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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
ampulla of Lorenzini 
The ampullae of Lorenzini are special sensing organs called electroreceptors, forming a network of jelly-filled pores. Each ampulla consists of a canal opening to the surface by a pore in the skin and ending blindly in a cluster of small pockets full of special jelly. The ampullae are mostly clustered into groups inside the body, each cluster having ampullae connecting with different parts of the skin, but preserving a left-right symmetry. The canal lengths vary from animal to animal, but the distribution of the pores is generally specific to each species. The ampullae pores are plainly visible as dark spots in the skin. They provide fish with a sixth sense capable of detecting electromagnetic fields as well as temperature gradients[WP].
ampullary organ 
caudal-fin organ +  
cavitated compound organ +  
circulatory organ +  
compound organ component +  
corpus cavernosum maxillaris +  
epibranchial organ 
future tongue +  
head kidney +  
immature otolith +  
neuromast +  
parapineal organ 
parietal organ 
posterior kidney 
respiratory airway +  
solid compound organ +  

Exact Synonyms: ampullae of Lorenzini
Xrefs: Wikipedia:Ampullae_of_Lorenzini
External Ontologys: never_in_taxon NCBITaxon:32443 ;   never_in_taxon NCBITaxon:32523 ;   present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:119203
Definition Sources: Wikipedia:Ampullae_of_Lorenzini

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