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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Rathke's pouch +    
tube lumen +    
cavity of pericardio-peritoneal canal 
lumen of atrioventricular canal 
lumen of pharyngotympanic tube 
lumen of Rathke's pouch +  
An anatomical cavity that surrounded_by a Rathke's pouch.
mesonephric duct lumen 
otocyst lumen 
Rathkes pouch epithelium 
remnant of lumen of Rathke's pouch 
remnant of Rathke's pouch 
tubotympanic recess lumen 
tympanic cavity 
visceral yolk sac cavity +  
yolk sac cavity +  

Narrow Synonyms: Rathkes pouch invagination
Xrefs: EHDAA2:0004138 ;   EMAPA:25037
Definition Sources: OBOL:automatic

paths to the root