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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
esophageal sphincter +  
esophagus skeletal muscle 
A portion of skeletal muscle tissue that is part of a esophagus [Automatically generated definition].
external anal sphincter 
skeletal muscle tissue of diaphragm 
skeletal muscle tissue of gluteus maximus 
skeletal muscle tissue of iliacus 
skeletal muscle tissue of internal intercostal muscle 
skeletal muscle tissue of pectoralis major 
skeletal muscle tissue of rectus abdominis 
skeletal muscle tissue of transversus thoracis 
smooth muscle of esophagus +  

Exact Synonyms: esophagus skeletal muscle tissue ;   skeletal muscle of esophagus
Xrefs: EMAPA:36523 ;   MA:0001572
Definition Sources: OBOL:automatic

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