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Colorectal cancer (CRC) affects both men and women and is a rather prevalent condition in the Western world. A number of pathways are known to be altered in CRC; they include the canonical Wnt, transforming growth factor-beta, Smad dependent and the extracellular signal-regulated Raf/Mek/Erk signaling pathways and the regulatory DNA mismatch repair pathway. While mutations in components of some of these pathways may be implicated in other forms of cancer and/or types of diseases, the diagram dep

Pathway Diagram:

Elsevier Inc. cisplatin_DNA_adducts ---| Colorectal Neoplasms Axin2 Ctnnb1 Axin1 Apc altered Wnt signaling, canonical pathway Tgfbr2 Tgfbr1 Tgfb1 Smad3 Smad4 Smad2 altered transforming growth factor-beta Smad dependent signaling pathway upregulated miRNA ---> downregulated target translation upregulated target translation downregulated target translation cisplatin_DNA_adducts abnormal Watson-Crick pairing Mlh1 Msh2 Msh6 Pms1 Pms2 altered mismatch repair pathway altered expression of target genes potential CRC miRNA ---> Colorectal Neoplasms downregulated miRNA ---> upregulated target translation cisplatin drug pathway Braf Kras altered extracellular signal-regulated Raf/Mek/Erk signaling pathway altered mismatch repair pathway ---> abnormal Watson-Crick pairing altered Wnt signaling, canonical pathway ---> altered expression of target genes altered transforming growth factor-beta Smad dependent signaling pathway ---> altered expression of target genes altered extracellular signal-regulated Raf/Mek/Erk signaling pathway ---> altered expression of target genes potential CRC miRNA upregulated miRNA downregulated miRNA cisplatin drug pathway ---> cisplatin_DNA_adducts Colorectal Neoplasms

Genes in Pathway:

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colorectal cancer pathway term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 6:137,534,810...137,555,131
Ensembl chr 6:131,713,720...131,733,921
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G Akt2 AKT serine/threonine kinase 2 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 1:92,004,705...92,061,420
Ensembl chr 1:82,883,547...82,933,817
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G Akt3 AKT serine/threonine kinase 3 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr13:91,475,839...91,758,060
Ensembl chr13:88,946,091...89,225,708
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G Apc APC regulator of WNT signaling pathway ISO
PMID:18432252 rno:05210, RGD:2293188 NCBI chr18:26,138,382...26,196,021
Ensembl chr18:25,864,222...25,922,696
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G Apc2 APC regulator of WNT signaling pathway 2 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 7:10,043,010...10,065,037
Ensembl chr 7:9,392,336...9,414,310
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G Appl1 adaptor protein, phosphotyrosine interacting with PH domain and leucine zipper 1 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr16:2,125,234...2,173,457
Ensembl chr16:2,121,255...2,166,692
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G Axin1 axin 1 ISO
PMID:18432252 rno:05210, RGD:2293188 NCBI chr10:15,667,894...15,720,092
Ensembl chr10:15,163,684...15,215,615
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G Axin2 axin 2 ISO
PMID:18432252 rno:05210, RGD:2293188 NCBI chr10:94,393,379...94,426,579
Ensembl chr10:93,899,245...93,926,231
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G Bad BCL2-associated agonist of cell death IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 1:213,562,719...213,572,034
Ensembl chr 1:204,131,501...204,142,823
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G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 1:105,076,472...105,081,906
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
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G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr13:23,204,464...23,366,900
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
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G Birc5 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr10:103,567,369...103,580,069
Ensembl chr10:103,073,408...103,081,380
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G Braf B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase ISO
PMID:18098337 rno:05210, RGD:2298531 NCBI chr 4:69,329,772...69,476,931
Ensembl chr 4:68,384,649...68,510,463
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G Casp3 caspase 3 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr16:52,395,539...52,413,794
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Casp9 caspase 9 IEA KEGG rno:05210 Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626 JBrowse link
G Ccnd1 cyclin D1 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 1:209,518,288...209,527,986
Ensembl chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,602
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G Ctnnb1 catenin beta 1 ISO
PMID:18432252 rno:05210, RGD:2293188 NCBI chr 8:129,517,576...129,544,661
Ensembl chr 8:120,639,995...120,667,111
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G Cycs cytochrome c, somatic IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 4:80,982,667...80,984,767
Ensembl chr 4:79,651,378...79,654,054
Ensembl chr18:79,651,378...79,654,054
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G Cyct cytochrome c, testis IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 3:61,290,090...61,297,158
Ensembl chr 3:60,913,562...61,297,158
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G Dcc DCC netrin 1 receptor IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr18:67,144,272...68,248,159
Ensembl chr18:64,873,898...65,972,740
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G Fos Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 6:110,852,188...110,855,054
Ensembl chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
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G Gsk3b glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr11:76,004,502...76,154,665
Ensembl chr11:62,504,316...62,648,646
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G Jun Jun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 5:115,009,900...115,012,993
Ensembl chr 5:109,893,145...109,897,656
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G Kras KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase TAS
PMID:16112461 rno:05210, RGD:2306732 NCBI chr 4:179,916,255...179,949,613 JBrowse link
G Lef1 lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 2:222,340,541...222,453,931
Ensembl chr 2:219,666,592...219,779,794
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G Map2k1 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 8:73,578,747...73,650,184
Ensembl chr 8:64,683,449...64,755,147
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G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr11:97,462,025...97,529,193
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
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G Mapk10 mitogen activated protein kinase 10 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr14:6,802,247...7,094,103
Ensembl chr14:6,497,707...6,786,201
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 1:190,797,189...190,803,411
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
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G Mapk8 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr16:8,645,171...8,728,225
Ensembl chr16:8,638,924...8,721,981
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G Mapk9 mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr10:34,670,750...34,711,972
Ensembl chr10:34,169,675...34,210,178
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G Mlh1 mutL homolog 1 ISO
PMID:11900875 rno:05210, RGD:2306714 NCBI chr 8:120,074,871...120,112,109
Ensembl chr 8:111,196,468...111,233,617
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G Msh2 mutS homolog 2 ISO
PMID:11900875 rno:05210, RGD:2306714 NCBI chr 6:12,567,368...12,626,534
Ensembl chr 6:6,813,795...6,872,938
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G Msh3 mutS homolog 3 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 2:23,444,326...23,585,777 JBrowse link
G Msh6 mutS homolog 6 ISO RGD PMID:11900875 RGD:2306714 NCBI chr 6:12,316,190...12,333,505
Ensembl chr 6:6,562,632...6,579,956
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G Myc MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 7:95,483,105...95,488,031
Ensembl chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,630
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G Pik3ca phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit alpha IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 2:117,103,643...117,177,411
Ensembl chr 2:115,174,984...115,249,032
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G Pik3cb phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit beta IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 8:108,474,017...108,579,140
Ensembl chr 8:99,594,644...99,699,663
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G Pik3cd phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit delta IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 5:165,377,994...165,426,620
Ensembl chr 5:160,094,952...160,120,930
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G Pik3r1 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 1 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 2:34,612,946...34,697,660
Ensembl chr 2:32,882,032...32,963,631
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G Pik3r2 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 2 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr16:18,699,389...18,708,045
Ensembl chr16:18,665,457...18,674,065
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G Pik3r3 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 3 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 5:134,936,790...135,009,303
Ensembl chr 5:129,701,229...129,772,583
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G Pik3r5 phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 5 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr10:53,631,469...53,699,550
Ensembl chr10:53,132,603...53,199,374
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G Pms1 PMS1 homolog 1, mismatch repair system component ISO RGD PMID:11900875 RGD:2306714 NCBI chr 9:55,721,393...55,832,225
Ensembl chr 9:48,253,410...48,340,237
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G Pms2 PMS1 homolog 2, mismatch repair system component ISO RGD PMID:11900875 RGD:2306714 NCBI chr12:15,790,478...15,814,790
Ensembl chr12:10,676,764...10,701,066
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G Rac1 Rac family small GTPase 1 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr12:16,150,411...16,170,864
Ensembl chr12:11,036,698...11,057,251
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G Rac2 Rac family small GTPase 2 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 7:111,981,825...112,009,201
Ensembl chr 7:110,116,260...110,128,720
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G Raf1 Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 4:150,352,158...150,412,813
Ensembl chr 4:148,679,530...148,740,317
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G Ralgds ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 3:32,237,644...32,278,045
Ensembl chr 3:11,839,416...11,880,059
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G Rhoa ras homolog family member A IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 8:117,870,548...117,904,303
Ensembl chr 8:108,991,954...109,025,746
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G RSA-14-44 RSA-14-44 protein IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 4:95,251,657...95,253,029
Ensembl chr 4:95,251,610...95,253,088
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G Smad2 SMAD family member 2 ISO
PMID:17613544 PMID:18662538 rno:05210, RGD:2306282, RGD:2308865 NCBI chr18:72,124,792...72,193,345
Ensembl chr18:69,850,377...69,912,323
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G Smad3 SMAD family member 3 ISO
PMID:17613544 rno:05210, RGD:2306282 NCBI chr 8:73,022,204...73,132,324
Ensembl chr 8:64,110,039...64,236,960
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G Smad4 SMAD family member 4 ISO
PMID:17613544 PMID:18662538 rno:05210, RGD:2306282, RGD:2308865 NCBI chr18:69,518,988...69,549,684
Ensembl chr18:67,243,742...67,274,438
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G Smad7 SMAD family member 7 ISO RGD PMID:18662538 RGD:2308865 NCBI chr18:71,263,508...71,291,849
Ensembl chr18:68,988,429...69,016,765
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G Tcf3 transcription factor 3 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 7:9,931,251...9,952,994
Ensembl chr 7:9,280,571...9,302,314
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G Tcf7 transcription factor 7 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr10:36,924,363...36,954,279
Ensembl chr10:36,423,445...36,453,535
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G Tcf7l2 transcription factor 7 like 2 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 1:264,791,335...264,984,225
Ensembl chr 1:254,786,091...254,978,967
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G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 ISO
PMID:17613544 rno:05210, RGD:2306282 NCBI chr 1:90,324,312...90,340,627
Ensembl chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,847
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G Tgfb2 transforming growth factor, beta 2 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr13:100,691,540...100,793,227
Ensembl chr13:98,160,087...98,261,405
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G Tgfb3 transforming growth factor, beta 3 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr 6:111,435,170...111,457,646
Ensembl chr 6:105,704,236...105,726,564
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G Tgfbr1 transforming growth factor, beta receptor 1 ISO
PMID:17613544 rno:05210, RGD:2306282 NCBI chr 5:66,449,348...66,506,371
Ensembl chr 5:61,653,233...61,710,777
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G Tgfbr2 transforming growth factor, beta receptor 2 ISO
PMID:17613544 PMID:18662538 rno:05210, RGD:2306282, RGD:2308865 NCBI chr 8:124,672,677...124,761,741
Ensembl chr 8:115,794,537...115,883,228
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G Tp53 tumor protein p53 IEA KEGG rno:05210 NCBI chr10:54,798,871...54,810,300
Ensembl chr10:54,300,048...54,311,524
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Additional Elements in Pathway:

(includes Gene Groups, Small Molecules, Other Pathways..etc.)
