colonic NeoplasmsCcl3 , Cxcl10 , Fos , Il1b , Jun , Map2k6 , Mapk8 , Nfkb1 , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Rela , Tnf
Colonic PolypsMyd88
colorectal adenocarcinomaFos , Jun , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Myd88 , Rac1
colorectal adenomaFos , Jun , Map2k4 , Mapk8 , Myd88
colorectal cancerAkt1 , Akt2 , Ikbkg , Il6 , Map2k1 , Map2k2 , Map2k4 , Map3k8 , Mapk14 , Mapk9 , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Rac1 , Tlr2
Colorectal Cancer 10Myd88
colorectal carcinomaIl6 , Mapk14 , Myd88 , Pik3ca , Rac1
Colorectal NeoplasmsAkt1 , Casp8 , Fos , Ifna1 , Ly96 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
combined immunodeficiencyStat1
combined T cell and B cell immunodeficiencyStat1
common coldCxcl10 , Ifna2 , Il1b
common variable immunodeficiencyIkbkg , Nfkb1
common variable immunodeficiency 1Casp8
common variable immunodeficiency 12Nfkb1
complex cortical dysplasia with other brain malformationsAkt3 , Pik3ca
congenital diaphragmatic herniaTnf
congenital disorder of glycosylation IgMapk11 , Mapk12
congenital disorder of glycosylation InTlr9
congenital dyserythropoietic anemiaIrak4
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple TypesTab2
Congenital Heart Defects, Multiple Types, 2Tab2
congenital heart diseaseMapk1 , Tab2
congenital hypoplastic anemiaAkt2
congenital hypothyroidismFos
Congenital Limb DeformitiesChuk
congenital nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia 1Ikbkg
congestive heart failureFos , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k1 , Map2k7 , Map3k7 , Mapk10 , Rac1 , Tlr2 , Tnf
conjunctival diseaseIl6
contact dermatitisCasp8 , Cd86 , Tlr4 , Tlr8
Contrast-Induced NephropathyIl1b , Mapk8
Cor pulmonaleTnf
corneal diseaseCd86
corneal ulcerIl6 , Tnf
coronary artery diseaseAkt1 , Cd14 , Il1b , Il6 , Irak1 , Map3k7 , Spp1 , Tlr4 , Tnf , Traf6
Coronary DiseaseCd14 , Ikbkg , Il1b
coronary restenosisCxcl10 , Mapk1 , Spp1 , Tnf
Coronavirus infectious diseaseCcl3 , Cxcl10 , Ifnb1 , Il6 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myd88 , Ticam2 , Tnf
coronin-1A deficiencyMapk3
Costello syndromeIrf7 , Map2k1 , Map2k2
CoughTlr2 , Tnf
COVID-19Akt3 , Ccl3 , Ccl5 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9 , Ifnar1 , Ifnb1 , Il1b , Il6 , Irf5 , Irf7 , Jun , Nfkbia , Stat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr7 , Tnf
Cowden syndromePik3ca
Cowden syndrome 5Pik3ca
Cowden syndrome 6Akt1
Coxsackievirus InfectionsIl6 , Tnf
Craniofacial AbnormalitiesFadd
craniosynostosis 1Akt2
crescentic glomerulonephritisCcl3 , Cd40 , Il1b , Tlr9
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic feverIfna1
Crohn's diseaseCd40 , Il12b , Il6 , Rela , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
cryoglobulinemiaCd86 , Cxcl10 , Tnf
cryptococcosisCd40 , Cd86
cryptorchidismNfkbia , Rela
Currarino syndromePik3ca
cutaneous leishmaniasisIl1b , Pik3cd , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
cutaneous lupus erythematosusCd40
cutaneous Paget's diseasePik3ca
cystic echinococcosisTlr2 , Tlr4
cystic fibrosisCd14 , Cxcl9 , Il1b , Il6 , Tlr4 , Tlr5 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Cystic, Mucinous, and Serous NeoplasmsSpp1
cystitisIl1b , Rela , Tlr5 , Tnf
Cytomegalovirus InfectionsCcl3 , Ccl5 , Cxcl10 , Nfkbia , Stat1 , Tnf
cytomegalovirus retinitisTnf
degenerative disc diseaseFos , Tnf
Delayed HypersensitivityCd40
delta beta-thalassemiaIrf7 , Tollip
demyelinating diseaseCd80 , Mapk1 , Tnf
dengue diseaseMapk8
dental cariesIl1b
Dental Pulp ExposureCd86
depressive disorderFadd , Fos , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Mapk1 , Nfkb1
dermatitisIkbkb , Tnf
dermatitis herpetiformisTnf
dermatomyositisCd40 , Il1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
developmental and epileptic encephalopathyIrf7 , Pik3r3 , Tollip
developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 12Irf3
developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 54Akt3
Developmental DisabilitiesAkt3 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r2 , Rac1
Developmental DiseaseRac1
diabetes mellitusCcl5 , Il6 , Rac1 , Tlr4
diabetic angiopathyRela , Tnf
Diabetic CardiomyopathiesAkt1 , Casp8 , Map3k7 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Spp1 , Tnf
Diabetic EmbryopathyFadd
Diabetic FootTlr4
Diabetic NephropathiesCasp8 , Ccl5 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk1 , Mapk14 , Rela , Spp1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
diabetic neuropathyCcl5 , Il1b , Mapk14 , Tlr4 , Tnf
diabetic retinopathyAkt1 , Ccl5 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Il6 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Diamond-Blackfan anemiaAkt2
diaphragmatic eventrationPik3ca
Diaphragmatic HerniaIl6 , Tnf
diarrheaCd14 , Myd88 , Nfkbia
Diarrhea 9Stat1
diffuse large B-cell lymphomaCd40 , Myd88 , Nfkbia , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd
diffuse sclerodermaIl6 , Irak1 , Tlr2
DiGeorge syndromeMapk1
dilated cardiomyopathyCasp8 , Cd40 , Map3k7 , Mapk3 , Rac1 , Tab2 , Tnf
dilated cardiomyopathy 1HTnf
Discoid Lupus ErythematosusCd40
disease by infectious agentTnf
disease of cellular proliferationIl1b , Spp1
Disease ProgressionIl1b , Pik3ca , Rela , Stat1 , Tnf
disseminated intravascular coagulationIl6 , Tnf
Down syndromePik3ca
drug allergyTnf
Drug EruptionsRela , Tnf
Drug Hypersensitivity SyndromeIl1b , Lbp
Drug-Induced AgranulocytosisIl1b
Drug-Induced DyskinesiaRela
Drug-Induced Immune ThrombocytopeniaIl1b
Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse ReactionsIl6 , Mapk14 , Spp1 , Tlr1 , Tlr2 , Tnf
dry eye syndromeIl1b , Il6 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Duchenne muscular dystrophyTab3
ductal carcinoma in situRela
DwarfismMap2k2 , Mapk1 , Stat1 , Tirap
dyskeratosis congenitaIkbkg , Irak1
Eales DiseaseIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
early infantile epileptic encephalopathyIrf7 , Pik3r3 , Tollip
ectodermal dysplasia and immune deficiencyIkbkg
ectodermal dysplasia and immunodeficiency 1Ikbkg
ectodermal dysplasia and immunodeficiency 2Nfkbia
EczemaCd14 , Cd80
EdemaCasp8 , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k6 , Tnf
Ehrlich tumor carcinomaCd40
Electric BurnsIrf5
Embryo LossMap3k7 , Tab2 , Ube2n
Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophyIkbkg , Irak1
encephalitisCxcl10 , Il1b , Nfkbia , Rela , Tnf
encephalomyelitisSpp1 , Tnf
