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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
accessory articulation 
anterior intervertebral notch 
arch of centrum of vertebra +  
bony vertebral centrum +  
caudal vertebra +  
lumbar vertebra +  
non-transverse process-bearing vertebra 
pars interarticularis of vertebra 
posterior intervertebral notch 
precaudal vertebra +  
Vertebral bone lacking hemal spines (Weitzman, 1962), refers generally to the anterior vertebral region bounding the abdominal cavity. Alternate but not quite synonymous terms are abdominal or trunk vertebrae, which bear parapophyses and ribs. In many actinopterygians dorsal to the posterior abdominal cavity there are transitional vertebrae lacking ribs but also without hemal spines or sometimes even enclosed hemal arches. The primary definition would identify these vertebrae as precaudal. Bird and Mabee, 2003.
precaudal vertebra cartilage element 
predorsal vertebra 
process of vertebra +  
sacral vertebra +  
thoracic vertebra +  
transverse process-bearing vertebra 
trunk or cervical vertebra +  
vertebral bone 1 +  
vertebral bone 2 +  

Xrefs: TAO:0000263 ;   ZFA:0000263
External Ontologys: dc-contributor
Definition Sources:

paths to the root