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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cranial suture +    
actinopterygian frontal-parietal joint 
cartilaginous joint suture 
coronal suture 
ethmoidomaxillary suture 
fontanelle +  
frontal suture 
frontomaxillary suture 
intermaxillary suture 
lacrimomaxillary suture 
lambdoid suture 
maxillary-premaxillary suture 
nasomaxillary suture 
A cranial suture that connects a nasal bone and connects a maxilla.
occipitomastoid suture 
parietomastoid suture 
sagittal suture 
sphenofrontal suture 
sphenomaxillary suture 
sphenoparietal suture 
sphenozygomatic suture 
squamoparietal suture 
sutural bone 
suture of hard palate +  
zygomaticomaxillary suture 

Exact Synonyms: nasomaxillary suture of skull
Related Synonyms: articulation of the nasal bone with maxilla
Xrefs: FMA:52960
Definition Sources: OBOL:automatic

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