Object TypePathway ObjectPathway Object Description
Small Moleculecisplatin DNA adductsintrastrand and interstrand cisplatin DNA adducts
Gene Grouppotential CRC miRNApotential CRC miRNA

Pathway Gene Annotations

Disease Annotations Associated with Genes in the colorectal cancer pathway
Disease TermsGene Symbols
17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 deficiencySmad4
abdominal aortic aneurysmCasp3 , Mapk8
Abdominal FibromatosisApc
abdominal obesity-metabolic syndrome 1Bax , Bcl2
Aberrant Crypt FociApc , Ctnnb1 , Fos , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Tgfb2
Abnormalities, Drug-InducedRhoa
acinar cell carcinomaApc
acromicric dysplasiaSmad2 , Tgfb1
actinic keratosisTgfb1
Acute ErythroleukemiaTp53
Acute Experimental PancreatitisKras
acute kidney failureBad , Bax , Bcl2 , Gsk3b , Myc , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr1 , Tp53
Acute Liver FailureCasp3 , Casp9 , Mapk8
Acute Lung InjuryAkt1 , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Tgfb1
acute lymphoblastic leukemiaBax , Bcl2 , Ccnd1 , Kras , Myc , Tcf3 , Tp53
acute megakaryocytic leukemiaBirc5 , Tp53
acute myeloid leukemiaBcl2 , Ccnd1 , Kras , Myc , Rac2 , Tp53
acute myocardial infarctionBax , Casp3 , Fos , Gsk3b , Rhoa
acute necrotizing pancreatitisBirc5 , Casp3
Acute Otitis MediaMapk8
acute pancreatitisBirc5
acute promyelocytic leukemiaAkt1 , Birc5 , Myc
adenocarcinomaAkt1 , Akt2 , Apc , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Myc , Pik3ca , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
adenoid cystic carcinomaCcnd1 , Pik3ca , Tp53
adenomaApc , Bcl2 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Tp53
Adenomatous PolypsApc
adenylosuccinase lyase deficiencyRac2
Adrenal Cortex NeoplasmsCtnnb1 , Tp53
Adrenal Gland NeoplasmsCtnnb1 , Tp53
Adrenal InsufficiencyBax , Bcl2
adrenocortical carcinomaBirc5 , Braf , Ctnnb1 , Tp53
adult respiratory distress syndromeApc
adult T-cell leukemia/lymphomaBirc5 , Tp53
agammaglobulinemia 7Pik3r1
Agammaglobulinemia 8Tcf3
agammaglobulinemia 8ATcf3
agammaglobulinemia 8BTcf3
Agenesis of Corpus CallosumDcc , Pik3ca
Aggressive FibromatosisApc
Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome 1Rhoa
Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome 3Ccnd1
AIDS-Related Kaposi SarcomaBcl2
Alazami SyndromeCtnnb1
alcohol dependenceFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
alcohol use disorderApc2 , Fos , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8
alcohol withdrawal syndromeFos
Alcohol-Related DisordersFos , Jun
alcoholic hepatitisAkt1
Alcoholic IntoxicationFos
alcoholic liver cirrhosisBcl2 , Smad3 , Tgfb1
Alcoholic Liver DiseasesAkt1 , Myc
allergic conjunctivitisTgfb1
allergic contact dermatitisBcl2
allergic diseaseTgfb1
allergic rhinitisBcl2 , Tgfb1
Alzheimer's diseaseAkt1 , Apc , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3r1 , Tp53
amenorrheaApc , Dcc
amphetamine abuseAkt1 , Fos
amyotrophic lateral sclerosisAkt1 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Gsk3b , Tp53
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 1Fos
anaplastic astrocytomaKras , Tp53
anaplastic thyroid carcinomaTp53
anemiaApc , Kras
angiosarcomaCcnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Jun , Kras , Myc , Tp53
Animal Disease ModelsAkt1 , Axin2 , Ctnnb1 , Fos , Kras , Lef1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Myc , Rhoa , Tcf7l2 , Tgfbr1 , Tp53
Animal Mammary NeoplasmsApc , Ccnd1 , Pik3r1
anogenital venereal wartMapk8 , Tgfb1
anti-basement membrane glomerulonephritisBax , Bcl2 , Mapk8
anxiety disorderFos
aortic aneurysmSmad3 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
Aortic Aneurysm, Giant CongenitalBraf
aortic diseaseSmad3 , Smad4 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr1
aortic dissectionSmad3
aortic valve disease 2Smad3
aortic valve insufficiencyTgfb1 , Tgfb2
aphthous stomatitisTgfb1
aplastic anemiaTgfb1
Arenaviridae infectious diseaseMapk8
arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathyTgfb3
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia 1Tgfb3
Arsenic PoisoningTp53
arteriosclerosisMapk9 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2
arteriovenous malformationPik3ca
arteriovenous malformations of the brainBraf , Kras
ascending colon cancerApc , Msh2
asthmaBcl2 , Rhoa , Tgfb1
ataxia telangiectasiaBax , Braf , Msh6
ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 3Pik3r5
atherosclerosisAkt1 , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Myc , Tp53
atopic dermatitisMapk8 , Tgfb1
atrial fibrillationSmad7 , Tgfb1
atrial heart septal defect 1Tgfb2
Attenuated Adenomatous Polyposis ColiApc
Attenuated Familial Adenomatous PolyposisApc
atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumorTp53
autism spectrum disorderApc , Ctnnb1 , Dcc , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
autistic disorderApc , Bcl2 , Mapk3 , Tcf7l2
autoimmune diseaseTgfb2
autoimmune hepatitisTgfb1
autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome type 4Kras
autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpuraTgfb1
autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder 19Ctnnb1
autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder 48Rac1
autosomal dominant polycystic kidney diseaseFos , Myc
Autosomal Recessive Dyskeratosis CongenitaTp53
autosomal recessive dyskeratosis congenita 3Tp53
autosomal recessive intellectual developmental disorder 74Apc2
autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2BMsh6
autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2JAxin2
autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2PRhoa
autosomal recessive polycystic kidney diseaseAkt1 , Myc , Pik3ca
autosomal recessive progressive external ophthalmoplegia 1Pms2
B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaBcl2 , Lef1 , Tp53
B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphomaCcnd1 , Myc , Tcf3 , Tp53
B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma with BCR-ABL1Msh6
bacterial infectious diseaseCasp3 , Casp9
bacterial pneumoniaMapk8 , Tgfb1
Balkan nephropathyTp53
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndromePik3ca
Bardet-Biedl syndromeAkt3
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 16Akt3
basal cell carcinomaJun , Lef1 , Pik3ca , Tgfb2 , Tp53
Behcet's diseaseTgfb1
bilateral breast cancerMsh6
bile duct adenomaBraf
bile duct cancerMlh1 , Msh2
biliary atresiaTgfb1
bilirubin metabolic disorderBcl2
Binge DrinkingFos
bipolar disorderAkt1 , Gsk3b
bladder urothelial carcinomaBirc5
Bloom syndromeMap2k1 , Smad3
bone development diseaseTgfb2 , Tp53
bone diseaseTgfbr2
Bone FracturesTgfbr2
bone marrow diseaseDcc
Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome 5Tp53
Bone Marrow NeoplasmsTp53
Bone NeoplasmsTgfbr2
bone osteosarcomaTp53
Bowen's DiseaseCcnd1
Brain ContusionCasp3
brain diseaseTgfb1
brain gliomaBax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Casp3
Brain Hypoxia-IschemiaBax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Fos
Brain InjuriesAkt1 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Casp3 , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun , Rhoa
brain ischemiaAkt1 , Bad , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Cycs , Jun , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
Brain NeoplasmsCcnd1 , Pik3ca , Pms2 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
breast adenocarcinomaAkt1 , Kras , Pik3ca , Tp53
breast angiosarcomaPik3ca
breast cancerAkt1 , Apc , Axin2 , Bad , Bax , Casp3 , Casp9 , Jun , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pms1 , Pms2 , Rac1 , Rhoa , Smad4 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
Breast Cancer, FamilialAkt1 , Apc , Kras , Mlh1 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3 , Pms2 , Tp53
breast carcinomaApc , Birc5 , Casp3 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Pms2 , Rhoa , Smad2 , Tp53
Breast NeoplasmsAkt1 , Akt2 , Apc2 , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Lef1 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Pms2 , Raf1 , Smad4 , Tp53
bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinomaCcnd1 , Kras , Tp53
bronchopulmonary dysplasiaBax , Casp3 , Casp9 , Tp53
Brugada syndromeTgfb3
Burkitt lymphomaMyc , Pik3r1 , Tcf3
BurnsBad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Ccnd1 , Gsk3b
Cafe-au-Lait SpotsPms2
Calcification of Aortic ValveAkt1 , Tp53
calcinosisCasp3 , Ctnnb1 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
Camurati-Engelmann diseaseTgfb1
cannabis abuseAkt1
capillary hemangiomaAkt3
Capillary Malformation-Arteriovenous Malformation 1Kras , Pik3ca
CarcinogenesisAkt1 , Braf , Kras
carcinomaBcl2 , Ccnd1 , Kras , Myc , Pik3r1 , Rhoa , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
cardiac arrestAkt1
Cardiac FibrosisTgfb1
cardiofaciocutaneous syndromeBraf , Kras , Map2k1
cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 1Braf , Kras , Map2k1
cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 2Kras
cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 3Map2k1
CardiomegalyAkt1 , Bad , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk8 , Myc , Rac1 , Raf1 , Rhoa , Tgfb1
cardiomyopathyAkt1 , Braf , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Tgfb3 , Tp53
CardiotoxicityRac1 , Tp53
Cardiovascular AbnormalitiesMap2k1 , Pik3ca
carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase deficiencyRhoa
carotid artery diseaseTgfb1 , Tp53
Carotid Artery InjuriesMyc , Tgfb1 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
Carpenter Syndrome 2Akt2 , Tgfb1
cataractCasp3 , Casp9 , Map2k1 , Tp53
Caudal Duplication AnomalyAxin1
Cecal NeoplasmsCcnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Tp53
Central Nervous System NeoplasmsTp53
cerebellar medulloblastomaMsh6
Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 4Pik3ca
cerebral creatine deficiency syndromeApc2 , Tcf3
Cerebral HemorrhageBax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9
cervical adenocarcinomaTp53
cervical cancerCasp3 , Smad2 , Smad4 , Tp53
cervical squamous cell carcinomaBax , Fos , Smad3 , Tp53
cervix uteri carcinoma in situBcl2 , Ccnd1 , Mlh1 , Msh2
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease axonal type 2OAkt1
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease dominant intermediate CPik3r3
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2Pik3cd
CHARGE syndromeTp53
Charlevoix-Saguenay spastic ataxiaTgfbr1
