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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
branchial pouch morphology trait +  
Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color or pattern of the series of projections that form between the branchial arches.
ectoplacental cone morphology trait 
egg cylinder morphology trait 
embryonic cell/tissue molecular composition trait +  
embryonic epiblast morphology trait 
embryonic erythrocyte morphology trait 
inner cell mass morphology trait 
multipotent stem cell morphology trait 
notochord morphology trait 
pluripotent precursor cell morphology trait 
somite morphology trait +  
trophectoderm morphology trait 

Exact Synonyms: pharyngeal pouch morphology trait ;   visceral pouch morphology trait
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-914294-08-3, MP:0006031

paths to the root