end stage renal diseaseCcl3 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Il1b , Il6 , Nfkb1 , Rela , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
endocrine system diseaseRela
endometrial adenocarcinomaJun , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3r1
endometrial cancerAkt2 , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1
endometrial carcinomaJun , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
Endometrial NeoplasmsMapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb
Endometrioid CarcinomasMapk1 , Mapk3 , Spp1
endometriosisCcl5 , Cxcl9 , Fos , Il1b , Mapk8 , Nfkbia , Tnf
endophthalmitisIl1b , Tlr2 , Tnf
EndotoxemiaAkt1 , Ccl5 , Cd14 , Cd40 , Il1b , Il6 , Irak3 , Lbp , Mapk14 , Mapk8 , Nfkbia , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
EntamoebiasisIl1b , Il6 , Nfkb1 , Tlr4
EosinophiliaMyd88 , Tlr2 , Tlr4
epidermal nevusPik3ca
epididymitisIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
epilepsyAkt1 , Casp8 , Fos , Il1b , Il6 , Pik3r2 , Rela , Ripk1 , Tnf
Episodic Kinesigenic DyskinesiaMapk3
episodic kinesigenic dyskinesia 1Mapk3
erythema multiformeCd40
erythema nodosumTnf
Escherichia Coli InfectionsIrak3 , Tnf
Escherichia Coli MeningitisTlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr7
esophageal cancerAkt1 , Il1b , Myd88 , Pik3ca
esophageal carcinomaAkt1 , Map2k7 , Pik3ca
Esophageal NeoplasmsCasp8
esophagus adenocarcinomaCasp8 , Pik3ca , Tlr4
esophagus squamous cell carcinomaAkt1 , Casp8
essential hypertensionIl1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
estrogen-receptor positive breast cancerPik3ca
eumycotic mycetomaTlr2 , Tlr4
exercise-induced bronchoconstrictionCcl5
exfoliation syndromeTlr4
Experimental Allergic AsthmaCd86
Experimental ArthritisAkt1 , Ccl3 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Cd80 , Ctsk , Fos , Ikbkb , Ikbkg , Il1b , Il6 , Myd88 , Pik3cd , Stat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tnf
Experimental Autoimmune EncephalomyelitisCasp8 , Ccl3 , Ccl5 , Cd80 , Cd86 , Ifnb1 , Il12a , Il12b , Il6 , Stat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia GravisCxcl10 , Cxcl9
Experimental Autoimmune MyocarditisCasp8 , Cd40 , Il6
Experimental Autoimmune NeuritisCd14 , Cd40 , Ifnb1 , Il1b , Spp1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Experimental Autoimmune UveitisTlr4
Experimental ColitisAkt1 , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myd88 , Nfkbia , Rela , Tnf
Experimental Diabetes MellitusAkt1 , Casp8 , Cd80 , Cd86 , Cxcl10 , Ifnar1 , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k3 , Map2k6 , Map3k8 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Nfkbia , Pik3r1 , Rela , Spp1 , Stat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Experimental Liver CirrhosisAkt1 , Ccl5 , Cd86 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Fos , Ifna1 , Ikbkg , Il1b , Il6 , Lbp , Ly96 , Map3k8 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Nfkbia , Rela , Spp1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tnf , Unc93b1
Experimental Liver NeoplasmsCxcl9 , Ikbkg , Il6 , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Spp1 , Tnf
Experimental Mammary NeoplasmsAkt1 , Akt2 , Casp8 , Cd40 , Map2k3 , Map2k7 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3r1 , Rela , Spp1 , Stat1 , Tnf
Experimental MelanomaIfnb1 , Ikbkb , Il1b
Experimental NeoplasmsIfnb1 , Il12a , Il12b , Rela , Spp1 , Tnf
Experimental PancreatitisIkbkg
Experimental Radiation InjuriesCasp8 , Il1b , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Tnf
Experimental SeizuresCcl5 , Il1b , Spp1 , Tnf
extrahepatic bile duct adenocarcinomaRac1
extrahepatic cholestasisFos , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Map3k7 , Mapk1 , Mapk14 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Myd88 , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
extrinsic allergic alveolitisCcl5 , Cd86 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9 , Il1b , Tlr6 , Tnf
Eye BurnsIl1b
eye diseaseIl1b , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Facial AsymmetryPik3ca
factor VIII deficiencyIkbkg , Irak1
Failure to ThriveStat1
familial adenomatous polyposisAkt1
familial adenomatous polyposis 1Cd14 , Ticam2
familial adult myoclonic epilepsy 5Ikbke
familial erythrocytosis 2Irak2
familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 5Map2k7
familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemiaCd86
familial Mediterranean feverIl1b , Il6 , Tlr4
familial multiple nevi flammeiPik3ca
familial partial lipodystrophyAkt2
Familial Platelet Disorder with Associated Myeloid MalignancyIfnar1
Familial Prostate CancerCasp8 , Map2k1
Fanconi anemiaTnf
farmer's lungIl12b , Tnf
favismIkbkg , Irak1
Febrile SeizuresIl1b
Female InfertilityMapk1 , Mapk3
Femoral FracturesIl6
fetal alcohol spectrum disorderTlr4
Fetal DiseasesChuk
fetal encasement syndromeChuk
Fetal Growth RetardationFos
Fetal Inflammatory Response SyndromeIl6
FeverCcl5 , Il1b , Il6 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tnf
FibrosisAkt1 , Il1b , Map2k7 , Spp1 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Fibrous Dysplasia of BoneFos
focal epilepsyCd40 , Lbp
focal segmental glomerulosclerosisCcl3 , Il1b , Spp1 , Tnf
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 5Akt1
follicular lymphomaCd40 , Myd88
Foot InjuriesIl6
Foot UlcerCxcl10
Foreign-Body ReactionSpp1
Forney Robinson Pascoe SyndromeMap3k7
frontometaphyseal dysplasiaIrak1 , Map3k7
frontometaphyseal dysplasia 2Map3k7
frontotemporal dementia and/or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 4Tbk1
functional diarrheaFos
Fungal Eye InfectionsTlr2 , Tlr4
Fungal KeratitisTlr4
Fungal Lung DiseasesTnf
gallbladder cancerPik3ca
gallbladder carcinomaRac1
Gallbladder NeoplasmsIl1b
gastric adenocarcinomaIl1b , Il6 , Map2k4 , Mapk14 , Pik3ca , Rac1 , Stat1
gastric dilatationIl1b , Il6
gastric ulcerFos , Il1b , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Tnf
gastritisNfkbia , Tnf
Gastro-Enteropancreatic Neuroendocrine TumorCd86
gastroesophageal reflux diseaseTlr2
Gastrointestinal NeoplasmsPik3ca
gastrointestinal stromal tumorAkt3 , Ctsk , Ikbke , Tlr5
Gaucher's diseaseTnf
Generalized EpilepsyMapk10
genetic diseaseAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Casp8 , Cd40 , Chuk , Ctsk , Fadd , Ikbkb , Ikbkg , Il12b , Irak4 , Map2k1 , Map3k7 , Mapk1 , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Pik3ca , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Rac1 , Ripk1 , Stat1 , Tab2 , Tbk1
