gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus
gland of anal canal
gland of diencephalon +
gland of nasal mucosa +
granular layer corpus cerebelli
granular layer valvula cerebelli
gyrus +
hair canal
hair matrix
hair medulla
hair root
hair root sheath +
hair root sheath matrix
hair shaft +
Haller's layer
Harderian gland +
Harderian gland duct
head taste bud
heart layer +
Henle's fiber layer
Hensen stripe
hepatic cord +
hindbrain neural keel +
hindbrain neural rod +
hindbrain neural tube
hindbrain venous system
hindbrain-spinal cord boundary
hoof lamina
hyoid articular area
immature otolith +
inferior branch of oculomotor nerve
inferior horn of the lateral ventricle
inferior parietal cortex
inferior rectal artery
infundibular organ
infundibulum of hair follicle
inner ear foramen +
insect abdominal histoblast anlage +
insect analia +
insect antennal disc +
insect anterior ectoderm derivative +
insect arista +
insect Bolwig organ
insect clypeo-labral disc +
insect clypeus
insect cuticular specialization +
insect dorsal ectoderm derivative +
insect dorsal mesothorax +
insect dorsal thoracic disc +
insect eye-antennal disc +
insect genital disc +
insect labial disc +
insect mesothoracic tergum
insect presumptive arista +
insect presumptive prothoracic metatarsus +
insect proboscis
insect prothoracic leg +
insect prothoracic tarsal segment +
insect protocerebrum +
insect stomatogastric nervous system
insect ventral ectoderm derivative +
insect ventral thoracic disc +
integumentary system layer +
internal acoustic meatus
internal cellular layer
internal ear +
internal surface of frontal bone
interventricular foramen of CNS +
intervertebral vein
intestinal villus +
iris +
iris stroma
isthmus of cingulate gyrus
Kimura membrane
labyrinthine artery
lacrimal apparatus +
lacrimal canaliculus +
lacrimal drainage system +
lacrimal gland +
lacrimal lake
lacrimal nerve
lacrimal papilla
lacrimal punctum
lacrimal sac +
lamina inferior
lamina nariochoanalis
lamina of omasum
lamina of spiral limbus
lamina precerebralis
lamina propria +
lamina superior
lateral eminence of fourth ventricle
lateral eminence of hypophysis
lateral entorhinal cortex
lateral floor plate
lateral line +
lateral line ganglion +
lateral line nerve +
lateral ventricle subependymal layer
lateral wall neural rod
lateral zone of hypothalamus +
layer of dura mater +
The intracranial dura mater, consisting of two layers: the outer periosteal layer which normally always adheres to the periosteum of the bones of the cranial vault; and the inner meningeal layer which in most places is fused with the outer. The two layers separate to accommodate meningeal vessels and large venous (dural) sinuses. The meningeal layer is also involved in the formation of the various dural folds, such as the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli and is comparable to and continuous with the dural mater of the spinal cord. The cranial epidural space is then a potential space between the bone and the combined periosteum/periosteal layer of the dura mater realised only pathologically and is neither continuous with or comparable to the vertebral epidural space.