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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
1st arch mandibular mesenchyme from neural crest +  
1st arch maxillary mesenchyme from neural crest +  
1st arch mesenchyme from neural crest +  
2nd arch mesenchyme from neural crest +  
3rd arch mesenchyme from neural crest 
4th arch mesenchyme from neural crest 
6th arch mesenchyme from head mesenchyme 
6th arch mesenchyme from neural crest 
Mesenchyme that develops_from a neural crest and is part of a 6th arch mesenchyme.
geniculate ganglion 
inferior vagus X ganglion 
lower jaw incisor odontogenic papilla 
lower jaw molar odontogenic papilla 
mandibular process mesenchyme from neural crest +  
maxillary process mesenchyme from neural crest +  
mesenchyme of mandible 
primary palate mesenchyme 
Reichert's cartilage pre-cartilage condensation +  
trapezius pre-muscle mass +  
upper jaw incisor odontogenic papilla 
upper jaw molar odontogenic papilla 

Exact Synonyms: neural crest derived arch 6 mesenchyme ;   pharyngeal arch 6 mesenchyme from neural crest
Related Synonyms: branchial arch 6 mesenchyme from neural crest
Xrefs: EHDAA2:0004077
Definition Sources: OBOL:automatic

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