gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus
gland of anal canal
gland of diencephalon +
gland of nasal mucosa +
granular layer corpus cerebelli
granular layer valvula cerebelli
gyrus +
hair canal
hair matrix
hair medulla
hair root
hair root sheath +
hair root sheath matrix
hair shaft +
Harderian gland +
Harderian gland duct
head taste bud
Henle's fiber layer
Hensen stripe
hepatobiliary system +
hindbrain neural keel +
hindbrain neural rod +
hindbrain neural tube
hindbrain venous system
hindbrain-spinal cord boundary
hoof lamina
hyoid articular area
immature otolith +
inferior branch of oculomotor nerve
inferior horn of the lateral ventricle
inferior parietal cortex
inferior rectal artery
infundibular organ
infundibulum of hair follicle
inner ear foramen +
insect abdominal histoblast anlage +
insect adult central nervous system +
insect analia +
insect antennal disc +
insect anterior ectoderm derivative +
insect arista +
insect Bolwig organ
insect clypeo-labral disc +
insect clypeus
insect cuticular specialization +
insect dorsal ectoderm derivative +
insect dorsal mesothorax +
insect dorsal thoracic disc +
insect embryonic/larval central nervous system +
insect eye-antennal disc +
insect genital disc +
insect labial disc +
insect mesothoracic tergum
insect presumptive arista +
insect presumptive prothoracic metatarsus +
insect proboscis
insect prothoracic leg +
insect prothoracic tarsal segment +
insect protocerebrum +
insect region of integument +
insect segmental subdivision of organ system
insect stomatogastric nervous system
A group of small, interconnected ganglia situated posterior to and between the two brain hemispheres and associated with the pharynx, esophagus and aorta.