The suprazygomatic part of the temporalis muscle is a separable part of the deep temporalis that attaches to the superior surface of the temporal root of the zygomatic arch.
suspensory ligament of ovary
suspensory ligament of testis
teres major muscle +
teres major pre-muscle mass +
theca cell layer +
theca externa
theca interna
thoracic duct +
tibial crest
tibial plateaux
tibial tuberosity
trabecula carnea +
trabecula of spleen +
tracheoesophageal septum
transformed artery +
transformed vein +
transition zone of prostate
transverse fold of rectum
transverse pelvic ridge
trapezius muscle +
trigone of urinary bladder +
trochanter +
trochanteric crest
trochanteric shelf
trochlea of humerus +
trochlear groove of humerus
trochlear notch
tubercle of calcaneus +
tuberculum sellae
tunica vaginalis testis
ulnar condyle
ulnar metaphysis
ulnar notch of radius
ulnar tuberosity
upper part of cisterna chyli
upper part of vagina
urachus +
urachus mesenchyme
ureter +
ureteral orifice
ureteral valve
urethra +
urethra mesenchymal layer
urethra muscle tissue +
urethral crest +
urethral gland +
urethral meatus +
urinary bladder +
vacuolated notochordal tissue
vagina +
vagina orifice
vagina sebaceous gland
vaginal hymen
vaginal sphincter
vasa recta ascending limb
vasa recta descending limb
venous valve +
ventral humeral ridge
ventral patch of Leydig's organ
ventral ridge system
ventral tubercle of humerus
ventral wall of dorsal aorta
vesicular appendage of epoophoron
visceral serous membrane +
wall of blood vessel +
wall of fallopian tube
wall of heart +
wall of ureter +
wall of urethra +
wall of urinary bladder +
wall of vagina
ypsiloid cartilage
zeugopodial skeleton +
zone of bone organ +
zone of skin +
zone of stomach +
zygomaticomandibularis muscle
Exact Synonyms:
temporalis pars suprazygomatica
zygomatic temporalis