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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
alveolar ridge +    
premaxilla +    
alary process of premaxilla 
alveolar process of maxilla +  
alveolar ridge of mandible 
alveolar ridge of premaxilla +  
The thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on the premaxilla.
crista lateralis of premaxilla 
incisive process of premaxilla 
nasal process of premaxilla 
palatine process of premaxilla 
premaxilla articular process 
premaxilla ascending process 
premaxilla dentigerous process 
premaxilla maxillary process 
premaxillary fenestra 
primary palate +  
recessus marsupiatus of premaxilla 
sulcus dentalis of premaxilla 
tooth socket 

Exact Synonyms: pars dentalis of premaxilla
Xrefs: AAO:0000397
Definition Sources:

paths to the root