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infundibular recess of 3rd ventricle
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Parent Terms
Term With Siblings
Child Terms
embryonic structure
embryonic tissue
epithelial sac
floor plate of diencephalon
future neurohypophysis
third ventricle
1st arch mandibular component
1st arch mandibular ectoderm
1st arch mandibular endoderm
1st arch maxillary component
1st arch maxillary ectoderm
1st arch maxillary endoderm
accessory lymph sac
alveolar sac
amniotic ectoderm
anal membrane
anal membrane ectodermal component
animal cap
animal cap inner layer
animal cap outer layer
anterior axial hypoblast
anterior lateral mesoderm
anterior lateral plate mesoderm
anterior neural keel
anterior neural rod
anterior neural tube
anterior presumptive neural plate
aortic sac
apical ectodermal ridge
arborizing epithelial duct system
archenteron floor
archenteron roof
atrioventricular canal
auditory meatus epithelium
axial hypoblast
axial mesoderm
bilaminar disc
biliary bud
blastocoel roof
blastopore lip
Brachet's cleft
brain endothelium
bulbo-ventricular groove
bulbus arteriosus outer layer
bulbus cordis
carapacial ridge
carapacial ridge ectoderm
carapacial ridge mesenchyme
cardiac neural crest
cardiogenic plate
cardiogenic splanchnic mesoderm
cardiopharyngeal field
caudal ganglionic eminence
caudal part of nephrogenic cord
cerebellar plate
chordal neural plate
chordo neural hinge
chorionic villous mesenchyme
chorionic villus
choroid plexus epithelium
choroid plexus of third ventricle
common atrial chamber
common cardinal vein
connecting stalk blood islands
cranial neural crest
deep cell layer (gastrulation)
definitive endoderm
dental epithelium
dental follicle
diencephalic part of interventricular foramen
distal convoluted tubule
distal convoluted tubule macula densa
dorsal axial hypoblast
dorsal lateral ganglionic eminence
dorsal lateral plate region
dorsal meso-duodenum
dorsal meso-oesophagus
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 1
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 2
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 3
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 4
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 5
ear vesicle
early distal convoluted tubule
early pharyngeal endoderm
early proximal tubule
ectodermal placode
ectoplacental cone
egg cylinder
egg yolk
embryoid body
embryonic cloacal epithelium
embryonic facial prominence
embryonic lymph sac
embryonic post-anal tail
embryonic skin basal layer
embryonic tissue
embryonic urethral groove
endocardial cushion
endocardium of ventricle
endolymphatic sac
entire pharyngeal arch associated mesenchyme
entire pharyngeal arch endoderm
enveloping layer of ectoderm
epiblast (generic)
epididymis epithelium
epithelium of carpal region
epithelium of duct of salivary gland
epithelium of elbow
epithelium of footplate
epithelium of forearm
epithelium of handplate
epithelium of hard palate
epithelium of hip
epithelium of incisor
epithelium of knee
epithelium of mammary gland
epithelium of otic placode
epithelium of pancreatic duct
epithelium of shoulder
epithelium of soft palate
epithelium of urethra
epithelium of vagina
external ectoderm
external yolk syncytial layer
extrahepatic part of biliary bud
extravillous trophoblast
eye epithelium
eye primordium
facial bone primordium
facio-acoustic VII-VIII preganglion complex
falciform fat
feather bud, epidermal component
first pancreatic bud
floor plate
forebrain neural keel
forebrain neural rod
forebrain neural tube
frontonasal process epithelium
future central tendon
future falx cerebri
future hindbrain meninx
ganglionic eminence
germ layer / neural crest
germ ring
germinal neuroepithelium
glomeral mesenchyme
glomerular epithelium
glossopharyngeal IX preganglion
glossopharyngeal-vagus IX-X preganglion complex
gonadal ridge
granulosa cell layer
head fold of embryonic disc
head mesenchyme
head somite
heart rudiment
heart tube
hemisphere of embryo
hepatic diverticulum
hindbrain neural keel
hindbrain neural rod
hindbrain neural tube
hypoblast (generic)
immature macula
infundibular recess of 3rd ventricle
A funnel-shaped diverticulum that extends downward from the anterior aspect of the floor of the third ventricle into the infundibulum of the hypophysis; the embryonic structure gives rise the neural component of the pituitary (pas nervosa).