Genetic Predisposition to DiseaseIl1b
genital herpesCcl5 , Ifnar1
gestational diabetesIl6
Glandular and Epithelial NeoplasmsIrak3
glaucomaJun , Tnf
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, PTbk1
glioblastomaAkt1 , Akt3 , Ctsk , Il1b , Map2k2 , Map2k3 , Nfkbia , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd
GliosisMapk1 , Mapk3
glomerulonephritisCcl3 , Ccl5 , Fos , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk1 , Spp1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
glomerulosclerosisIl1b , Spp1
glucose intoleranceCcl5 , Ikbkb , Pik3r1 , Tlr4
glucosephosphate dehydrogenase deficiencyIkbkg , Il6
glycogen storage disease IIPik3ca
glycogen storage disease VRela
Glycogen Storage Disease XIIMapk3
goutCd14 , Il1b
graft-versus-host diseaseCd40 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9
Gram-Negative Bacterial InfectionsIl1b
Gram-Positive Bacterial InfectionsTlr2
Granuloma, Foreign-BodyTlr9
Graves ophthalmopathyTnf
Graves' diseaseCd40 , Il1b , Il6 , Tnf
Growth DisordersPik3ca
Guillain-Barre syndromeCd86
Haemophilus InfectionsIrak3
hairy cell leukemiaMap2k1
Hashimoto DiseaseCd40 , Il6
Head and Neck NeoplasmsMapk1 , Mapk3
head and neck squamous cell carcinomaAkt1 , Casp8 , Pik3ca
Hearing LossStat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Hearing Loss, Noise-InducedIl6 , Tnf
heart diseaseCasp8 , Mapk14 , Spp1
Heart InjuriesIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
heart valve diseaseIl1b , Spp1 , Tnf
Heat Stress DisordersIl6
Heat StrokeFos , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Nfkb1 , Rela , Tnf
Helicobacter InfectionsIl1b , Il6 , Mapk8 , Myd88
Hemifacial MyohyperplasiaPik3ca
Hemifacial SpasmIl6
hemolytic-uremic syndromeCcl3 , Fos , Il1b , Il6 , Tnf
Hemorrhagic ShockCasp8 , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk1 , Nfkbia , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
Henoch-Schoenlein purpuraCd86
hepatic encephalopathyTnf
Hepatic InsufficiencyMapk14 , Rela
hepatitisIkbkg , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Spp1 , Tnf
hepatitis ATnf
hepatitis BCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Ifna1 , Ifna2 , Ifnb1 , Il6 , Myd88 , Nfkbia , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr9 , Tnf
hepatitis CCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Ifnar1 , Il12a , Il1b , Il6 , Irf5 , Nfkbia , Stat1 , Tlr3 , Tlr7 , Tlr8 , Tlr9
hepatocellular adenomaMap3k8
hepatocellular carcinomaAkt1 , Akt2 , Casp8 , Ccl3 , Ccl5 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Fos , Ifna1 , Ikbkg , Il12a , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Map2k2 , Map2k4 , Map3k8 , Mapk1 , Mapk14 , Mapk8 , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Rac1 , Spp1 , Stat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tlr7 , Tlr9 , Tnf
HepatomegalyAkt1 , Mapk14 , Rela
hepatopulmonary syndromeTnf
hepatorenal syndromeTlr4 , Tnf
hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndromeRipk1
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasiaTnf
Hereditary Neoplastic SyndromesAkt1 , Cd14 , Pik3ca , Ticam2
hereditary spastic paraplegia 8Tbk1
Hermansky-Pudlak syndromeCcl5
heroin dependenceAkt1
herpes simplexIrf5
Herpes Simplex EncephalitisIrf3 , Ticam1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Traf3 , Unc93b1
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis 1Tbk1 , Tlr3 , Unc93b1
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis 3Akt1 , Traf3
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis 4Ticam1
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis 7Irf3
herpes simplex virus keratitisIfnb1 , Il1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
herpes zosterTnf
Herpesviridae InfectionsCcl5
hidradenitis suppurativaTnf
high grade gliomaAkt2 , Cd40 , Cd80 , Il12a , Il12b , Map2k1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3 , Spp1 , Tnf , Traf3
High MyopiaNfkb1
High-Frequency Hearing LossTnf
Hirschsprung's diseaseCd14 , Ikbkb , Irak3
HIV Wasting SyndromeIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
Hodgkin's lymphomaCd40 , Il6 , Jun , Mapk1 , Nfkbia
holoprosencephaly 11Tirap
human immunodeficiency virus infectious diseaseCcl3 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Cxcl10 , Il6 , Tlr3 , Tnf
Human InfluenzaCcl5 , Cd14 , Cd40 , Cd80 , Cd86 , Cxcl10 , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Irf7 , Stat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tnf
Huntington's diseaseCasp8 , Il6 , Nfkb1
hyper IgM syndromeCd40
HyperalgesiaCcl5 , Fos , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k3 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
hypercalcemiaIl6 , Tnf
HypercholesterolemiaCd40 , Il1b
hyperglycemiaCasp8 , Cd40 , Il1b , Il6
Hyperglycinemia, Lactic Acidosis, and SeizuresTlr1 , Tlr6
hyperhomocysteinemiaIl1b , Tnf
hyperimmunoglobulin syndromeCd40
hyperinsulinismCd40 , Il6 , Tnf
HyperoxaluriaCcl5 , Il6 , Nfkb1
HyperoxiaFadd , Il6 , Irak4 , Tnf
HyperplasiaAkt1 , Ikbkb , Pik3ca
hypertensionAkt1 , Akt2 , Casp8 , Ccl5 , Cd14 , Fadd , Fos , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Mapk8 , Myd88 , Nfkbia , Pik3r1 , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
hypertrophic cardiomyopathyMap2k2 , Map3k7 , Traf6
HypertrophyMapk1 , Mapk3
hypochromic microcytic anemiaTnf
hypoglycemiaAkt2 , Il1b , Pik3r1 , Tnf
hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasiaTraf6
hypoinsulinemic hypoglycemia with hemihypertrophyAkt2
Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis, Type 1Ikbke
hypomelanosis of ItoIkbkg
hypomyelinating leukodystrophy 5Il6
HypotensionIl1b , Il6 , Map2k2 , Tnf
HypothermiaCxcl10 , Il12a , Il12b , Tnf
idiopathic interstitial pneumoniaIl6
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosisAkt1 , Tnf , Tollip
IgA glomerulonephritisCd14 , Il1b , Tlr1 , Tlr9 , Tnf
ileitisCd80 , Tlr2 , Tlr4
Imerslund-Grasbeck SyndromeTraf3
Immediate HypersensitivityCcl5
Immunodeficiency 106Ifnar1
Immunodeficiency 127Tnf
immunodeficiency 14Pik3cd , Pik3r1
immunodeficiency 15AIkbkb
immunodeficiency 15BIkbkb
immunodeficiency 28Ifnar1
immunodeficiency 29Il12b
immunodeficiency 31AStat1
immunodeficiency 31BStat1
immunodeficiency 31CStat1
immunodeficiency 33Ikbkg , Irak1
immunodeficiency 36Pik3r1
immunodeficiency 39Irf7 , Tollip
immunodeficiency 42Ctsk
immunodeficiency 57Ripk1
Immunodeficiency 67Irak4 , Tirap
