Anatomical structure embedded in or located in the integument that is part of the integumental system. Examples: hair, follicles, skin glands, claws, nails, feathers.
integumentary system layer +
intermedium (fore)
intumescentia bilateralis inferior
isthmus of cingulate gyrus
isthmus of thyroid gland
juxtamedullary cortex
kidney loop of Henle long descending thin limb inner medulla
kidney loop of Henle long descending thin limb outer medulla
kidney pyramid +
labial region
lacrimal lake
lacrimal papilla
lamella alaris +
lamina anterior of maxilla
lamina anterior of pars facialis
lamina of spiral limbus
lamina precerebralis
lamina superior
lateral appendix
lateral eminence of fourth ventricle
lateral eminence of hypophysis
lateral entorhinal cortex
lateral line nucleus
lateral zone of hypothalamus +
layer of tympanic membrane +
left colon
lingual region
liver lobule +
lobe of cerebral hemisphere +
lobe of tail +
lung saccule
lymph node medullary cord
macula lutea +
macula lutea proper
mammillary body +
mandible temporal crest
manubrium of hyale
marginal zone of spleen
margo anterior of cleithrum
margo anterior of scapula
margo choanalis
margo clavicularis
margo fenestralis
margo libera
margo mandibularis of pterygoid +
margo orbitalis of maxilla
margo orbitalis of pterygoid
margo orbitalis of squamosal
margo posterior
margo posterior of cleithrum
margo posterior of scapula
margo scapularis
margo suprascapularis
margo tympanicus of pterygoid
margo vertebralis
medial entorhinal cortex +
medial zone of hypothalamus +
median pars intermedia
median symphysis
medulla oblongata +
medullary ray
medullary region of kidney +
mesial region
mesonephric late distal segment
mid-dorsal keel
muscle belly +
muscle head +
muscularis orbicularis
neck of pancreas
nephron +
neuraxis flexure +
ocular fundus
opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus
optic disc
organ component layer +
organ subunit +
osseus labyrinth vestibule +
osteon +
otic and occipital +
otic plate of pterygoid
outer medulla ascending vasa recta
outer medulla descending vasa recta
outer medulla of kidney +
pancreatic lobule +
papilla of tongue +
papillary muscle of heart +
parafoveal part of retina
parasagittal crest
parenchyma +
pars articularis of mandibular arch
pars canalicularis of petrosal
pars convoluta of oviduct
pars cylindriformis ilei
pars externa plectri +
pars facialis of maxilla +
pars facialis of maxillopalatine
pars flaccida of tympanic membrane
pars glenoidalis of quadratojugal
pars inferior of labyrinth
pars intermedia of adenohypophysis
pars interna plectri
pars jugalis
pars media plectri +
pars plana of ciliary body
pars plicata of ciliary body
pars recta
pars reflexa of masseter
pars reuniens
pars suprascapularis
pars tensa of tympanic membrane
pars tuberalis of adenohypophysis
pectinate muscle
pectineal ligament
perifoveal part of retina
periventricular zone of hypothalamus +
planum terminale
planum triangulare
pontine tegmentum +
posterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus
posterior part of tongue +
posterior ramus of cleithrum
posterolingual region
presacral shield
presubiculum +
processus confluens
proctodeum portion of cloaca
prostatic utricle
pterygopharyngeal part of superior pharyngeal constrictor