Chemical and Drug Induced Liver InjuryBad , Bax , Ctnnb1 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr1
chemical colitisCasp3
Chemotherapy-Induced Febrile NeutropeniaTp53
childhood pilocytic astrocytomaMapk1
Chlamydia pneumoniaPik3cd
cholangiocarcinomaApc , Braf , Cycs , Kras , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
cholesteatoma of middle earMyc , Tp53
choroid plexus carcinomaTp53
choroid plexus papillomaTp53
chromophobe renal cell carcinomaBirc5
chromosome 16p11.2 deletion syndrome, 593-kbMapk3
chromosome 16p11.2 duplication syndromeMapk3
Chromosome 17 DeletionTp53
chromosome 18q deletion syndromeBcl2 , Smad2 , Smad7
chromosome 1p36 deletion syndromeCasp9 , Pik3cd
chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, distalMapk1
Chromosome BreakageMyc
Chronic Experimental PancreatitisTgfb1
Chronic HepatitisCasp3 , Smad2 , Tgfb1
Chronic Hepatitis BTgfb1
Chronic Hepatitis CCcnd1 , Smad4
Chronic Intermittent HypoxiaBax , Bcl2
chronic lymphocytic leukemiaMyc , Tp53
chronic mucocutaneous candidiasisMapk8
chronic myelogenous leukemia, BCR-ABL1 positiveKras
chronic myeloid leukemiaAkt1 , Birc5 , Smad4 , Tgfb1
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCasp3 , Jun , Mapk8 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
Chronic PancreatitisBad
Chronic PeriodontitisRac2
CLAPO SyndromePik3ca
clear cell adenocarcinomaBcl2 , Tp53
clear cell renal cell carcinomaBax , Birc5 , Myc , Tp53
cleft lipMyc
cleft palateMyc , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
cleft soft palateTgfbr2
CLOVES syndromePik3ca , Pik3r1
cocaine abuseFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
cocaine dependenceFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Cocaine-Related DisordersFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Rhoa , Smad3
Cockayne syndrome BMapk8
cognitive disorderGsk3b , Smad4
Cognitive DysfunctionTp53
colon adenocarcinomaApc , Bax , Bcl2 , Ctnnb1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3 , Rac1 , Tgfb1
colon adenomaAxin2 , Ccnd1 , Rac1
colon cancerAkt1 , Akt3 , Apc , Axin1 , Bad , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r5 , Pms2 , Smad2 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr2
colon carcinomaAkt1 , Apc , Axin2 , Bax , Braf , Ctnnb1 , Dcc , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Pms2 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tp53
Colon DiverticulumMsh2 , Tp53
Colonic NeoplasmsApc , Axin2 , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Casp3 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Lef1 , Mapk8 , Mlh1 , Myc , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pms2 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
Colonic PolypsApc , Msh2 , Pms1 , Pms2
colorectal adenocarcinomaBraf , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Msh2 , Rac1 , Raf1 , Tp53
colorectal adenomaApc , Fos , Jun , Mapk8 , Raf1 , Smad4
colorectal cancerAkt1 , Akt2 , Apc , Axin2 , Bax , Birc5 , Braf , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Dcc , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk9 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pms1 , Rac1 , Rhoa , Smad3 , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tcf3 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
colorectal carcinomaAxin2 , Msh3 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Rac1 , Smad4 , Tp53
Colorectal NeoplasmsAkt1 , Apc , Apc2 , Axin1 , Axin2 , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Dcc , Fos , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3r3 , Pms1 , Pms2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr1 , Tp53
common variable immunodeficiencyTp53
complex cortical dysplasia with other brain malformationsAkt3 , Pik3ca
Complex Cortical Dysplasia with Other Brain Malformations 10Apc2
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21 Hydroxylase DeficiencyMsh2
congenital diaphragmatic herniaRhoa
congenital disorder of glycosylation IiTgfbr1
congenital disorder of glycosylation type IITgfbr1
congenital fibrosarcomaTp53
congenital heart diseaseMapk1 , Tgfb2
congenital hypoplastic anemiaAkt2 , Tgfb1
congenital hypothyroidismFos
Congenital Limb DeformitiesLef1 , Tgfb2
congenital merosin-deficient muscular dystrophy 1ATp53
congenital muscular dystrophy-dystroglycanopathy type A8Ctnnb1
congenital myasthenic syndrome 14Tgfbr1
congenital myasthenic syndrome 2ATp53
congestive heart failureBax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Casp3 , Fos , Gsk3b , Map2k1 , Mapk10 , Rac1 , Tp53
connective tissue diseaseSmad3 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
contact dermatitisBcl2
Contrast-Induced NephropathyCasp3 , Mapk8
Copper-Overload CirrhosisCasp3 , Smad2 , Tgfb1
coronary artery diseaseAkt1 , Smad3 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
Coronary DiseaseTcf7l2
coronary restenosisMapk1 , Myc , Tp53
Coronavirus infectious diseaseMapk1 , Mapk3
coronin-1A deficiencyMapk3
Costello syndromeBraf , Kras , Map2k1
COVID-19Akt3 , Birc5 , Jun , Myc
Cowden syndromePik3ca
Cowden syndrome 5Pik3ca
Cowden syndrome 6Akt1
cranioectodermal dysplasiaTgfb3
Craniofacial AbnormalitiesCtnnb1 , Rhoa , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
craniopharyngiomaApc , Braf , Ctnnb1
craniosynostosisAxin2 , Tgfbr1
craniosynostosis 1Akt2 , Tgfb1
Craniosynostosis Syndrome, Autosomal RecessiveAxin2 , Tgfbr1
Crohn's diseaseSmad3 , Tcf7
Cronkhite-Canada syndromeSmad4
Currarino syndromePik3ca
cutaneous leishmaniasisPik3cd
cutaneous Paget's diseasePik3ca
cyclic hematopoiesisApc2 , Tcf3
cystic fibrosisTgfb1
Dandy-Walker syndromeBraf
degenerative disc diseaseFos , Gsk3b , Tgfb1
dementiaBax , Bcl2
demyelinating diseaseMapk1 , Myc , Tp53
dengue diseaseMapk8
depressive disorderBax , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun , Mapk1
desmoid tumorApc , Ctnnb1
developmental and epileptic encephalopathyPik3r3
developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 14Ralgds
developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 54Akt3
Developmental DisabilitiesAkt3 , Braf , Ctnnb1 , Mapk3 , Mlh1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r2 , Rac1
Developmental DiseaseCtnnb1 , Rac1 , Tgfb3
Diabetes ComplicationsCasp9
diabetes mellitusCasp3 , Rac1 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1
diabetic angiopathyCasp3
Diabetic CardiomyopathiesAkt1 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ctnnb1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca
Diabetic CystopathyBad
diabetic encephalopathyGsk3b
Diabetic NephropathiesCasp3 , Casp9 , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Rhoa , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
diabetic neuropathyBad , Casp3 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
diabetic retinopathyAkt1 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Tgfbr2
Diamond-Blackfan anemiaAkt2 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
diaphragmatic eventrationPik3ca
Diaphragmatic HerniaTgfb1
diffuse large B-cell lymphomaBcl2 , Braf , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pms2 , Tp53
diffuse pediatric-type high-grade glioma, H3-wildtype and IDH-wildtypePms2 , Tp53
diffuse sclerodermaTgfbr1
DiGeorge syndromeMapk1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
Digestive System NeoplasmsApc , Msh3 , Msh6
Dilatation, PathologicTgfb1
dilated cardiomyopathyAxin2 , Bax , Bcl2 , Braf , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Kras , Lef1 , Mapk3 , Rac1 , Raf1 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb3 , Tp53
dilated cardiomyopathy 1BRaf1
dilated cardiomyopathy 1GPms2
dilated cardiomyopathy 1NNRaf1
Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Left Ventricular NoncompactionRaf1
disease of cellular proliferationKras , Myc , Tp53
Disease ProgressionBcl2 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Myc , Pik3ca , Rac2 , Tp53
Disproportionate Tall StatureTgfbr1
Dissecting AneurysmSmad3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
Down syndromePik3ca
Drug-Induced DyskinesiaGsk3b
Drug-induced NeutropeniaTp53
Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse ReactionsTp53
dry eye syndromeTgfb1
Duchenne muscular dystrophyTgfb1
Ductal CarcinomaMyc , Tp53
ductal carcinoma in situBcl2 , Birc5 , Ccnd1 , Tp53
duodenal ulcerTgfb1
duodenum adenocarcinomaApc
DwarfismMapk1 , Tp53
dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumorBraf
dyskeratosis congenitaTp53
dysplastic nevus syndromeBraf
early infantile epileptic encephalopathyPik3r3
ectodermal dysplasiaRhoa
EdemaCasp3 , Casp9
Ehlers-Danlos syndromeSmad3 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome classic type 1Ralgds , Tgfbr1
Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophyRac2
Encephalocraniocutaneous LipomatosisKras
end stage renal diseaseBcl2 , Tgfb1
endodermal sinus tumorCtnnb1
endometrial adenocarcinomaAxin2 , Jun , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3r1 , Tp53
endometrial cancerAkt2 , Apc , Bad , Msh3 , Msh6 , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad7 , Tp53
endometrial carcinomaApc , Braf , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh3 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Pms2 , Smad4 , Tp53
endometrial hyperplasiaBirc5 , Kras
Endometrial Hyperplasia without AtypiaKras
Endometrial Intraepithelial NeoplasiaApc , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Tp53
Endometrial NeoplasmsApc , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Kras , Mapk3 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh3 , Msh6 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Tp53
endometrial serous adenocarcinomaMsh6
Endometrioid CarcinomasApc , Birc5 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3
endometriosisBax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Ctnnb1 , Fos , Kras , Mapk8 , Tgfb2
endometritisCasp3 , Casp9
endomyocardial fibrosisTgfb1
EndotoxemiaAkt1 , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Mapk8
eosinophilic esophagitisTgfb1
epidermal nevusKras , Pik3ca
epilepsyAkt1 , Apc2 , Axin1 , Fos , Pik3r2 , Tgfb1
Episodic Kinesigenic DyskinesiaMapk3
episodic kinesigenic dyskinesia 1Mapk3
esophageal cancerAkt1 , Dcc , Pik3ca , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
esophageal carcinomaAkt1 , Dcc , Pik3ca , Smad4 , Tp53
Esophageal NeoplasmsBax , Bcl2 , Ccnd1 , Dcc , Myc , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
esophagus adenocarcinomaBcl2 , Pik3ca , Smad4 , Tp53
