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{{ watchedObject.symbol }} (RGD ID:{{watchedObject.rgdId}})
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{{ watchedTerm.term }} ({{watchedTerm.accId}})
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prostate field
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Parent Terms
Term With Siblings
Child Terms
embryonic tissue
mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure
presumptive structure
urogenital sinus epithelium
1st arch mandibular ectoderm
1st arch mandibular endoderm
1st arch maxillary ectoderm
1st arch maxillary endoderm
afferent lamellar arteriole
anterior axial hypoblast
anterior lateral mesoderm
anterior lateral plate mesoderm
anterior neural keel
anterior neural rod
anterior presumptive neural plate
axial hypoblast
base of prostate
blood island
bulbus arteriosus outer layer
capsule of thymus
carapace primordium
carapacial ridge ectoderm
carapacial ridge mesenchyme
cardiac neural crest
cardiogenic splanchnic mesoderm
cardiopharyngeal field
carpus cartilage element
carpus pre-cartilage condensation
central zone of prostate
cerebellar plate
chordo neural hinge
coagulating gland
connective tissue of prostate gland
coronary ligament of liver
cortex of thymus
cranial neural crest
dorsal axial hypoblast
dorsal lateral plate region
dorsal mesentery
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 1
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 2
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 3
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 4
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 5
ear vesicle
early pharyngeal endoderm
efferent lamellar arteriole
egg cylinder
embryonic autopod plate
embryonic cloacal epithelium
embryonic lymph sac
embryonic uterus
endolymphatic appendage
endothelium of main bronchus
endothelium of trachea
entire pharyngeal arch associated mesenchyme
entire pharyngeal arch endoderm
enveloping layer of ectoderm
epithelium of footplate
epithelium of handplate
epithelium of otic placode
epithelium of urethra
external ectoderm
external yolk syncytial layer
eye primordium
falciform fat
falciform ligament
floor plate
forebrain neural keel
forebrain neural rod
forebrain neural tube
frontonasal process epithelium
future brain
future cardiac atrium
future cardiac ventricle
future central nervous system
future central tendon
future diaphragm
future diencephalon
future dorsal motor nucleus of vagus
future falx cerebri
future forebrain
future hindbrain meninx
future meninx
future metencephalon
future myelencephalon
future nervous system
future neurohypophysis
future pituitary gland
future spinal cord
future telencephalon
gallbladder primordium
gallbladder serosa
gallbladder smooth muscle
germ layer / neural crest
germinal neuroepithelium
Hassall's corpuscle
head fold of embryonic disc
head mesenchyme
head somite
heart tube
hepatic diverticulum
hepatic duct smooth muscle
hindbrain neural keel
hindbrain neural rod
hindbrain neural tube
hyoidean artery
infundibular recess of 3rd ventricle
insect abdominal histoblast anlage
insect cephalic furrow
insect ectoderm anlage
insect mesoderm anlage
insect presumptive arista
insect presumptive prothoracic metatarsus
insect proneural cluster
insect ventral furrow
internal yolk syncytial layer
kidney field
knee joint primordium
lamina terminalis of neural tube
lateral floor plate
lateral lingual swelling epithelium
lateral plate mesoderm
lateral wall neural rod
left lung endothelium
lens placode
liver blood vessel
liver primordium
liver serosa
lobe of prostate
lower respiratory tract smooth muscle
lung blood vessel
lung connective tissue
lung endothelium
lung field
lung mesenchyme
main bronchus blood vessel
mammary ridge
maxillary process ectoderm
maxillary process mesenchyme
Meckel's cartilage pre-cartilage condensation
medial floor plate
median lingual swelling epithelium
mediastinal pleura
medulla of thymus
mesenchyme from somatopleure
mesenchyme from splanchnopleure
mesenchyme of sublingual gland primordium
mesenchyme of submandibular gland primordium
mesoderm blood island
metanephric mesenchyme
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate
midbrain neural keel
midbrain neural rod
midbrain neural tube
mixed ectoderm/mesoderm/endoderm-derived structure
muscle tissue of prostate
nasolacrimal groove
neural fold
neural plate
neural tube
neural tube basal plate
neural tube mantle layer
neural tube ventricular layer
noninvoluting endocytic marginal cell cluster
notochordal plate
optic eminence
optic eminence mesenchyme
organizer inducing center
otic vesicle protrusion
paired limb/fin bud
paired limb/fin field
pancreas dorsal primordium
pancreas primordium
pancreas ventral primordium
pancreatic epithelial bud
paraxial mesoderm
parietal pleura
pectoral appendage bud ectoderm
pectoral appendage field
pelvic appendage bud ectoderm
pelvic appendage field
pericardio-peritoneal canal mesothelium
peripheral zone of prostate
pharyngeal arch artery
pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from head mesenchyme
pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from neural crest
pharyngeal ectoderm
pharyngeal pouch
pleuroperitoneal canal
pleuroperitoneal membrane
posterior neural keel
posterior neural rod
posterior presumptive neural plate
pre-cartilage condensation
pre-chordal neural plate
presomitic mesoderm
presumptive atrioventricular canal
presumptive axochord
presumptive blood
presumptive bulbus arteriosus
presumptive ectoderm
presumptive endocardium
presumptive endoderm
presumptive enteric nervous system
presumptive floor plate
presumptive forebrain midbrain boundary
presumptive ganglion
presumptive gut
presumptive hindbrain
presumptive hypochord
presumptive median fin fold
presumptive mesoderm
presumptive midbrain
presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary
presumptive neural retina
presumptive paraxial mesoderm
presumptive pronephric mesoderm
presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium
presumptive rhombomere 1
presumptive rhombomere 2
presumptive rhombomere 3
presumptive rhombomere 4
presumptive rhombomere 5
presumptive rhombomere 6
presumptive rhombomere 7
presumptive rhombomere 8
presumptive segmental plate
presumptive shield
presumptive sinus venosus
primary heart field
primitive olfactory epithelium
primitive streak
pronephric mesoderm
prostate bud
prostate duct
prostate epithelium
prostate field
A specific region of the urogenital sinus epithelium into the area in which the prostate gland will develop.
prostate gland
prostate gland stroma
prostate glandular acinus
prostate luminal epithelium
prostatic capsule
respiratory primordium mesenchyme
rhombic lip
right atrium endocardium
right lung endothelium
roof plate
roof plate of diencephalon
roof plate of medulla oblongata
roof plate of metencephalon
roof plate of midbrain
roof plate of telencephalon
roof plate spinal cord region
round ligament of liver
sacral neural crest
salivary gland primordium
sebaceous gland placode
secondary heart field
sex cord
skin appendage placode
spinal cord neural keel
spinal cord neural rod
spinal cord neural tube
stomodeal ectoderm
submandibular gland primordium epithelium
sweat gland placode
swim bladder bud
tail bud paraxial mesoderm
tail fold of embryonic disc
tetrapod parietal bone primordium
thymus corticomedullary boundary
thymus epithelium
thymus lobe
thymus lobule
thymus lymphoid tissue
thymus trabecula
tooth placode
trachea blood vessel
transition zone of prostate
trunk mesenchyme
trunk neural crest
ureter luminal urothelium
ureter subluminal urothelium
urinary bladder urothelium
urogenital fold
urogenital sinus epithelium
urothelium of ureter
vagal neural crest
ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 1
ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 2
ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 3
ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 4
ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 5
visceral pleura
prostate bud
Related Synonyms:
prostate primordium
Definition Sources:
GO:0060515, GOC:dph,