inner cell mass
inner ear epithelium
insect abdominal histoblast anlage
insect abdominal histoblast primordium
insect Bolwig organ primordium
insect cephalic furrow
insect clypeo-labral primordium
insect dorsal epidermis primordium
insect embryonic imaginal precursor
insect lymph gland primordium
insect mesoderm anlage
insect mesothoracic tergum primordium
insect neurogenic region
insect presumptive embryonic/larval system
insect tracheal primordium
insect trunk ectoderm
insect ventral ectoderm
insect ventral epidermis primordium
insect ventral furrow
insect visceral mesoderm
insect visual primordium
intermediate mesoderm
internal yolk syncytial layer
interrenal primordium
intersubcardinal venous anastomosis
intraembryonic coelom
intrahepatic part of biliary bud
kidney field
kidney rudiment
Koller's sickle
Kupffer's vesicle
lamina terminalis of neural tube
late distal convoluted tubule
lateral floor plate
lateral ganglionic eminence
lateral lingual swelling
lateral lingual swelling epithelium
lateral plate mesoderm
lateral recess of third ventricle
lateral wall neural rod
left horn of sinus venosus
lens vesicle epithelium
lingual swellings
liver bud
liver primordium
lower leg epithelium
male paramesonephric duct
mammary bud
manual digit epithelium
marginal zone of embryo
maxillary process ectoderm
maxillary process mesenchyme
maxillary prominence
medial floor plate
medial ganglionic eminence
median lingual swelling
median lingual swelling epithelium
mediastinum testis
mesenchyme from somatopleure
mesenchyme from splanchnopleure
mesenchyme of sublingual gland primordium
mesenchyme of submandibular gland primordium
mesoderm blood island
mesonephric epithelium
metanephric cap
metanephric epithelium
metanephric mesenchyme
midbrain neural keel
midbrain neural rod
midbrain neural tube
Mullerian tubercle
nasolacrimal groove
nephric ridge
nephrogenic cord
neural fold
neural fold hinge point
neural groove
neural plate
neural plate proneural cluster
neural tube
neural tube alar plate
neural tube basal plate
neural tube mantle layer
neural tube ventricular layer
noninvoluting endocytic marginal cell cluster
nose epithelium
notochordal plate
optic eminence mesenchyme
optic recess of third ventricle
optic stalk
oral epithelium from ectoderm
organizer inducing center
otic vesicle protrusion
outer epithelial layer of tympanic membrane
outer epithelium
paired limb/fin field
pancreatic epithelial bud
paraxial mesoderm
pars distalis of adenohypophysis
pectoral appendage bud ectoderm
pedal digit epithelium
pelvic appendage bud ectoderm
penis epithelium
pericardio-peritoneal canal
pericardio-peritoneal canal mesothelium
perioptic mesenchyme
pharyngeal arch mesenchymal region
pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from head mesenchyme
pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from neural crest
pharyngeal ectoderm
pharyngeal membrane
pharyngeal pouch
pineal recess of third ventricle
pleuropericardial canals
pleuropericardial folds
pleuroperitoneal canal
pleuroperitoneal membrane
post-anal gut
post-anal tail bud
posterior neural keel
posterior neural rod
posterior neural tube
posterior presumptive neural plate
posterior recess
pre-cartilage condensation
pre-chordal neural plate
prechordal mesoderm
prechordal plate
preputial swelling
presumptive axochord
presumptive cephalic mesoderm
presumptive intervening zone
presumptive neuron neural tube
presumptive structure
primary heart field
primary palate epithelium
primitive groove
primitive knot
primitive olfactory epithelium
primitive renal collecting duct system
primitive streak
primitive urogenital sinus
pronephric duct
pronephric nephron tubule
prostate epithelium
prostate field
proximal convoluted tubule
Rathke's pouch
Rathkes pouch epithelium
renal connecting tubule
respiratory primordium epithelium
right atrium endocardium
right horn of sinus venosus
roof plate
roof plate of diencephalon
roof plate of medulla oblongata
roof plate of metencephalon
roof plate of midbrain
roof plate of telencephalon
roof plate spinal cord region
rostral part of nephrogenic cord
sacral neural crest
secondary heart field
secondary palatal shelf epithelium
secretory coil of eccrine sweat gland
seminal vesicle epithelium
sex cord
shelled egg
sinoatrial valve
sinovaginal bulb
sinus of von Szily
skin epithelium
somatic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
spinal cord neural keel
spinal cord neural rod
spinal cord neural tube
splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
stomodeal ectoderm
submandibular gland primordium epithelium
synovial membrane of synovial joint
tail bud paraxial mesoderm
tail fold of embryonic disc
tectal plate
tela choroidea of third ventricle
third ventricle ependyma
thymus epithelium
tracheal diverticulum
tracheoesophageal fold
truncus arteriosus
trunk and cervical myotome group
trunk mesenchyme
trunk neural crest
tubotympanic recess epithelium
tunica vasculosa lentis
tympanic cavity epithelium
undifferentiated genital tubercle
upper arm epithelium
upper leg epithelium
urachus epithelium
ureteric bud
ureteric bud tip
urinary bladder urothelium
urogenital membrane
urogenital sinus epithelium
urothelium of ureter
vagal neural crest
vaginal plate
vasa hyaloidea propria
venous vitelline plexus
ventral ectodermal ridge
ventral mesentery
ventral midline
ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 1
ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 2
ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 3
ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 4
ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 5
wall of third ventricle
yolk sac
yolk syncytial layer
neural lobe of neurohypophysis
Exact Synonyms:
infundibular recess ; infundibular recess of third ventricle ; recessus infundibularis
Related Synonyms:
Third ventricle infundibular recess ; infundibular reccess ; recessus infundibuli
BAMS:IRe ; BAMS:V3ir ; EHDAA2:0000827 ; EHDAA:4479 ; EMAPA:16899 ; EMAPA_RETIRED:16648 ; FMA:78456 ; SCTID:369280006 ; Wikipedia:Infundibular_recess ; neuronames:458
Definition Sources:
, MGI:anna