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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
placenta +    
cotyledonary placenta 
decidua +  
diffuse placenta 
discoid placenta 
endotheliochorial placenta 
epitheliochorial placenta 
hemochorial placenta 
placenta blood vessel +  
placenta junctional zone 
placenta labyrinth +  
placental disc +  
placental membrane +  
placentome of cotyledonary placenta +  
spongiotrophoblast layer 
zonary placenta 
A placenta in which the chorionic villi have aggregated to form a broad band that circles about the center of the chorion. Such zones may be complete circles (such as those in dogs and cats) or incomplete (such as those in bears and seals). It is thought that zonary placentae form from diffuse placentae in which the villi at the ends regress, leaving only those in the center to function. At the edges of the zonary placenta is the hemophagous organ, which is green. The color is due to the degradation of hemoglobin into bilivirdin. This green organ provides iron for the developing fetus.

External Ontologys: present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33554
Definition Sources:,

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