Immunodeficiency 68Myd88
Immunodeficiency 83Tlr3
Immunodeficiency 98 with Autoinflammation, X-LinkedTlr8
immunodeficiency with hyper IgM type 3Cd40
impotenceAkt1 , Il6 , Tnf
in situ carcinomaAkt1
inclusion body myopathy with Paget disease of bone and frontotemporal dementiaTnf
Infectious EctromeliaMapk8
infective endocarditisTlr6
InflammationAkt1 , Ccl3 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Chuk , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Irf7 , Myd88 , Spp1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr6 , Tlr9 , Tnf
inflammatory bowel diseaseIkbkb , Il6 , Tnf
inflammatory bowel disease 14Irf5
influenza AMap3k8 , Mapk8
inguinal herniaIrak1
Inhalant AbuseFos
inhalation anthraxCxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9
Insulin ResistanceAkt2 , Casp8 , Cd40 , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk3 , Pik3r1 , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
intellectual disabilityFadd , Fos , Mapk1 , Mapk11 , Mapk12 , Pik3r2 , Rela , Traf6 , Unc93b1
intermediate coronary syndromeAkt1
intermediate uveitisTnf
interstitial cystitisCxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9 , Mapk14 , Tnf
interstitial lung diseaseCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Tlr9
interstitial lung disease 2Tollip
Intervertebral Disc DisplacementAkt1 , Tnf
Intestinal HelminthiasisNfkb1
Intestinal NeoplasmsMap3k8 , Mapk8
Intestinal PolypsJun , Map3k8 , Myd88
Intestinal Reperfusion InjuryCd14 , Il6 , Lbp , Nfkbia , Rela , Tnf , Traf6
Intimal HyperplasiaMapk1
intracranial aneurysmCtsk , Il6 , Tnf
Intracranial HemorrhagesIl6 , Tnf
intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancyTnf
Intraventricular HemorrhageIl6
intrinsic cardiomyopathyTraf6
invasive aspergillosisTlr2 , Tlr4
invasive ductal carcinomaAkt1 , Ccl5 , Map2k4
Invasive Pulmonary AspergillosisIl1b
iron deficiency anemiaIl6 , Tnf
irritable bowel syndromeFos , Ikbkg
ischemiaAkt2 , Cxcl10 , Il6 , Mapk9
Jacobsen SyndromeTirap
Joubert syndrome 1Tlr7 , Tlr8
Juberg Hayward SyndromeIrak1
juvenile rheumatoid arthritisCd14 , Fos , Il6 , Jun , Mapk1
Kaposi's sarcomaIl6
Kawasaki diseaseCd40 , Il1b , Tlr4 , Tnf
Kearns-Sayre syndromeIl1b
keratitisIl6 , Tlr2 , Tlr4
keratoconjunctivitis siccaIl6 , Tnf
Kidney CalculiSpp1
kidney diseaseCasp8 , Ccl5 , Mapk1 , Spp1 , Tnf
kidney failureCd80 , Il1b , Spp1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4
Kidney NeoplasmsAkt1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Kidney Reperfusion InjuryCd14 , Cd40 , Fos , Ikbkb , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Klebsiella InfectionsIl6 , Tlr9
Klebsiella pneumoniaIrak3
Klippel-Trenaunay syndromePik3ca
Kuhnt-Junius degenerationIl6 , Mapk8 , Tlr2 , Tlr3
laryngeal carcinomaTraf6
Laryngeal NeoplasmsSpp1
laryngeal squamous cell carcinomaMap2k4 , Rela
larynx cancerMap2k7
latent autoimmune diabetes in adultsTab2
learning disabilityIkbkg , Il1b , Il6 , Tlr4
Leber hereditary optic neuropathyIl1b
Left Ventricular HypertrophyMapk1 , Rac1 , Rela
Legionnaires' diseaseTlr5 , Tlr9
leishmaniasisIl6 , Tnf
Lennox-Gastaut syndromeMapk10
Lentivirus InfectionsIrak1
leprosyTlr1 , Tlr2 , Tlr6 , Tnf
leptospirosisIl1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4
lichen diseaseIl6
lichen planusCd40 , Ripk1
listeriosisPik3cd , Tnf
Liver AbscessStat1
liver benign neoplasmMap2k3
liver cancerChuk , Ikbkb , Ikbkg , Mapk14 , Pik3ca
liver cirrhosisCasp8 , Ccl5 , Cd14 , Cxcl10 , Ifna1 , Il1b , Il6 , Irf5 , Lbp , Mapk14 , Rela , Spp1 , Stat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tnf , Unc93b1
liver diseaseCd86 , Nfkb1 , Rac1 , Tnf
Liver InjuryIl6 , Myd88 , Tlr4 , Tlr9
Liver MetastasisCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Map2k7
Liver NeoplasmsIfna1 , Il12a , Il12b , Jun , Mapk14 , Tnf
Liver Reperfusion InjuryCasp8 , Ccl5 , Cd14 , Cd40 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Fadd , Ikbkg , Il1b , Il6 , Lbp , Map3k7 , Mapk8 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf , Tradd
localized sclerodermaTnf
low tension glaucomaTlr4 , Tnf
lung adenocarcinomaIrak3 , Map2k1 , Map2k4 , Map2k7 , Map3k8 , Mapk14 , Myd88 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Rac1 , Tlr4
lung cancerCasp8 , Map2k4 , Map3k8 , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Pik3ca , Rac1
lung carcinomaMap2k7 , Pik3ca
lung diseaseCcl5 , Cd14 , Il1b , Il6 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Lung InjuryCcl3 , Il6 , Nfkbia , Tlr4 , Tnf
lung metastasisMap3k8
Lung NeoplasmsAkt1 , Casp8 , Fos , Ikbkg , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Map2k3 , Map2k7 , Map3k8 , Mapk1 , Mapk14 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Spp1 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
lung non-small cell carcinomaAkt1 , Akt3 , Casp8 , Il1b , Map2k1 , Map2k2 , Map2k4 , Map2k7 , Map3k8 , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Pik3ca , Rela , Spp1 , Tab2 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Lung Reperfusion InjuryIl1b , Il6 , Tlr4 , Tnf
lung small cell carcinomaPik3ca , Pik3r1
lung squamous cell carcinomaMap2k1 , Map2k7 , Pik3ca
lupus nephritisCcl3 , Cd40 , Il1b , Stat1 , Tlr7 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Lyme NeuroborreliosisCd40 , Il1b
Lymphatic MetastasisCd40 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Rela , Tlr4
lymphocytic choriomeningitisIfnar1 , Irf7 , Nfkb1 , Stat1
lymphopeniaIl1b , Tnf
lymphoplasmacytic lymphomaIl6 , Myd88
MacrocephalyAkt3 , Pik3ca
macular degenerationTlr4
macular retinal edemaIl6
major depressive disorderIl6
malariaCd40 , Ikbkg , Spp1 , Tirap , Tnf
Malarial AnemiaTlr9
malignant astrocytomaAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Map2k3
malignant mesotheliomaCcl3 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Cxcl9 , Il12b , Il6
Manganese PoisoningIl1b , Tnf
mantle cell lymphomaPik3cd
maple syrup urine diseaseAkt2
mastitisTlr4 , Tlr9
mastoiditisRela , Tlr2 , Tlr4
maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 1Akt2
megacolonAkt3 , Mapk8 , Tnf
Megalencephaly - Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica CongenitaAkt3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus SyndromeAkt3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r2
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus Syndrome 1Pik3r2
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus Syndrome 2Akt3