esophagus squamous cell carcinomaAkt1 , Axin1 , Ccnd1 , Dcc , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
essential thrombocythemiaTgfb1
estrogen-receptor positive breast cancerPik3ca
Experimental Allergic AsthmaBcl2
Experimental ArthritisAkt1 , Bax , Bcl2 , Fos , Gsk3b , Pik3cd , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2
Experimental Autoimmune EncephalomyelitisCasp3 , Casp9 , Rhoa , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2
Experimental Autoimmune MyocarditisCasp3 , Casp9
Experimental Autoimmune NeuritisDcc , Rhoa
Experimental ColitisAkt1 , Bcl2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Smad4
Experimental Diabetes MellitusAkt1 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Pik3r1 , Rhoa , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tp53
Experimental Liver CirrhosisAkt1 , Appl1 , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Fos , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Rac2 , Rhoa , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
Experimental Liver NeoplasmsBcl2 , Birc5 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Tgfb1 , Tp53
Experimental Mammary NeoplasmsAkt1 , Akt2 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Pik3r1 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
Experimental MelanomaBraf
Experimental NeoplasmsBraf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Tp53
Experimental Radiation InjuriesCasp3 , Casp9 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Experimental SarcomaKras
Experimental SeizuresBad , Ccnd1 , Msh2
extrahepatic bile duct adenocarcinomaRac1
extrahepatic cholestasisFos , Jun , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Tgfb1
exudative vitreoretinopathyCtnnb1
exudative vitreoretinopathy 1Ctnnb1
exudative vitreoretinopathy 7Ctnnb1
Eye AbnormalitiesApc , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr2
Eye NeoplasmsTp53
Facial AsymmetryPik3ca
factor VIII deficiencyTgfb1
familial adenomatous polyposisAkt1 , Apc , Axin2 , Msh3
familial adenomatous polyposis 1Apc , Tcf7
familial adenomatous polyposis 4Msh3
Familial Horizontal Gaze Palsy with Progressive ScoliosisDcc
Familial Horizontal Gaze Palsy with Progressive Scoliosis, 2Dcc
familial hyperlipidemiaApc , Tgfb1
familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathyRaf1
familial melanomaBraf , Tp53
familial multiple nevi flammeiPik3ca
Familial Pancreatic CarcinomaKras , Smad4 , Tp53
familial partial lipodystrophyAkt2
Familial Prostate CancerBcl2 , Map2k1 , Msh6 , Tcf7l2
Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm 1Smad3 , Tgfbr2
Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm 6Smad3 , Tgfbr1
Female InfertilityMapk1 , Mapk3 , Tp53
female reproductive system diseaseSmad2
Femoral FracturesLef1
Ferguson-Smith tumorTgfbr1
fetal alcohol syndromeRhoa
Fetal Growth RetardationBax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Fos
fibrillary astrocytomaKras
fibrolamellar carcinomaCtnnb1
FibrosisAkt1 , Ctnnb1 , Rhoa , Tgfb1
Fibrous Dysplasia of BoneFos
focal segmental glomerulosclerosisCasp9 , Tgfb1
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 5Akt1
follicular lymphomaBcl2
Follicular Thyroid CancerBraf
follicular thyroid carcinomaKras
functional diarrheaFos
Funnel ChestTp53
gallbladder cancerApc , Axin2 , Braf , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Pik3ca , Smad4 , Tp53
gallbladder carcinomaRac1
Gallbladder NeoplasmsApc , Bcl2 , Kras , Tgfb1 , Tp53
Gardner SyndromeApc
gastric adenocarcinomaBraf , Pik3ca , Rac1 , Tp53
Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Proximal Polyposis of the StomachApc
Gastric PolyposisApc
gastric ulcerBad , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Fos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Gastrointestinal HemorrhageApc , Bax
Gastrointestinal NeoplasmsApc , Pik3ca
gastrointestinal stromal tumorAkt3 , Apc , Braf , Kras , Msh3 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr2
gastrointestinal system cancerSmad4
Gaucher's diseaseMsh6
Gaucher's disease type IMsh6
Generalized EpilepsyMapk10
genetic diseaseAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Apc2 , Bax , Braf , Ctnnb1 , Dcc , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Rac1 , Rac2 , Raf1 , Rhoa , Smad2 , Tcf3 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr2
Genetic Predisposition to DiseaseMsh6
Genomic InstabilityCcnd1
Germ Cell and Embryonal NeoplasmsBirc5 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Rhoa
gestational diabetesTcf7l2
glaucomaBad , Bax , Bcl2 , Jun , Tgfb2
glioblastomaAkt1 , Akt3 , Apc , Kras , Msh2 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Tp53
GliosisMapk1 , Mapk3
glomerulonephritisFos , Mapk1
glucose intolerancePik3r1
glycine encephalopathyRhoa
glycogen storage disease IIPik3ca
Glycogen Storage Disease XIIMapk3
GM1 gangliosidosisMsh6
GM1 gangliosidosis type 1Msh6
graft-versus-host diseaseTp53
granulosa cell tumorCtnnb1
Graves' diseaseTgfb1 , Tp53
Growth DisordersPik3ca
Growth Mental Deficiency Syndrome of MyhreSmad4
hairy cell leukemiaMap2k1
Head and Neck NeoplasmsBcl2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
head and neck squamous cell carcinomaAkt1 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Pik3ca , Smad4 , Tp53
Hearing Loss, Cisplatin-InducedGsk3b
heart diseaseBax , Casp3 , Casp9 , Gsk3b , Rac2 , Tgfb1
Heart InjuriesTgfb1
heart valve diseaseCasp3
Heat StrokeFos , Jun
Helicobacter InfectionsMapk8
hematologic cancerTp53
Hemifacial MyohyperplasiaPik3ca
hemolytic-uremic syndromeFos
hemorrhagic diseaseCycs , Smad4
Hemorrhagic ShockBad , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Mapk1 , Myc , Tgfb1
hepatic encephalopathyTgfb1
Hepatic InsufficiencyTgfb1
hepatitisMapk8 , Mapk9
hepatitis BCtnnb1
hepatitis CMyc
hepatoblastomaApc , Axin2 , Ctnnb1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
hepatocellular adenomaCtnnb1 , Kras
hepatocellular carcinomaAkt1 , Akt2 , Apc , Axin1 , Axin2 , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Braf , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Fos , Jun , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk8 , Msh3 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pms2 , Rac1 , Smad2 , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
HepatomegalyAkt1 , Tgfb1
Hereditary Adrenocortical CarcinomaTp53
hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndromeApc , Kras , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pms1 , Pms2 , Raf1 , Ralgds , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tp53
hereditary desmoid diseaseApc , Ctnnb1
hereditary diffuse gastric cancerKras
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasiaSmad4
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia, Type 1Smad4 , Tgfb1
Hereditary Neoplastic SyndromesAkt1 , Apc , Axin2 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh3 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Pms2 , Smad4 , Tcf7 , Tp53
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer type 2Mlh1 , Msh2
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer type 4Msh2 , Msh6 , Pms2
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer type 5Msh6 , Pms2
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer type 6Tgfbr2
Hereditary PancreatitisCasp9
heroin dependenceAkt1 , Ctnnb1
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis 3Akt1
Heterotopic OssificationSmad4
high grade gliomaAkt2 , Apc , Bad , Birc5 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk3 , Msh2 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3 , Raf1 , Tp53
Hirschsprung Disease 1Tgfb2
Hirschsprung's diseaseAxin2 , Tgfb2
Hodgkin's lymphomaJun , Kras , Mapk1 , Myc
Holt-Oram syndromeTgfb2
human immunodeficiency virus infectious diseaseBax
Human Viral HepatitisSmad4
Huntington's diseaseBax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Cycs , Msh2
Hydatidiform MoleMlh1 , Msh2
Hydatidiform Mole, InvasiveMsh2
Hydrops FetalisKras
HyperalgesiaFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Raf1 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfbr1
HypercholesterolemiaCasp3 , Casp9
hyperparathyroidismCcnd1 , Myc
HyperplasiaAkt1 , Apc , Bax , Ccnd1 , Pik3ca , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2
hypertensionAkt1 , Akt2 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Mapk8 , Pik3r1 , Rhoa , Tgfb1 , Tgfb3 , Tp53
hypertrophic cardiomyopathyBcl2 , Braf , Casp3 , Ctnnb1 , Myc , Raf1 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb3 , Tp53
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 1Raf1
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 4Braf
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 9Pms2
HypertrophyMapk1 , Mapk3
Hypoglossal Nerve InjuriesSmad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Smad7
hypoglycemiaAkt2 , Pik3r1
Hypogonadism and Testicular AtrophyTp53
hypoinsulinemic hypoglycemia with hemihypertrophyAkt2
hypomyelinating leukodystrophy 7Tgfbr2
idiopathic generalized epilepsyAxin1 , Birc5
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosisAkt1 , Smad2
IgA glomerulonephritisTgfb1
Immunoblastic LymphadenopathyRhoa
immunodeficiency 14Pik3cd , Pik3r1
immunodeficiency 31BPms1
immunodeficiency 36Pik3r1
immunodeficiency 73a with defective neutrophil chemotaxis and leukocytosisRac2
immunodeficiency 73b with defective neutrophil chemotaxis and lymphopeniaRac2
immunodeficiency 73c with defective neutrophil chemotaxis and hypogammaglobulinemiaRac2
imperforate anusCtnnb1
impotenceAkt1 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Ccnd1 , Tgfb1
in situ carcinomaAkt1 , Ctnnb1
Infant, Newborn, DiseasesTgfb1
Infectious EctromeliaMapk8
InflammationAkt1 , Tgfb1
inflammatory bowel diseaseApc , Apc2 , Tgfb1
influenza AMapk8
inguinal herniaTgfbr2
Inhalant AbuseFos
Insulin ResistanceAkt2 , Bad , Casp3 , Mapk3 , Pik3r1 , Tcf7l2
intellectual disabilityApc , Bad , Braf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Dcc , Fos , Kras , Mapk1 , Pik3r2 , Ralgds , Smad2 , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1
intermediate coronary syndromeAkt1
intermittent claudicationBad , Bax , Casp3
interstitial cystitisCcnd1
interstitial lung diseaseTgfb1
Intervertebral Disc DisplacementAkt1
intestinal diseaseBax , Bcl2 , Casp3
Intestinal NeoplasmsApc , Bax , Bcl2 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Mapk8
Intestinal PolypsApc , Axin2 , Ccnd1 , Jun , Mlh1
Intestinal Reperfusion InjuryCasp3 , Casp9
Intimal HyperplasiaMapk1
intracranial aneurysmBcl2
intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomaApc , Braf , Kras , Smad4
invasive ductal carcinomaAkt1 , Smad4
invasive lobular carcinomaCcnd1 , Ctnnb1
irritable bowel syndromeFos
ischemiaAkt2 , Bax , Cycs , Mapk9 , Raf1 , Tp53
Jaw NeoplasmsApc
Joubert syndrome 1Tgfb1
Joubert syndrome 9Msh6
juvenile myelomonocytic leukemiaKras , Rac2
juvenile polyposis syndromeSmad4
juvenile polyposis-hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia syndromeSmad4
juvenile rheumatoid arthritisFos , Jun , Kras , Mapk1 , Smad3 , Tcf7l2
Kaposi's sarcomaTp53
Kashin-Beck DiseaseBax , Bcl2
kidney diseaseApc , Casp3 , Casp9 , Mapk1 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
Kidney NeoplasmsAkt1 , Birc5 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Raf1
Kidney Reperfusion InjuryBax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Fos , Myc , Tgfb1
Klatskin's tumorApc , Kras
Klippel-Trenaunay syndromePik3ca
Knee OsteoarthritisBax , Bcl2 , Ctnnb1
Kuhnt-Junius degenerationMapk8
Langerhans-cell histiocytosisBraf
laryngeal squamous cell carcinomaMlh1 , Msh2
learning disabilityBcl2
Leber congenital amaurosisBraf
Leber hereditary optic neuropathyTp53
Left Ventricular HypertrophyCtnnb1 , Mapk1 , Myc , Rac1 , Rhoa
left ventricular noncompactionTgfb3
Leigh diseaseRalgds
leiomyomaBax , Bcl2 , Myc , Smad3 , Tgfbr1
Lennox-Gastaut syndromeMapk10
leukemiaBad , Ccnd1 , Tp53
leukocyte adhesion deficiency 3Bad
LeukocytosisApc , Kras
Li-Fraumeni syndromeTp53
Li-Fraumeni syndrome 1Tp53
Li-Fraumeni-Like SyndromeTp53
linear nevus sebaceous syndromeKras
Lip NeoplasmsTp53
liver cancerCcnd1 , Pik3ca
liver cirrhosisAxin1 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ctnnb1 , Myc , Smad3 , Smad7 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr1
liver diseaseApc , Rac1
Liver InjuryMyc
Liver MetastasisBraf , Smad4
Liver NeoplasmsApc , Braf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Jun , Kras , Myc , Raf1 , Tp53
Liver Reperfusion InjuryBad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Gsk3b , Mapk8
localized sclerodermaTgfb1
Loeys-Dietz syndromeSmad2 , Smad3 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
Loeys-Dietz syndrome 1Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
Loeys-Dietz syndrome 2Tgfbr2
Loeys-Dietz syndrome 3Smad3
Loeys-Dietz syndrome 4Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
Loeys-Dietz syndrome 5Tgfb3
Loeys-Dietz syndrome 6Smad2
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome, Type 1bTgfbr2
long QT syndromeBraf , Ccnd1 , Tgfb3
long QT syndrome 1Braf
low tension glaucomaTp53
lung adenocarcinomaApc , Axin2 , Birc5 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh3 , Msh6 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Rac1 , Raf1 , Smad4 , Tgfb2 , Tp53
lung cancerAxin1 , Axin2 , Braf , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh3 , Myc , Pik3ca , Rac1 , Smad3 , Smad4
lung carcinomaBraf , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Mlh1 , Pik3ca
lung diseaseTgfb1
Lung InjuryBax , Bcl2
Lung NeoplasmsAkt1 , Apc , Birc5 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Fos , Jun , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Pik3ca , Raf1 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
lung non-small cell carcinomaAkt1 , Akt3 , Apc , Axin1 , Bad , Bax , Birc5 , Braf , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Cycs , Kras , Map2k1 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh3 , Myc , Pik3ca , Raf1 , Smad3 , Tp53
Lung Reperfusion InjuryBax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Kras , Myc
lung sarcomatoid carcinomaKras , Msh6 , Tp53
lung small cell carcinomaAxin2 , Bcl2 , Ccnd1 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Tp53
lung squamous cell carcinomaBirc5 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Cycs , Kras , Map2k1 , Pik3ca , Tp53
lymphangiomaBraf , Pik3ca
Lymphatic MetastasisBcl2 , Birc5 , Braf , Casp9 , Ctnnb1 , Cycs , Msh2 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Rhoa , Smad4 , Tp53
lymphomaKras , Mlh1 , Rac2 , Tp53
Lymphomatoid PapulosisTgfb1
Lynch syndromeApc , Kras , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pms1 , Pms2 , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
Lynch syndrome 1Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pms1 , Pms2
MacrocephalyAkt3 , Pik3ca
Macrocephaly Mesodermal Hamartoma SpectrumAkt1
macrocytic anemiaApc
macular degenerationBad , Bax
male infertilityBax , Bcl2 , Tp53
malignant astrocytomaAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Kras , Tp53
malignant mesotheliomaBcl2 , Ctnnb1 , Raf1 , Tgfb2 , Tp53
malignant pleural mesotheliomaBirc5 , Mlh1
Mandibular NeoplasmsBraf , Ctnnb1
mantle cell lymphomaCcnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Pik3cd
maple syrup urine diseaseAkt2 , Tgfb1
Marfan syndromeTgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
Marfan Syndrome Type 2Tgfbr2
Marfanoid Hypermobility SyndromeTgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
marginal zone lymphomaTp53
Martsolf SyndromeTgfb2
maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 1Akt2 , Tcf7l2
maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 14Appl1
Meckel Syndrome 10Tgfb1
medulloblastomaApc , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Myc , Pik3ca , Tp53
megacolonAkt3 , Mapk8
Megalencephaly - Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica CongenitaAkt3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus SyndromeAkt3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r2
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus Syndrome 1Pik3r2
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus Syndrome 2Akt3
Megaloblastic Anemia due to Dihydrofolate Reductase DeficiencyMsh3
melanomaBcl2 , Braf , Dcc , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Pik3ca , Rac1 , Rac2 , Tp53
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritisTgfbr2
membranous glomerulonephritisRhoa
Memory DisordersAkt1 , Bcl2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
meninges sarcomaTp53
Mercury Poisoning, Nervous SystemJun
Merkel cell carcinomaMyc
mesenchymal chondrosarcomaBcl2
MesotheliomaApc , Birc5 , Tp53
metabolic dysfunction and alcohol associated liver diseaseAkt1 , Tgfb1
metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitisAkt1 , Smad4
metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver diseaseAkt1 , Mapk8 , Tgfb1
Metabolic SyndromeTgfb1
MetaplasiaAxin2 , Bcl2 , Ctnnb1
methylmalonic acidemiaCycs
methylmalonic aciduria due to methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiencyTgfbr1
Microcephaly, Epilepsy, and Diabetes SyndromeSmad2
Microphthalmia, Cataracts, and Iris AbnormalitiesSmad4
Microsatellite InstabilityBax , Braf , Msh3 , Msh6 , Tgfbr2
middle cerebral artery infarctionBad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Fos , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Tgfb1
migraineFos , Tgfbr2
Mirror Movements 1Dcc
mismatch repair cancer syndromeApc , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pms2 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
Mismatch Repair Cancer Syndrome 1Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pms2
Mismatch Repair Cancer Syndrome 2Msh2
Mismatch Repair Cancer Syndrome 3Msh6
Mismatch Repair Cancer Syndrome 4Pms2
mitochondrial metabolism diseaseTp53
Monoclonal B-Cell LymphocytosisApc
morphine dependenceBax , Bcl2 , Fos , Mapk1 , Mapk3
morphine withdrawal syndromeBad , Fos
Mouth NeoplasmsKras , Pik3ca , Tp53
Muir-Torre syndromeMlh1 , Msh2
Multi-Infarct DementiaBax , Bcl2
multicentric Castleman diseaseTcf3
Multiple AbnormalitiesCtnnb1 , Gsk3b , Kras
multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencyTgfbr2
multiple congenital anomalies-hypotonia-seizures syndrome 1Bcl2
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1Bad
multiple myelomaBcl2 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Kras , Pik3r2 , Tcf3 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
Multiple Organ FailureMapk1
Multiple Primary NeoplasmsMlh1
multiple sclerosisRhoa
muscular atrophyAkt1 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Kras
muscular diseaseSmad4 , Tgfb1
Musculoskeletal AbnormalitiesTgfb2
Mycoplasma InfectionsCasp3
Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumoniaTcf7
myelodysplastic syndromeKras , Myc , Tp53
myelofibrosisTgfb1 , Tp53
myeloid leukemia associated with Down SyndromeTp53
myeloid neoplasmKras , Tp53
myeloid sarcomaKras
myeloproliferative neoplasmTcf3
myocardial infarctionAkt1 , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Casp3 , Fos , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk8 , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
Myocardial IschemiaAxin2 , Bax , Bcl2 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Tcf7l2
Myocardial Reperfusion InjuryAkt1 , Akt2 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Rhoa , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
myoclonic dystonia 26Rac2
Myoectodermal Gonadal Dysgenesis SyndromePik3ca
myoepitheliomaBraf , Tgfbr1
nasal cavity cancerTp53
Nasal PolypsJun , Tgfb1
Nasopharyngeal NeoplasmsCcnd1 , Tp53
nasopharynx carcinomaBcl2 , Rac1 , Tp53
Nematode InfectionsPik3r1
Neonatal Hypoglycemia, Simulating Foetopathia DiabeticaAkt2
Neoplasm InvasivenessCtnnb1 , Lef1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Rhoa , Tgfb1
Neoplasm MetastasisAkt2 , Bax , Bcl2 , Braf , Casp3 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Lef1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk9 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3r3 , Pms2 , Rac1 , Rhoa , Smad4 , Tcf3 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
Neoplasm MicrometastasisCycs
Neoplastic Cell TransformationApc , Bcl2 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Mapk8 , Myc , Rac1 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
nephroblastomaBraf , Ctnnb1 , Myc , Smad4 , Tp53
nephrotic syndromeTgfb1
Nerve DegenerationBax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Ctnnb1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Nerve Sheath NeoplasmsTp53
nervous system diseaseCasp3 , Casp9 , Fos , Tp53
Nervous System MalformationsCtnnb1
neuroblastomaKras , Myc , Tp53
Neurocutaneous SyndromesRhoa
neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation 2ARac2
neurodevelopmental disorder with dysmorphic facies and distal limb anomaliesRac1
