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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
ductus venosus +    
ligamentum venosum 
The ligamentum venosum is the fibrous remnant of the ductus venosus of the fetal circulation. Usually, it is attached to the left branch of the portal vein within the porta hepatis (gateway to the liver). It may be continuous with the round ligament of liver (ligamentum teres hepatis). It is invested by the peritoneal folds of the lesser omentum within a fissure on the inferior surface of the liver between the caudate and main parts of the left lobe.
round ligament of liver 

Exact Synonyms: ligament of arantius ;   ligamentum venosum (ductus venosus) ;   ligamentum venosum of liver ;   ligamentum venosus
Xrefs: FMA:14080 ;   SCTID:80391004 ;   Wikipedia:Ligamentum_venosum
Definition Sources: Wikipedia:Ligamentum_venosum

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