melanomaCasp8 , Cd40 , Ifna1 , Ifnb1 , Map2k1 , Map2k2 , Mapk1 , Mapk14 , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Pik3ca , Rac1 , Spp1 , Tlr4 , Tnf
MELAS syndromeIl1b
melioidosisIfna1 , Irak3 , Tlr5
Melnick-Needles syndromeIrak1
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritisIl1b , Tlr1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr5 , Tlr6 , Tlr7 , Tlr8 , Tlr9
membranous glomerulonephritisCd40 , Il1b
Memory DisordersAkt1 , Il1b , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Meningeal TuberculosisTnf
meningococcal meningitisTlr2 , Tlr4
Mercury Poisoning, Nervous SystemJun
MERRF SyndromeIl1b
metabolic dysfunction and alcohol associated liver diseaseAkt1 , Cd14 , Lbp , Rela , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitisAkt1 , Ccl5 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Il6 , Irf5 , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Tlr2 , Tlr9 , Tnf
metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver diseaseAkt1 , Ccl5 , Cd14 , Cxcl10 , Ikbkg , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk8 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Metabolic SyndromeCcl5 , Fadd , Il6 , Lbp , Map2k2 , Tnf
metachromatic leukodystrophyMapk11 , Mapk12
methylmalonic acidemia and homocysteinemia cblX typeIrak1
mevalonic aciduriaTnf
MHC class II deficiencyCtsk
Micronuclei, Chromosome-DefectiveTnf
middle cerebral artery infarctionCd86 , Cxcl10 , Fadd , Fos , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Nfkbia , Tnf
Middle East respiratory syndromeCcl3 , Cd14 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Ifna4 , Ifnb1 , Il1b , Il6 , Tnf
migraineFos , Map2k2 , Tab2 , Tnf
migraine without auraTnf
milker's noduleTlr3
mite infestationTlr2
mitochondrial complex IV deficiency nuclear type 17Traf3
mitochondrial complex V (ATP synthase) deficiency nuclear type 2Ly96
mitochondrial metabolism diseaseCasp8
mitochondrial myopathyIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
Mitral Regurgitation, Conductive Deafness, and Fusion of Cervical Vertebrae and of Carpal and Tarsal BonesMap3k7
mitral valve prolapseMap2k2
mixed connective tissue diseaseTlr3 , Tnf
molluscum contagiosumTlr2
monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significanceMyd88
morphine dependenceFadd , Fos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
morphine withdrawal syndromeFos
motor neuron diseaseTbk1
Mouth NeoplasmsPik3ca
mucocutaneous leishmaniasisTnf
mucolipidosis type IVMap2k7
mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIDIrak3 , Tbk1
mucopolysaccharidosis VITnf
multicentric Castleman diseaseMap2k2
Multiple AbnormalitiesChuk
multiple myelomaCd40 , Cd86 , Il1b , Il6 , Nfkbia , Pik3r2 , Spp1 , Tnf
Multiple Organ FailureIl1b , Lbp , Mapk1 , Tnf
multiple sclerosisCcl5 , Cd40 , Cd86 , Ifnb1 , Il12a , Il1b , Il6 , Irf5 , Spp1 , Tlr4 , Tnf
multisystem inflammatory syndrome in childrenIfna4 , Ifnb1 , Irak3 , Irf3 , Tlr3 , Tlr6 , Traf3
Murine Acquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeCd40 , Nfkbia
muscular atrophyAkt1 , Chuk , Ikbkb , Tnf
muscular diseaseIl1b
muscular dystrophyTnf
myasthenia gravisCxcl10
Mycobacterium avium complex diseaseTnf
Mycobacterium InfectionsStat1
Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumoniaCcl5 , Tnf
myelodysplastic syndromeCd40 , Il1b , Tlr2 , Tnf
myocardial infarctionAkt1 , Ccl5 , Cd14 , Fos , Il1b , Il6 , Map3k7 , Mapk1 , Mapk14 , Mapk8 , Nfkbia , Spp1 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Myocardial IschemiaCcl3 , Cd40 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k3 , Map3k8 , Mapk14 , Nfkbia , Tnf
Myocardial Reperfusion InjuryAkt1 , Akt2 , Casp8 , Fadd , Il1b , Il6 , Irak1 , Map2k6 , Mapk1 , Mapk14 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Myd88 , Nfkbia , Rela , Spp1 , Stat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
myocardial stunningTnf
myocarditisCxcl10 , Il6 , Irak1 , Irf5 , Spp1 , Tnf
Myoclonic EpilepsiesIrak2
myoclonic-atonic epilepsyIrak2
myofibrillar myopathy 5Irf5
Nasal PolypsJun , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr7 , Tnf
nasopharynx carcinomaMap2k4 , Mapk14 , Rac1
NecrosisIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
Neisseriaceae InfectionsCd40
Nematode InfectionsPik3r1
Neonatal HyperbilirubinemiaIkbkb
Neonatal Hypoglycemia, Simulating Foetopathia DiabeticaAkt2
Neoplasm InvasivenessCcl3 , Ccl5 , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myd88 , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
Neoplasm MetastasisAkt2 , Ccl3 , Ccl5 , Cd86 , Chuk , Fadd , Il6 , Ly96 , Map2k4 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk9 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Pik3ca , Pik3r3 , Rac1 , Spp1 , Stat1 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Neoplasm Recurrence, LocalCxcl9
Neoplastic Cell TransformationFos , Il6 , Jun , Mapk8 , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Rac1 , Rela
neovascular glaucomaIl6
neovascular inflammatory vitreoretinopathyIl6
Neovascularization, PathologicSpp1
nephritisCasp8 , Ccl3
nephrotic syndromeIl1b , Nfkbia
Nerve DegenerationMapk1 , Mapk3 , Tnf
nervous system diseaseFos , Tnf
Nervous System TraumaSpp1 , Stat1
NeuralgiaIl12b , Tlr4 , Tnf
neuroblastomaIfnb1 , Il1b , Map2k4 , Map2k7 , Rela , Tnf
neurodegenerative diseaseIl6
neurodevelopmental disorder with dysmorphic facies and distal limb anomaliesRac1
Neurodevelopmental DisordersAkt3 , Casp8 , Cd14 , Irak2 , Map2k4 , Mapk3 , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Stat1 , Tab3 , Ticam2 , Tlr7 , Tlr8
neurofibromatosis-Noonan syndromeMap2k2
Neurogenic InflammationTnf
neuromyelitis opticaIl6
neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosisIrf7 , Map2k1 , Tollip
neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 6AMapk1 , Mapk3
neutropeniaIl1b , Tnf
Neutropenic EnterocolitisIl1b
nicotine dependenceFos , Il6 , Tlr3
Nociceptive PainFos
nodular goiterIl6
non-Hodgkin lymphomaCd40
Nontuberculous Mycobacterium InfectionsIl12b , Stat1
Noonan syndromeMap2k1 , Map2k2
Noonan syndrome 1Map2k1 , Map2k2
Noonan syndrome 13Mapk1
Noonan syndrome with multiple lentiginesMap2k2
obesityAkt1 , Akt2 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Fadd , Fos , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Lbp , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3r1 , Rela , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
obstructive jaundiceCd14 , Irf5 , Lbp , Tlr2
