pterygopharyngeal part of superior pharyngeal constrictor
pubic boot
pubic endochondral element +
pubic peduncle
pubic ramus +
pubic symphysis
pubis-ischium contact
puboischiadic bar
puboischiadic plate
quadrato-orbital commissure
radial head of humerus
raphe of penis
raphe of perineum +
raphe of scrotum
recessus basilaris
recessus coccygealis
recessus fenestrae ovalis
rectal diverticulum
rectouterine fold
rectus abdominis muscle +
remnant of cardiac valve
remnant of processus vaginalis
remnant of urachus
remnnant of ductus deferens
renal column
renal glomerulus +
renal papilla +
renal pelvis +
rete ovarii
rete testis
retrochiasmatic area
retroperitoneal fat pad +
rhomboid pre-muscle mass +
right atrium valve +
right colon
right renal pelvis
rostral blood island
round ligament of uterus
rugal fold +
rugal fold of vagina
sac of scrotum
sacral condyle
Schweigger-Seidel sheath
sciatic notch +
sclera +
scrotal sweat gland
scrotum +
scrotum skin +
secondary heart field +
section of aorta +
seminal vesicle +
seminiferous tubule of testis +
septum of scrotum
serosal nerve fiber of appendix
serous membrane +
sinotubular junction
sinus of Valsalva
skeletal support for eminentia olfactoria +
skeleton of digitopodium +
skin of clitoris +
skin of iliac crest region
skin of penis +
small intestine smooth muscle circular layer
small intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer
solum nasi
spatium sacculare
spina pelvis anterior
spina pelvis posterior
spinous region of dorsal fin
spiral valve of conus arteriosus
spleen B cell corona
spleen capsule
spleen follicular dendritic cell network
spleen germinal center
spleen lymphoid follicle +
spleen perifollicular zone
spleen primordium +
spleen pulp +
The parenchyma of the spleen, consisting of lymphocytes and macrophages. It lies between the splenic trabecula. Red pulp is the part suffused with blood and white pulp consists of areas of lymphatic tissue where there are sleeves of lymphocytes and macrophages.