Neurodevelopmental DisordersAkt3 , Apc , Apc2 , Ctnnb1 , Mapk3 , Msh3 , Msh6 , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pms1 , Tcf3 , Tcf7 , Tcf7l2
neuroectodermal tumorMyc
neuroendocrine tumorBraf
neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosisMap2k1 , Smad3
neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 6AGsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk3
newborn respiratory distress syndromeBraf
nicotine dependenceApc2 , Fos
No-Reflow PhenomenonCtnnb1
Nociceptive PainFos
non-Hodgkin lymphomaBcl2 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Tp53
Nonseminomatous Germ Cell TumorBraf
nonsyndromic deafnessTgfb3
Noonan syndromeBraf , Kras , Map2k1 , Raf1
Noonan syndrome 1Braf , Kras , Map2k1 , Raf1
Noonan syndrome 13Mapk1
Noonan syndrome 3Kras , Raf1
Noonan syndrome 5Raf1
Noonan syndrome 7Braf
Noonan syndrome with multiple lentiginesBraf , Raf1
Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines 2Raf1
Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines 3Braf
obesityAkt1 , Akt2 , Bad , Bcl2 , Cycs , Fos , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Pik3r1 , Rhoa , Tgfb1
occupational asthmaTgfb1
Occupational DiseasesTgfb1
oculoectodermal syndromeKras
Odontogenic CystsSmad4
Odontogenic MyxomaTp53
Oligodontia-Colorectal Cancer SyndromeAxin2
opiate dependenceAkt1
Optic Nerve InjuriesBax , Bcl2 , Jun , Rhoa
Oral Lichen PlanusTp53
oral mucosa leukoplakiaAxin2 , Bcl2 , Tp53
oral squamous cell carcinomaAxin1 , Axin2 , Birc5 , Gsk3b , Jun , Tp53
oral submucous fibrosisTgfb1 , Tp53
orofacial cleftAxin2
Oropharyngeal NeoplasmsTp53
osteoarthritisBad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Pik3r1 , Smad3 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr1
Osteoarthritis, ExperimentalCasp3 , Mapk3
Osteoarthritis, HipSmad3
osteochondrodysplasiaBcl2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfbr1
osteogenesis imperfectaMlh1 , Smad4
osteogenesis imperfecta type 1Mlh1
osteoporosisBax , Bcl2 , Myc , Tgfb1
osteosarcomaJun , Msh2 , Msh6 , Myc , Tp53
ovarian cancerAkt1 , Apc , Axin2 , Ctnnb1 , Lef1 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Pms1 , Pms2 , Smad2 , Smad4 , Tp53
ovarian carcinomaAkt2 , Ccnd1 , Fos , Map2k1 , Msh6 , Raf1 , Rhoa , Smad2 , Tp53
ovarian cystMsh2
Ovarian NeoplasmsAkt1 , Akt2 , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Braf , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Pms2 , Smad7 , Tp53
ovarian small cell carcinomaTp53
ovary serous adenocarcinomaKras , Tp53
Oxygen-Induced RetinopathyBcl2 , Casp3 , Mapk8
pancreatic acinar cell adenocarcinomaBraf
pancreatic adenocarcinomaAkt3 , Birc5 , Ccnd1 , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Rac1 , Raf1 , Smad7
pancreatic adenosquamous carcinomaTgfb2
pancreatic cancerAkt1 , Akt2 , Apc , Bad , Braf , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Cycs , Kras , Myc , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
pancreatic carcinomaKras , Myc , Raf1 , Smad4 , Tp53
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaCcnd1 , Mapk8 , Pik3r2 , Rac1 , Smad2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1
pancreatic ductal carcinomaCcnd1 , Kras , Mapk3 , Pms1 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
pancreatic intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasmAkt1 , Tp53
Pancreatic Intraepithelial NeoplasiaCcnd1
pancreatic mucinous cystadenomaKras
pancreatic solid pseudopapillary carcinomaCcnd1
pancreatitisCasp3 , Map2k1
papillary renal cell carcinomaBirc5 , Braf
papillary thyroid carcinomaBraf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Lef1 , Myc , Tp53
papillomaCcnd1 , Tgfb1
paranasal sinus benign neoplasmTp53
ParaproteinemiasBraf , Kras , Tp53
Paraquat LungSmad7 , Tgfb1
Parasitic Liver DiseasesKras , Smad4 , Tp53
parathyroid carcinomaAkt3 , Tgfb2
Parkinson's diseaseAkt1 , Axin2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk3
ParkinsonismBad , Casp3 , Casp9 , Mapk8
Partial Agenesis of Corpus CallosumDcc
Pediatric Adrenocortical CarcinomaTp53
penile benign neoplasmCcnd1
Penile NeoplasmsKras , Pik3ca , Tp53
periampullary adenomaApc
peripheral nervous system diseaseCasp9 , Jun
peripheral T-cell lymphomaRhoa
peritoneal carcinomaMlh1
Peritoneal FibrosisTgfb1
Peritoneal NeoplasmsCtnnb1
Peyronie's diseaseTgfb1
PHACE AssociationBraf
Phyllodes TumorCtnnb1 , Tp53
Pick's diseaseFos
Pierson syndromeRhoa
pilocytic astrocytomaKras
Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome 2Msh2 , Msh6
pituitary carcinomaPms2
Pituitary Stalk Interruption SyndromeRaf1
plasma cell neoplasmBraf , Kras , Tp53
pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomaBraf , Cycs , Tp53
pleural diseaseTgfb1
Pleural EffusionTp53
Pneumococcal PneumoniaMapk1 , Mapk3
polycystic kidney diseaseMyc , Pik3ca
polycystic kidney disease 1Myc
polycystic liver diseaseCtnnb1
polycystic liver disease 1Ctnnb1
polycystic ovary syndromeAkt2 , Bax , Bcl2
portal hypertensionMapk1 , Pik3r1
post-traumatic stress disorderBax , Bcl2 , Casp9 , Fos
Posterior Leukoencephalopathy SyndromeTgfb1
Postmenopausal OsteoporosisTgfb1
Postoperative Cognitive DysfunctionMapk1 , Mapk3
pre-malignant neoplasmAkt1 , Bax , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tp53
Premature AgingBax , Bcl2 , Tp53
Premature BirthBraf
primary biliary cholangitisRhoa , Tgfb1
primary coenzyme Q10 deficiency 7Ralgds
primary cutaneous T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomaBax , Braf , Rhoa , Tp53
primary immunodeficiency diseasePik3cd , Pik3r1
primary open angle glaucomaTp53
primary ovarian insufficiencyMyc
primary pulmonary hypertension 1Smad4
Primitive Neuroectodermal TumorsPms2
prion diseaseBax
Progressive Diaphyseal Dysplasia 1Tgfb1
progressive myoclonus epilepsy 9Apc2 , Tcf3
progressive osseous heteroplasiaCtnnb1
prostate adenocarcinomaAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Braf , Ctnnb1 , Jun , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Raf1 , Tp53
prostate cancerAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Apc , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Casp3 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Lef1 , Mapk10 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pms2 , Rac2 , Raf1 , Smad3 , Tcf3 , Tcf7 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
Prostate Cancer, Hereditary, 1Braf , Kras , Tp53
prostate carcinomaAkt2 , Bad , Bax , Jun
prostate carcinoma in situCcnd1 , Kras , Lef1 , Myc , Smad4
prostatic hypertrophyBad , Myc
Prostatic NeoplasmsAkt1 , Akt2 , Apc , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Braf , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk3 , Mapk9 , Mlh1 , Msh3 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pms1 , Raf1 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
proteinuriaRhoa , Tgfb1
Proteus syndromeAkt1
Pseudomonas InfectionsMapk8
psoriasisTgfb1 , Tp53
PTEN hamartoma tumor syndromePik3ca
Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionAxin2 , Pms2 , Smad4 , Tgfbr1
pulmonary emphysemaJun , Tgfb1
pulmonary fibrosisBad , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2
pulmonary hypertensionBcl2 , Birc5 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Rhoa , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
pulmonary sarcoidosisTgfb1
pulmonary tuberculosisAkt1 , Jun
pulmonary valve stenosisBraf
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase E1-Beta DeficiencyAppl1
Radiation InjuriesTgfbr2
Radiation PneumonitisTgfb1
Rafiq syndromeRalgds
RASopathyBraf , Kras , Map2k1 , Raf1
rectal benign neoplasmApc , Fos , Mapk8 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb
rectum adenocarcinomaApc
RecurrenceCtnnb1 , Kras
Recurrent Infections, with Encephalopathy, Hepatic Dysfunction, and Cardiovascular MalformationsCcnd1
Refractory AnemiaBirc5
Refractory Anemia with Excess of BlastsBirc5
renal carcinomaJun
renal cell carcinomaAkt1 , Akt3 , Apc , Bad , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Casp3 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Jun , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Smad2 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
Renal Cell Carcinoma 1Ctnnb1 , Msh2
renal fibrosisKras , Mapk1 , Myc
Reperfusion InjuryAkt1 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Dcc , Fos , Jun , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3r1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
Respiratory System AbnormalitiesTgfb2 , Tgfb3
Retina Reperfusion InjuryBad , Bax , Bcl2
retinal degenerationBax , Bcl2
retinal detachmentCasp3 , Casp9
retinal diseaseCasp3
rhabdoid cancerMyc
rhabdomyosarcomaMsh2 , Msh6 , Pms2 , Tp53
rheumatic heart diseaseBax , Lef1
rheumatoid arthritisPik3r1
Right Ventricular HypertrophyAkt1 , Bax , Tgfb1
Roifman-Chitayat SyndromePik3cd
Romano-Ward SyndromeBraf
rosette-forming glioneuronal tumorPik3ca
salivary gland diseaseCasp3
Salivary Gland NeoplasmsCcnd1
SAPHO syndromeTp53
sarcomaMsh2 , Pik3ca , Tp53
SarcopeniaBax , Bcl2
schizophreniaAkt1 , Gsk3b , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Tp53
sciatic neuropathyCasp3 , Gsk3b
scimitar syndromeSmad2
scrapieBax , Casp3 , Casp9
sebaceous gland neoplasmLef1
Sebaceous Nevus Syndrome and HemimegalencephalyKras
seborrheic keratosisPik3ca
seminomaKras , Smad4
Sengers syndromeBraf
Senior-Loken syndromeAkt3
Senior-Loken Syndrome 7Akt3
SepsisBad , Casp3 , Casp9 , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Rac1 , Tgfb1
Septic PeritonitisPik3r1
septooptic dysplasiaAppl1
serous cystadenocarcinomaTp53
severe acute respiratory syndromeCasp3 , Casp9 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Tgfb1
severe combined immunodeficiencyRac2
Sezary's diseaseBraf , Mapk1 , Tp53
ShockMapk1 , Mapk3
SHORT syndromePik3r1
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 6 with or without polydactylyAxin2
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 9 with or without polydactylyAxin1
sickle cell anemiaTgfb1
sigmoid colon cancerApc , Msh2 , Msh6
sigmoid neoplasmApc , Msh2 , Msh6
Sjogren's syndromeTgfb1
skin melanomaBraf , Ctnnb1 , Pik3ca , Tp53
Skin NeoplasmsAkt1 , Ctnnb1 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr1 , Tp53
sleeping sicknessFos
small cell carcinomaBirc5 , Tp53
small intestine adenocarcinomaMap2k1
Small-For-Size SyndromeBad
Smith-Kingsmore SyndromePik3r1 , Pik3r2
Soft Tissue NeoplasmsBcl2
Sotos syndrome 3Apc2
spastic ataxiaPik3r5
spermatic cord torsionCasp3
spermatogenic failure 57Map2k1