obstructive sleep apneaCcl5 , Il1b , Il6 , Rela , Tnf
occupational asthmaTnf
Ocular OnchocerciasisTlr4
oculoauricular syndromeFadd
open-angle glaucomaTnf
opiate dependenceAkt1
Optic Nerve InjuriesJun , Tlr4 , Tradd
Oral Lichen PlanusTlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9
oral squamous cell carcinomaIl1b , Il6 , Jun , Rela , Tnf
oral submucous fibrosisIl6 , Tnf
orchitisCcl5 , Cd86
ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiencyTab3
Oropouche feverIrf5
Orthomyxoviridae InfectionsTlr7
osteoarthritisCtsk , Ifna1 , Il1b , Pik3r1 , Tlr8
Osteoarthritis, ExperimentalCasp8 , Mapk3
OsteolysisSpp1 , Tnf
osteopetrosisCtsk , Jun
osteoporosisCtsk , Il1b , Il6 , Irak3 , Mapk14
otitis mediaCtsk , Il1b , Il6 , Rela , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Otitis Media with EffusionIl1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
otopalatodigital syndrome type 2Irak1
ovarian cancerAkt1 , Pik3ca , Tnf
ovarian carcinomaAkt2 , Fos , Map2k1 , Map2k6
ovarian cystNfkb1
ovarian hyperstimulation syndromeIl6
Ovarian NeoplasmsAkt1 , Akt2 , Ccl5 , Il6 , Map2k1 , Map2k2 , Map2k4 , Map2k7 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Rela , Spp1 , Tlr4
ovarian serous carcinomaMap2k4
ovary epithelial cancerTab2
Oxygen-Induced RetinopathyIl1b , Mapk8 , Tnf
PainAkt1 , Ccl5 , Map2k2 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Painful NeuropathyTlr4 , Tnf
pancreas diseaseIl6 , Spp1
pancreatic adenocarcinomaAkt3 , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Nfkb1 , Rac1 , Stat1
pancreatic cancerAkt1 , Akt2 , Casp8 , Ccl5 , Ifna1 , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k4 , Nfkbia , Rela , Spp1 , Tnf
Pancreatic CystIl1b
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaIkbkb , Mapk8 , Pik3r2 , Rac1
pancreatic ductal carcinomaCd40 , Cxcl11 , Map3k7 , Mapk3 , Rela
pancreatic intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasmAkt1
Pancreatic Intraepithelial NeoplasiaIkbkb
pancreatitisCcl5 , Cd14 , Ikbkb , Il1b , Map2k1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4
PAPA syndromeIl1b
papillomavirus infectious diseaseCasp8 , Tlr3 , Tlr9
paracoccidioidomycosisIl1b , Tnf
Paramyxoviridae InfectionsCcl5 , Cxcl9
paraplegiaAkt1 , Ikbkg , Irak1
parathyroid carcinomaAkt3 , Ctsk , Ikbke , Tlr5
Parkinson's diseaseAkt1 , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Tnf
Parkinson's disease 20Ifnar1
ParkinsonismIl1b , Mapk8 , Rela , Tnf
Pediatric Crohn's DiseaseTnf
Penetrating WoundsTnf
Penile NeoplasmsPik3ca
peptic esophagitisCcl5 , Tnf
peptic ulcer diseaseIl1b
Perennial Allergic RhinitisCd40 , Cd86
perinatal necrotizing enterocolitisCd14 , Cd40 , Ikbkg , Il1b , Il6 , Tlr1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tlr5 , Tlr6 , Tlr7 , Tlr9 , Tnf
periodontal diseaseCd80 , Il6
periodontitisCd14 , Il1b , Il6 , Lbp , Stat1 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Peripheral Nerve InjuriesIl1b , Il6 , Irf5 , Tnf
peripheral nervous system diseaseIl6 , Jun , Tlr3
peripheral vascular diseaseIl6
peritonitisCd40 , Il6 , Tnf
periventricular leukomalaciaTnf
periventricular nodular heterotopiaIkbkg , Irak1
Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia 4Irak1
Phelan-McDermid syndromeMapk11 , Mapk12
Pick's diseaseFos , Map2k6
Picornaviridae InfectionsTnf
placenta diseaseTnf
Plaque, AtheroscleroticIl6 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
plasma cell leukemiaCd40
Plasmodium falciparum malariaTnf
pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomaIl6 , Irf5
pleural diseaseIl6
Pleural EffusionTnf
Pleural NeoplasmsSpp1
pleural tuberculosisIl1b , Tlr4
pleurisyCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Il1b , Il6 , Tnf
Pneumococcal InfectionsNfkbia , Tirap , Tlr9
Pneumococcal MeningitisIl6 , Rela , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Pneumococcal PneumoniaCcl5 , Cd14 , Cxcl9 , Il6 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Tlr2 , Tnf
pneumocystosisCd40 , Tlr2
pneumoniaCcl3 , Cd14 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Ifnar1 , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Irf5 , Myd88 , Nfkbia , Spp1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
polycystic kidney diseasePik3ca
polycystic ovary syndromeAkt2 , Tab1
polymyositisIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
polyneuropathyIl1b , Il6
Porcine Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting SyndromeIrak3
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory SyndromeIrak3
portal hypertensionIl1b , Mapk1 , Pik3r1 , Tnf
post-traumatic stress disorderFos
posterior uveitisCcl5
Postmenopausal OsteoporosisIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
Postoperative Atrial FibrillationIl6
Postoperative Cognitive DysfunctionIl1b , Il6 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Tnf
pre-eclampsiaCcl5 , Cd40 , Il6 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tnf
pre-malignant neoplasmAkt1 , Casp8 , Il6 , Map2k7 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Nfkbia , Tlr2
prediabetes syndromeIl6
Pregnancy ComplicationsNfkbia
Pregnancy-Induced HypertensionTnf
Premature BirthIl6 , Tnf
Premature Obstetric LaborIl6
Presenile and Senile DementiaIl1b
primary biliary cholangitisCcl5 , Cd14 , Cd80 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Il12a , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk14 , Nfkb1 , Rela , Tlr9 , Tnf
primary ciliary dyskinesiaIl6
primary ciliary dyskinesia 3Nfkb1
Primary Graft DysfunctionTnf
primary immunodeficiency diseaseCasp8 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Stat1
Primary Lymphedema with MyelodysplasiaCd86
primary open angle glaucomaTbk1 , Tlr4 , Tnf
primary sclerosing cholangitisTnf
prion diseaseNfkb1
progressive myoclonus epilepsyCxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9
progressive non-fluent aphasiaTbk1
progressive osseous heteroplasiaSpp1
progressive supranuclear palsyMap2k6
proliferative diabetic retinopathyMap3k8
prostate adenocarcinomaAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Chuk , Ikbkb , Jun , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Nfkbia , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Rela , Stat1
prostate cancerAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Chuk , Ikbkb , Map2k7 , Map3k7 , Mapk10 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Tlr2 , Tnf
prostate carcinomaAkt2 , Jun , Spp1
prostate carcinoma in situMap2k4 , Map2k6 , Map2k7 , Rela
