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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
growth trait +     
blastocele development trait 
branchial arch development trait 
developmental patterning trait +  
embryo hatching trait 
embryo implantation trait 
embryo size trait 
embryonic cell/tissue morphology trait +  
embryonic growth trait 
Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the increase in size or mass during the embryonic period (sensu Mus: up to E14, or the completion of organogenesis).
embryonic hematopoiesis trait +  
embryonic-extraembryonic boundary morphology trait 
extraembryonic tissue morphology trait +   
extraembryonic tissue physiology trait +  
fetal growth trait  
placenta development trait +  
postnatal growth trait 
rostral-caudal body axis extension trait 

Definition Sources: GO:0048589, MP:0002088

paths to the root