Spinal Cord InjuriesAkt1 , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Dcc , Jun , Rhoa , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tp53
Spinal Cord Reperfusion InjuryBad
splenic diseaseApc
SplenomegalyApc , Kras
split hand-foot malformationLef1
spondylocostal dysostosis 5Mapk3
Spontaneous AbortionsTgfb1 , Tgfbr1
Spontaneous Neoplasm RegressionTgfb1
sporadic breast cancerMlh1
Sporadic Papillary Renal Cell CarcinomaMyc
squamous cell carcinomaAkt1 , Apc , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Ccnd1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mlh1 , Myc , Pik3ca , Tgfb1 , Tp53
Staphylococcal PneumoniaAkt1
status epilepticusBax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Ccnd1 , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun
steatotic liver diseaseAkt1 , Cycs , Mapk8 , Myc
Stevens-Johnson syndromeCtnnb1
Stiff-Person syndromeCtnnb1
stomach cancerApc , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pik3ca , Pms2 , Rac1 , Smad4 , Tp53
stomach carcinomaBirc5 , Kras
Stomach NeoplasmsApc , Birc5 , Ccnd1 , Jun , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Myc , Pik3ca , Rhoa , Smad4 , Tp53
Streptococcus pneumoniaPik3cd
StrokeAkt1 , Casp3 , Ctnnb1 , Mapk8 , Pik3ca , Tgfb1
Sturge-Weber syndromeMap2k1
Subarachnoid HemorrhageBcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Gsk3b , Pik3cb
substance-induced psychosisAkt1
substance-related disorderGsk3b
Supratentorial NeoplasmsPms2
synovial sarcomaBcl2
systemic lupus erythematosusTcf7
systemic sclerodermaTgfbr1
T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiaBax , Bcl2 , Kras
T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomaAkt1 , Rhoa , Tp53
temporal lobe epilepsyFos
Tendon InjuriesFos
teratomaBax , Ctnnb1 , Kras
Testicular Germ Cell TumorBirc5
Testis Reperfusion InjuryBax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
tethered spinal cord syndromeBraf
thoracic aortic aneurysmSmad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
thrombocytopeniaCycs , Tgfb1
Thrombocytopenia 4Cycs
thymomaBirc5 , Tp53
Thymus NeoplasmsTp53
thyroid cancerMapk1 , Myc
Thyroid Carcinoma, Nonmedullary 1Kras
thyroid gland carcinomaBirc5
Thyroid NeoplasmsAkt2 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Msh6 , Tp53
Tongue NeoplasmsBcl2 , Fos , Tp53
tongue squamous cell carcinomaBcl2 , Ccnd1 , Fos , Jun , Tp53
tooth agenesisAxin2
tooth diseaseRhoa
toxic encephalopathyCasp3 , Fos
toxic shock syndromePik3cd
tracheal stenosisTgfb1
Tracheoesophageal FistulaApc2
transient cerebral ischemiaAxin2 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Cycs
transitional cell carcinomaApc , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Braf , Casp3 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Msh2 , Smad4 , Tp53
Transplant RejectionBad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Myc
transthyretin amyloidosisTp53
traumatic brain injuryBad , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ctnnb1 , Tgfb1 , Tp53
trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type IMyc
Trigeminal Nerve InjuriesTp53
trigeminal neuralgiaFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9
Triple Negative Breast NeoplasmsKras
tuberous sclerosis 1Ralgds
Tubulointerstitial FibrosisSmad3 , Tgfb1
type 1 diabetes mellitusCasp3 , Casp9 , Tgfb1
type 2 diabetes mellitusAkt1 , Akt2 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Braf , Casp3 , Casp9 , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3cb , Pik3r1 , Smad4 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr2
ulcerative colitisCasp3 , Tp53
uremiaTgfb1 , Tgfbr1
ureteral obstructionAkt1 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Smad3 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2
urethral obstructionMapk1 , Tgfb1
urinary bladder cancerAkt1 , Axin1 , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Kras , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pms2 , Rhoa , Smad2 , Smad4 , Tgfbr1 , Tp53
Urinary Bladder NeoplasmKras , Tp53
Urinary IncontinenceMapk1
Urogenital AbnormalitiesTgfb2
Urogenital NeoplasmsMsh2 , Msh6 , Tp53
Urologic NeoplasmsBirc5 , Ccnd1 , Rhoa , Tp53
Usher syndromeTgfb2
Uterine Cervical NeoplasmsBirc5 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Myc , Smad4
uterine corpus cancerMsh2 , Msh6
Uterine NeoplasmsCtnnb1 , Kras , Smad3
Vascular CalcificationCtnnb1
vascular dementiaGsk3b , Mapk1 , Smad4 , Tp53
Vascular MalformationsBraf , Kras , Map2k1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
vasculogenic impotenceTgfbr2
velocardiofacial syndromeMapk1
Ventilator-Induced Lung InjuryAkt1 , Axin2 , Fos
Ventricular Dysfunction, LeftCtnnb1 , Pik3ca , Rac1
Ventricular Premature ComplexesTgfb3
Ventricular RemodelingAkt1 , Axin2 , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Ctnnb1 , Smad2 , Smad3 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1
ventricular septal defectBraf
Ventricular TachycardiaRaf1
very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencyTp53
Vici syndromeSmad2
Viral BronchiolitisBcl2
Viral MyocarditisCasp3
visceral heterotaxy 4Mlh1
visceral leishmaniasisPik3cd
vitiligoPik3r1 , Tgfb1
von Hippel-Lindau diseaseCcnd1
vulva cancerAkt1
Vulvar Lichen SclerosusTp53
Vulvar NeoplasmsMlh1 , Msh2 , Tp53
Wallerian DegenerationTgfb1 , Tgfb2
Weight GainPik3ca
Weight LossApc
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndromeMapk1
Wernicke encephalopathyFos
withdrawal disorderFos , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Rhoa
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndromeTgfbr2
Wounds and InjuriesTgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
X-linked agammaglobulinemiaPik3r1
xeroderma pigmentosumTp53
xeroderma pigmentosum group DMsh6
Pathway Annotations Associated with Genes in the colorectal cancer pathway
Pathway TermsGene Symbols
activin signaling pathwaySmad2 , Smad3
acute myeloid leukemia pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Braf , Ccnd1 , Kras , Lef1 , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1 , Tcf3 , Tcf7 , Tcf7l2
adenosine signaling pathwayAkt1 , Bad , Braf , Jun , Mapk1 , Mapk8 , Pik3ca
aldosterone signaling pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
altered extracellular signal-regulated Raf/Mek/Erk signaling pathwayBraf , Kras , Map2k1 , Raf1
altered insulin responsive facilitative sugar transporter mediated glucose transport pathwayAkt2
altered mismatch repair pathwayMlh1 , Msh2 , Msh6 , Pms1 , Pms2
altered p53 signaling pathwayTp53
altered phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathwayPik3ca
altered phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Pik3ca
altered transforming growth factor-beta Smad dependent signaling pathwaySmad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tgfb1 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
altered Wnt signaling, canonical pathwayApc , Axin1 , Axin2 , Ctnnb1 , Tcf7l2
Alzheimer's disease pathwayBad , Casp3 , Casp9 , Cycs , Cyct , Gsk3b , Mapk1 , Mapk3
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis pathwayBad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Cycs , Cyct , Rac1 , Tp53
apoptotic cell death pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Cycs , Cyct , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Tp53
Arf family mediated signaling pathwayRac1
arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy pathwayCtnnb1 , Lef1 , Tcf3 , Tcf7 , Tcf7l2
azathioprine pharmacodynamics pathwayRac1
B cell receptor signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Rac2 , Raf1
basal cell carcinoma pathwayApc , Apc2 , Axin1 , Axin2 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Lef1 , Tcf3 , Tcf7 , Tcf7l2 , Tp53
Bone morphogenetic proteins signaling pathwayGsk3b , Mapk1 , Smad4 , Smad7
c-Jun N-terminal kinases MAPK signaling pathwayMapk10 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Rac1
calcium signaling pathway via the calcium-sensing receptorRhoa
cardiolipin metabolic pathwayCycs
cell cycle pathway, mitoticCcnd1 , Gsk3b , Myc , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tp53
ceramide signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Braf , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Cycs , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Rac2 , Raf1 , Ralgds , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
Chagas disease pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Fos , Jun , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Smad2 , Smad3 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
chemokine mediated signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Braf , Gsk3b , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Rac2 , Raf1 , Rhoa , RSA-14-44
chronic myeloid leukemia pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Braf , Ccnd1 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
colorectal cancer pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Apc , Apc2 , Appl1 , Axin1 , Axin2 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Birc5 , Braf , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Cycs , Cyct , Dcc , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Lef1 , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Mlh1 , Msh2 , Msh3 , Msh6 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Pms1 , Pms2 , Rac1 , Rac2 , Raf1 , Ralgds , Rhoa , RSA-14-44 , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tcf3 , Tcf7 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
cytokine mediated signaling pathwayTgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
dilated cardiomyopathy pathwayTgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
E-cadherin signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Rac1 , Rhoa
eicosanoid signaling pathwayAkt1 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Rhoa
electron transport chain pathwayCycs
endocytosis pathwayRhoa , RSA-14-44 , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad7 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
endometrial cancer pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Apc , Apc2 , Axin1 , Axin2 , Bad , Braf , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Kras , Lef1 , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mlh1 , Msh6 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1 , Tcf3 , Tcf7 , Tcf7l2 , Tp53
Endoplasmic Reticulum-associated degradation pathwayBax , Bcl2 , Mapk10 , Mapk8 , Mapk9
endothelin signaling pathwayAkt1 , Fos , Jun , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Rac1 , Raf1 , Rhoa