prostatic hypertrophyFadd , Rela
Prostatic NeoplasmsAkt1 , Akt2 , Chuk , Il6 , Irak4 , Jun , Map2k1 , Map2k2 , Map2k3 , Map2k4 , Map2k6 , Map2k7 , Map3k7 , Mapk3 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Rela , Spp1 , Tirap , Tlr4 , Tlr5 , Tlr6
proteasome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome 1Mapk13 , Mapk14 , Tnf
proteinuriaCxcl10 , Ifnb1 , Il6 , Spp1 , Tlr9
Proteus syndromeAkt1
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa KeratitisIl1b , Il6 , Tlr2 , Tlr4
Pseudomonas InfectionsCcl5 , Il1b , Il6 , Irak3 , Mapk8 , Tlr5 , Tnf
psoriasisCd40 , Ikbkb , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Irak1 , Nfkbia , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
psoriatic arthritisIl12b , Irak1 , Tnf
PTEN hamartoma tumor syndromePik3ca
Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionCasp8 , Map3k7
Pulmonary ContusionIl6
pulmonary edemaIl1b , Tlr4 , Tnf
pulmonary emphysemaCxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Jun , Nfkbia , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
pulmonary eosinophiliaMyd88
pulmonary fibrosisCcl3 , Ccl5 , Cd86 , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Spp1 , Stat1 , Tab2 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
pulmonary hypertensionCcl5 , Cd40 , Cd86 , Il1b , Il6 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
Pulmonary Hypertension, Hypoxia-Induced Il6
pulmonary sarcoidosisCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9 , Tlr2 , Tnf
pulmonary tuberculosisAkt1 , Ccl5 , Cd14 , Cd86 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Nfkbia , Tlr1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
pustulosis of palm and soleTnf
Radiation PneumonitisTnf
radiculopathySpp1 , Tnf
RASopathyMap2k1 , Map2k2
rectal benign neoplasmFos , Mapk8 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb
rectum cancerIl6 , Mapk14
Recurrent Infections, with Encephalopathy, Hepatic Dysfunction, and Cardiovascular MalformationsFadd , Rela , Unc93b1
Refractory AnemiaTnf
relapsing polychondritisTnf
relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosisCd80
renal artery obstructionCd40
renal carcinomaJun
renal cell carcinomaAkt1 , Akt3 , Cd40 , Il6 , Jun , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Rela , Tlr9 , Tnf
renal fibrosisCcl3 , Mapk1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4
renal hypertensionIl6 , Tnf
renovascular hypertensionCxcl10 , Rela , Spp1
Reoviridae InfectionsStat1
Reperfusion InjuryAkt1 , Casp8 , Ccl3 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Fos , Il12a , Il1b , Il6 , Irak3 , Jun , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Myd88 , Pik3r1 , Rela , Spp1 , Stat1 , Ticam1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Respiration DisordersCcl5
respiratory allergyIl1b , Il6 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Respiratory SoundsTlr4 , Tlr9
respiratory syncytial virus infectious diseaseCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Il6 , Ticam1 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tlr6 , Tlr7 , Tlr8 , Tnf
respiratory system diseaseTnf
Respiratory Tract GranulomaCxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Tlr3 , Tlr9
Respiratory Tract InfectionsIrf3 , Tnf
restrictive cardiomyopathyMap2k3 , Map2k6 , Mapk14
Retina Reperfusion InjuryIl1b , Il6 , Map2k4 , Tlr4 , Tnf
retinal artery occlusionIl6 , Tnf
retinal detachmentCasp8 , Il6 , Tnf
retinal diseaseMap2k3 , Tnf
retinal vasculitisIl6
retinal vein occlusionIl1b , Il6
retinitis pigmentosaRipk1
retinopathy of prematurityIl1b
Rett syndromeIrak1
rheumatoid arthritisCd40 , Cd80 , Il1b , Il6 , Irak1 , Irf5 , Ly96 , Pik3r1 , Spp1 , Stat1 , Tab2 , Tab3 , Tlr1 , Tlr2 , Tnf , Traf6
rhinitisCd14 , Cd80 , Il1b , Tlr2 , Tlr6 , Tnf
RhinosinusitisIl1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Right Ventricular HypertrophyAkt1 , Il6 , Tnf
Roifman-Chitayat SyndromePik3cd
root resorptionTnf
rosette-forming glioneuronal tumorPik3ca
Rubinstein-Taybi syndromeTab1
Salmonella Infections, AnimalTlr5
Sandhoff diseaseCcl3
SAPHO syndromeTnf
sarcomaPik3ca , Tnf
SarcopeniaIl6 , Nfkbia
Schistosomiasis MansoniCd40 , Cd86 , Map3k8 , Tlr9
schizophreniaAkt1 , Ifna1 , Ifna4 , Ifnb1 , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k7 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Tirap , Tnf
sciatic neuropathyCasp8 , Ccl5 , Il1b , Il6 , Nfkbia , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
scrapieCcl5 , Spp1 , Stat1
Seasonal Allergic RhinitisCcl5 , Tlr3 , Tlr4
seborrheic dermatitisTlr2
seborrheic keratosisPik3ca
secondary hyperparathyroidismIl6
Segawa Syndrome, Autosomal RecessiveIrf7 , Tollip
Senior-Loken syndromeAkt3
Senior-Loken Syndrome 7Akt3
sensorineural hearing lossFadd , Tnf
SepsisCasp8 , Ccl5 , Cd40 , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Irak4 , Lbp , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Nfkbia , Rac1 , Rela , Stat1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr6 , Tnf
septic arthritisTnf
Septic PeritonitisIl6 , Pik3r1
severe acute respiratory syndromeCcl3 , Ccl5 , Cd14 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl11 , Cxcl9 , Ifna1 , Ifnb1 , Il1b , Il6 , Irf3 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myd88 , Rela , Stat1 , Tbk1 , Ticam2 , Tirap , Tlr2 , Tnf
severe combined immunodeficiencyIkbkb
severe congenital encephalopathy due to MECP2 mutationIkbkg , Irak1
severe congenital neutropenia 3Ctsk
severe congenital neutropenia 5Ctsk
severe COVID-19Tbk1 , Ticam1 , Tlr4
Sezary's diseaseMapk1
shigellosisIl12b , Il1b
ShockMapk1 , Mapk3 , Tnf
SHORT syndromePik3r1
Shwartzman phenomenonIl6
sickle cell anemiaTnf
silicosisIl1b , Jun , Tnf
sinusitisIl1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9
Sjogren's syndromeIl12a , Il6 , Nfkbia , Tnf
Skin AbnormalitiesChuk
skin cancerChuk
skin diseaseIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
skin melanomaCd40 , Pik3ca
Skin NeoplasmsAkt1 , Casp8 , Map2k4 , Rela
skin papillomaTlr2
Sleep DeprivationMap2k4
sleep disorderIl1b
sleeping sicknessFos
small cell carcinomaIl6 , Tnf
small intestine adenocarcinomaMap2k1 , Map2k2
Small-For-Size SyndromeIl1b
Smith-Kingsmore SyndromePik3r1 , Pik3r2
Smith-Magenis syndromeMap2k2
Soft Tissue NeoplasmsTnf
spastic ataxiaPik3r5
spermatogenic failure 57Map2k1
Spinal Cord CompressionIl6 , Tnf
spinal cord diseaseIl6
