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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
auditory bulla +    
bony projection +    
adductor blade +  
adductor crest 
alary process of premaxilla 
angulosplenial coronoid process +  
anterior dorsomedial process of autopalatine 
anterior limb of ceratobranchial 5 bone 
anterior limb of parapophysis 4 
anterior maxillary process 
anterior process of pars palatina of maxilla 
anterior process of the palatoquadrate 
anterior process of vomer 
anterior ramus of cleithrum 
anterior ramus of pterygoid 
anterolateral process of frontoparietal 
antorbital process 
apophysis +  
articular process 
ascending limb of ceratobranchial 5 bone 
ascending process of clavicle 
ascending process of palatoquadrate 
ascending process of the astragalus 
ascending process of the parasphenoid 
auditory bulla +  
basal process of palatoquadrate 
basihyal lingual process 
basipterygoid process of parasphenoid 
basitrabecular process 
bicipital crest 
bone spine +  
bony core of horn 
calcaneal tuber 
cervical vertebra 1 arcus anterior 
cnemial crest 
dorsal iliac process 
ectepicondylar flange 
ectocondylar tubercle 
epioccipital posterior process 
ethmoidal process of inferior nasal concha 
fibular crest 
iliac peduncle 
iliac peduncle of the pubis 
ilial protuberance 
ilial ridge 
internal trochanter 
ischial peduncle 
lateral ethmoid palatine process 
lateral tuber of ulna 
lenticular process of incus bone 
mandible angular process 
maxillary process of inferior nasal concha 
nuchal crest 
odontoid process of cervical vertebra 2 
palatine prong 
post-glenoid process 
postacetabular buttress 
postbranchial lamina 
posterior process of ilium 
preacetabular process 
processus descendens of sphenoid 
processus pterygoideus of maxilla 
processus ventralis of thoracic vertebra 
processus ventrolateralis of thoracic vertebra 
procurrent spur 
pubic peduncle 
retroarticular process 
serrated projection of ctenactinium 
sigmoid process of tympanic bone 
A wavy crest externally on the tympanic bone of cetaceans.
spina externa 
styloid process of temporal bone +  
supraglenoid buttress +  
ventral humeral ridge 

Exact Synonyms: sigmoid process ;   sigmoid process of auditory bulla
Definition Sources:

paths to the root