large intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer +
late distal segment
lateral epicondyle of femur
lateral floor plate
lateral malleolus of fibula
lateral plate mesoderm +
lateral process of basipterygium
lateral tuber of ulna
lateral tubercle of astragalus
latissimus dorsi muscle
latissimus dorsi pre-muscle mass +
latissimus dorsi process
left renal pelvis
lesser tubercle of humerus
levator scapulae muscle
levator scapulae pre-muscle mass +
lieno-renal ligament
limb endochondral element +
lower part of vagina
macula densa +
major vestibular gland +
male preputial gland
manual digit mesenchyme +
manus connective tissue +
marginal zone of spleen
maxillary process mesenchyme from head mesenchyme
medial blade of ilium
medial epicondyle of femur
medial floor plate
medial pelvic process
membranous urethra of male or female +
mesangium +
mesenchyme from somatopleure +
mesenchyme from splanchnopleure +
mesenchyme of umbilical cord +
mesenteric fat pad +
mesenteric lymph node +
mesenteric lymphatic vessel
mesial pelvic ridge
meso-epithelium +
mesonephric capsule
mesonephric collecting duct
mesonephric comma-shaped body
mesonephric early proximal tubule
mesonephric epithelium +
mesonephric glomerulus +
mesonephric juxtaglomerular apparatus +
The juxtaglomerular apparatus lies adjacent to the glomerulus and regulates kidney function by maintaining the blood flow to the kidney and the filtration rate[GO].
mesonephric late distal segment
mesonephric late proximal tubule
mesonephric mesenchyme +
mesonephric nephron +
mesonephric nephron progenitor
mesonephric S-shaped body
mesonephric sinus
mesonephric smooth muscle tissue
mesonephros +
mesopodial skeleton +
metanephric capsule
metanephric collecting duct +
metanephric cortex mesenchyme +
metanephric cortical collecting duct
metanephric descending thin limb +
metanephric juxtaglomerular apparatus +
metanephric long descending thin limb bend
metanephric mesenchyme +
metanephric nephron +
metanephric prebend segment
metanephric pyramid
metanephric renal pelvis
metanephros +
metanephros cortex +
metaphysis of femur +
metaphysis of fibula
metaphysis of humerus
metaphysis of radius
metaphysis of tibia
metapodial skeleton +
metoptic pillar
middle anterior process of basipterygium
mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure +
moderator band
mucosa of fallopian tube +
mucosa of seminal vesicle
mucosa of ureter +
mucosa of urethra +
mucosa of urinary bladder +
mucosa of vagina +
Mullerian duct +
muscle layer of epididymis
muscle layer of oviduct
muscle layer of spongiose part of urethra
muscle layer of urinary bladder +
muscle of digastric group +
muscle rectus abdominis superficialis
muscle tissue +
muscular coat of seminal vesicle
muscular coat of ureter +
muscular layer of prostatic urethra
muscular layer of vagina
musculus rectus abdominis profundus
navicular fossa of spongiose part of urethra +
neck of femur
neck of fibula
neck of humerus
neck of radius
neck of talus
neck of urinary bladder +
neural lobe of neurohypophysis
Nobelian rod
notochord +
notochord posterior region
nucleus pulposus
obturator foramen
obturator process of ischium
olecranon fossa
omentum +
optic foramen +
orbitosphenoid +
orbitosphenoid septum
os clitoris
os penis
outflow tract +
outflow tract pericardium
ovarian follicle +
ovarian ligament
paired fin radial element +
paired fin radial skeleton +
paired limb/fin field +
paired limb/fin skeleton +
papillary muscle of heart +
parenchyma of spleen +
parietal serous membrane +
pars cylindriformis ilei
pars reflexa of masseter
part of afferent arteriole forming the juxtaglomerular complex