Spinal Cord InjuriesAkt1 , Ccl5 , Cxcl10 , Fadd , Ifnb1 , Il1b , Il6 , Irf5 , Jun , Nfkbia , Rela , Spp1 , Tlr1 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Spinal Cord Reperfusion InjuryTlr4
Spine OsteoarthritisIl6 , Tnf
SplenomegalyIkbkg , Irak1
spondyloarthropathyIl6 , Tnf
spondylocostal dysostosis 5Mapk3
Spontaneous AbortionsCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Il12b , Il1b , Il6
squamous cell carcinomaAkt1 , Il6 , Irak1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Ripk1 , Tlr4 , Tlr9
Stable AnginaTlr4 , Tnf
Staphylococcal InfectionsIrak3 , Tlr2
Staphylococcal PneumoniaAkt1 , Cd86 , Ifnar1 , Il1b
status asthmaticusIl1b
status epilepticusCasp8 , Ccl3 , Cd40 , Fos , Il1b , Jun , Rela , Tnf
steatotic liver diseaseAkt1 , Ccl5 , Cxcl10 , Ikbkg , Il1b , Il6 , Map3k8 , Mapk8 , Nfkb1 , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
Stevens-Johnson syndromeLbp , Tnf
stomach cancerCcl5 , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k7 , Map3k8 , Myd88 , Nfkb1 , Pik3ca , Rac1
Stomach NeoplasmsCasp8 , Il1b , Il6 , Jun , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Myd88 , Pik3ca , Rela , Spp1 , Tnf
Stomatognathic DiseasesFadd
Streptococcal InfectionsCd86 , Tlr2 , Tnf
Streptococcus pneumoniaIl6 , Irak3 , Pik3cd , Tnf
stress-related disorderTnf
StrokeAkt1 , Cd40 , Il1b , Il6 , Map3k7 , Mapk8 , Pik3ca , Tlr4 , Tnf
Sturge-Weber syndromeMap2k1
Subacute Combined DegenerationCd40
Subarachnoid HemorrhageIl1b , Il6 , Map3k7 , Pik3cb , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
Subretinal FibrosisIl6
substance-induced psychosisAkt1
Sudden Cardiac DeathIl6
Sudden Hearing LossIl6 , Tnf
suppurative otitis mediaTlr2 , Tlr4
Surgical Wound InfectionIrak3
swine influenzaIrf5
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Lubs typeIkbkg , Irak1 , Tab3
Systemic Autoinflammatory Disease, X-LinkedIkbkg
Systemic CandidiasisTnf
Systemic Inflammatory Response SyndromeIl1b
Systemic Juvenile Rheumatoid ArthritisIl6
systemic lupus erythematosusCd40 , Cd80 , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Irak4 , Irf5 , Tab2 , Tab3 , Tlr4 , Tlr5 , Tlr7 , Tlr9 , Tnf
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 17Tlr7
systemic sclerodermaCcl3 , Cd86 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Il1b , Il6 , Irf5
T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiaStat1
T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomaAkt1
temporal arteritisTlr4
temporal lobe epilepsyFos
Temporomandibular Joint DisordersTnf
Tendon InjuriesFos
testicular lymphomaMyd88
Testis Reperfusion InjuryMapk1 , Mapk3
thalassemiaIl1b , Tnf
thoracic aortic aneurysmCxcl10 , Cxcl9
thrombocytopeniaIl1b , Il6 , Tnf
thrombosisCd40 , Pik3cb , Tnf
thyroid cancerMapk1
Thyroid NeoplasmsAkt2 , Cxcl10 , Il12b , Il1b , Il6 , Map2k3 , Mapk1 , Spp1 , Tnf
tick-borne encephalitisCd40
Tissue AdhesionsCcl5
Tongue NeoplasmsFos , Tlr5 , Tnf
tongue squamous cell carcinomaFos , Jun , Map2k4
torsion dystonia 6Ikbkb
toxic encephalopathyFos
toxic shock syndromeIl1b , Il6 , Nfkbia , Pik3cd , Tnf
Toxoplasma ChorioretinitisIl6
Tracheoesophageal FistulaTlr9
transient cerebral ischemiaCasp8 , Cd40 , Fadd , Ifnb1 , Ikbkb , Il1b , Map2k4 , Map3k7 , Nfkb1 , Tnf
transitional cell carcinomaIfnb1 , Tnf
Transplant RejectionCcl3 , Cd40 , Cxcl10 , Ikbkb , Il1b , Nfkbia , Rela , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr9 , Tnf
transverse myelitisIl6
traumatic brain injuryCasp8 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Rela , Tnf
trigeminal neuralgiaFos , Il1b , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Tnf
Triple Negative Breast NeoplasmsTlr9
tropical spastic paraparesisNfkb1
tuberculosisCd86 , Cxcl9 , Irak3 , Spp1 , Tirap , Tlr1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tlr6 , Tnf
Tympanic Membrane PerforationIl6
type 1 diabetes mellitusCasp8 , Ccl5 , Cd14 , Cd40 , Cd80 , Cd86 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Il6 , Irak3 , Tlr2 , Tlr3 , Tlr4 , Tnf
type 1 diabetes mellitus 5Tab2
type 2 diabetes mellitusAkt1 , Akt2 , Casp8 , Ccl5 , Cxcl10 , Ikbkb , Il1b , Il6 , Map3k8 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Nfkb1 , Pik3cb , Pik3r1 , Tlr4 , Tnf
typhoid feverTlr2 , Tnf
ulcerative colitisCd40 , Il12b , Il1b , Irf5 , Rela , Tnf
ureteral obstructionAkt1 , Cd14 , Il1b , Irf5 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Rela , Tlr9 , Tnf
urethral obstructionMapk1
urinary bladder cancerAkt1 , Ifnb1 , Il1b , Map2k4 , Map2k7 , Pik3ca , Rela , Spp1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Urinary CalculiSpp1
Urinary IncontinenceMapk1
urinary tract infectionIl1b , Tlr2 , Tlr4
urticariaIl1b , Tnf
Uterine Cervical NeoplasmsCasp8 , Rela
uveitisCcl5 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Il6 , Rela , Tlr4 , Tnf
Vaginal NeoplasmsIfna1
Vascular CalcificationCd40
vascular dementiaIl1b , Mapk1 , Tnf
vascular diseaseIkbkb , Tnf
Vascular MalformationsMap2k1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
Vascular System InjuriesSpp1 , Tnf
velocardiofacial syndromeMapk1
Venous ThromboembolismTnf
Venous ThrombosisIl1b
Ventilator-Induced Lung InjuryAkt1 , Fos , Il1b , Nfkbia
Ventricular DysfunctionTnf
Ventricular Dysfunction, LeftIl6 , Pik3ca , Rac1 , Tlr4
Ventricular RemodelingAkt1
Viral BronchiolitisCcl5 , Cd14 , Cxcl10 , Il6 , Nfkb1 , Nfkbia , Tlr4 , Tlr5 , Tnf
viral infectious diseaseIfnar1
viral meningitisTlr4
Viral MyocarditisCasp8 , Cd40 , Cd80 , Cd86 , Ifnb1 , Il6
viral pneumoniaCcl3 , Cxcl10 , Cxcl9 , Ifnar1 , Il1b , Tlr9 , Tnf
Visceral Heterotaxy 4, AutosomalMyd88
visceral leishmaniasisCd40 , Cxcl10 , Il1b , Il6 , Irf5 , Pik3cd , Tlr2 , Tnf
vitiligoCd80 , Pik3r1 , Tlr2 , Tlr4 , Tnf
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada diseaseTnf
von Hippel-Lindau diseaseIrak2
vulva cancerAkt1
Vulvar VestibulitisIl1b , Tnf
Wallerian DegenerationTlr2 , Tlr4
Weight GainLbp , Pik3ca , Tnf
Weight LossCd14 , Tlr3 , Tlr4
Weill-Marchesani syndromeTnf
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndromeMapk1
Wernicke encephalopathyFos
West Nile encephalitisTlr3
West Nile feverIrf5
Wilson diseaseIl6 , Tnf
withdrawal disorderFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndromeMap3k7
Wounds and InjuriesIl6 , Spp1 , Tnf
X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenitaTab3
X-linked agammaglobulinemiaPik3r1
X-linked hyper IgM syndromeCd40
X-Linked immunodeficiency 74Tlr7
ZTTK syndromeIfnar1
Pathway Annotations Associated with Genes in the Toll-like receptor signaling pathway