Entamoebiasis pathwayCasp3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
ephrin - ephrin receptor bidirectional signaling axisMap2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Rhoa
epidermal growth factor/neuregulin signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Braf , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1
erythropoietin signaling pathwayBcl2 , Mapk8 , Pik3r1
extrinsic apoptotic pathwayCasp3
FasL mediated signaling pathwayAkt1 , Casp3 , Mapk10 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3
Fc epsilon receptor mediated signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Rac2 , Raf1
Fc gamma receptor mediated signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Rac2 , Raf1
fibroblast growth factor signaling pathwayAkt1 , Fos , Jun , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
forkhead class A signaling pathwayAkt1 , Fos , Jun
G1 phase pathwayCcnd1
G1/S transition pathwayCcnd1
glioma pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Braf , Ccnd1 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1 , Tp53
glutamate signaling pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3
glycogen biosynthetic pathwayGsk3b
glypican signaling pathwayMapk8 , Mapk9 , Smad2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
gonadotropin-releasing hormone signaling pathwayJun , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Raf1
granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor signaling pathwayFos , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Raf1
Hedgehog signaling pathwayAkt1 , Gsk3b , Map2k1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Tgfb2
hepatitis C pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Braf , Gsk3b , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1 , Tp53
histone modification pathwayBirc5
Huntington's disease pathwayBax , Casp3 , Casp9 , Cycs , Cyct , Tp53
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy pathwayTgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
hypoxia inducible factor pathwayAkt1 , Fos , Jun , Smad3 , Smad4
inflammatory response pathwayMapk8
influenza A pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Casp9 , Cycs , Cyct , Gsk3b , Jun , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1
inositol metabolic pathwayPik3ca
inositol phosphate metabolic pathwayPik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd
insulin responsive facilitative sugar transporter mediated glucose transport pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Gsk3b , Rac1
insulin signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Braf , Gsk3b , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1
insulin-like growth factor signaling pathwayAkt1 , Bad , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Raf1
interleukin-1 signaling pathwayJun , Mapk8 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-12 signaling pathwayFos
interleukin-2 signaling pathwayBcl2 , Fos , Jun , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Raf1 , Rhoa
interleukin-23 signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-27 signaling pathwayTgfb1
interleukin-3 signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-4 signaling pathwayAkt1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-5 signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-6 signaling pathwayAkt1 , Fos , Jun , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Rac1
intrinsic apoptotic pathwayBad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Cycs
Jak-Stat signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Ccnd1 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
Leishmaniasis pathwayFos , Jun , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
long term depressionBraf , Gsk3b , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Raf1
long term potentiationBraf , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Raf1
malaria pathwayTgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
measles pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Ccnd1 , Gsk3b , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Tp53
melanoma pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Braf , Ccnd1 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1 , Tp53
mercaptopurine pharmacodynamics pathwayRac1
mercaptopurine pharmacokinetics pathwayRac1
mismatch repair pathwayMlh1 , Msh2 , Msh3 , Msh6 , Pms1 , Pms2
mitogen activated protein kinase signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Braf , Casp3 , Fos , Jun , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Myc , Rac1 , Rac2 , Raf1 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
mTOR signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Braf , Cycs , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Raf1 , Rhoa
myocarditis pathwayCasp3 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Cycs , Cyct , Rac1 , Rac2
N-cadherin signaling pathwayAxin1 , Ctnnb1 , Mapk8 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Rac1 , Rhoa
neurotrophic factor signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Braf , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Raf1 , Rhoa , RSA-14-44 , Tp53
NOD-like receptor signaling pathwayMapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9
non-small cell lung carcinoma pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Braf , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1 , Tp53
Notch signaling pathwayCcnd1 , Myc
nuclear factor kappa B signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3r1
nuclear factor, erythroid 2 like 2 signaling pathwayGsk3b
p38 MAPK signaling pathwayRac1
p53 signaling pathwayAkt1 , Bax , Casp3 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Cycs , Cyct , Gsk3b , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Tp53
p53-dependent G1/S DNA damage checkpoint pathwayTp53
pancreatic cancer pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Braf , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Rac2 , Raf1 , Ralgds , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Tcf7l2 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2 , Tp53
Parkinson's disease pathwayCasp3 , Casp9 , Cycs , Cyct
phagocytosis pathwayRac1
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase class I signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Rhoa
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Casp9 , Gsk3b , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Raf1
phosphoinositide metabolic pathwayPik3ca , Pik3cd , Pik3r1
platelet-derived growth factor signaling pathwayBraf , Fos , Jun , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Raf1 , Rhoa
prion disease pathwayBax , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
prostate cancer pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Bcl2 , Braf , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Kras , Lef1 , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1 , Tcf3 , Tcf7 , Tcf7l2 , Tp53
Reelin signaling pathwayAkt1 , Gsk3b , Mapk8 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
renal cell carcinoma pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Braf , Jun , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Raf1 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
Retinoic acid-inducible gene (RIG) I-like receptor signaling pathwayMapk10 , Mapk8 , Mapk9
rheumatoid arthritis pathwayFos , Jun , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
Rho/Rac/Cdc42 mediated signaling pathwayJun , Mapk8 , Rac1 , Rhoa
S phase pathwayCcnd1
scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor signaling pathwayPik3r1
small cell lung carcinoma pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bcl2 , Casp9 , Ccnd1 , Cycs , Cyct , Myc , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Tp53
sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt3 , Fos , Jun , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Rac1 , Rhoa
syndecan signaling pathwayBax , Casp3 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Rac1 , Rhoa , Tgfb1
T cell receptor signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Fos , Gsk3b , Jun , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Raf1 , Rhoa , RSA-14-44
the extracellular signal-regulated Raf/Mek/Erk signaling pathwayBraf , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Raf1
thyroid cancer pathwayBraf , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Lef1 , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Tcf3 , Tcf7 , Tcf7l2 , Tp53
tioguanine pharmacodynamics pathwayRac1
titanium dioxide nanoparticle response pathwayBax , Casp3 , Tp53
Toll-like receptor signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Fos , Jun , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1
toxoplasmosis pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Cycs , Cyct , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
Trail mediated signaling pathwayCasp3 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3
transforming growth factor-beta Smad dependent signaling pathwayAxin1 , Ctnnb1 , Rhoa , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
transforming growth factor-beta superfamily mediated signaling pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Rhoa , RSA-14-44 , Smad2 , Smad3 , Smad4 , Smad7 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3 , Tgfbr1 , Tgfbr2
tuberculosis pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Bax , Bcl2 , Casp3 , Casp9 , Cycs , Cyct , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Raf1 , Rhoa , RSA-14-44 , Tgfb1 , Tgfb2 , Tgfb3
type 2 diabetes mellitus pathwayAkt2 , Mapk1 , Mapk10 , Mapk3 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
type II interferon signaling pathwayAkt1 , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Smad7
urinary bladder cancer pathwayBraf , Ccnd1 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Myc , Raf1 , Tp53
vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathwayAkt1 , Akt2 , Akt3 , Bad , Braf , Casp9 , Ctnnb1 , Kras , Map2k1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Rac1 , Rac2 , Raf1 , Rhoa
vinblastine pharmacodynamics pathwayTp53
vincristine pharmacodynamics pathwayTp53
vindesine pharmacodynamics pathwayTp53
vinorelbine pharmacodynamics pathwayTp53
Wnt signaling pathwayApc , Apc2 , Axin1 , Axin2 , Ccnd1 , Ctnnb1 , Gsk3b , Jun , Lef1 , Mapk10 , Mapk8 , Mapk9 , Myc , Rac1 , Rac2 ,