distal cartilage of external anterior process of basipterygium
distal cartilage of internal anterior process of basipterygium
distal cartilage of middle anterior process of basipterygium
distal cartilage of posterior process of basipterygium
distal keel of metacarpal III
distal limb integumentary appendage +
distal ureter +
dorsal axial hypoblast
dorsal fin actinotrichium
dorsal iliac process
dorsal iliac ridge
dorsal iris
dorsal lateral plate region
dorsal nerve of clitoris
dorsal nerve of penis
dorsal part of optic cup
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 1
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 2 +
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 3 +
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 4
dorsal part of pharyngeal pouch 5
dorsal patch of Leydig's organ
dorsal ridge
dorsal vessel heart
dorsal zone of medial entorhinal cortex
dorso-rostral cluster
dorsolateral septum
dorsum of nose
duct of apocrine sweat gland
duct of bulbourethral gland
duct of eccrine sweat gland
duct of epididymis
duct of lesser vestibular gland
duct of major vestibular gland
duct of olfactory gland
duct of sebaceous gland +
duct of seminal vesicle
ductus reuniens +
dura mater lymph vessel
ear vesicle +
early pharyngeal endoderm +
ectepicondylar flange
ectepicondylar foramen +
ecto-epithelium +
ectocondylar tubercle
ectodermal part of digestive tract +
egg cylinder
Eimer's organ
elastica externa of notochord
element Y of fore mesopodium
embryonic cloacal epithelium +
embryonic lymph sac +
eminentia arcuata
enamel knot
endocardial ring +
endolymphatic duct +
endolymphatic system
endomysium +
entepicondylar foramen
entire pharyngeal arch associated mesenchyme +
entire pharyngeal arch endoderm +
entorhinal cortex +
enveloping layer of ectoderm +
epaxial musculature +
epibranchial ganglion +
epicardial fat
epicardium +
epicondyle of humerus +
epidermal egg tooth
epidermal intermediate stratum
epidermal placode
epidermal ridge of digit
epidermal scale +
epidermal superficial stratum
epidermal-dermal junction +
epidermis of feather follicle +
epidermis suprabasal layer
epididymal fat pad
epididymis +
epioccipital bridge
epioccipital posterior process
epiotic +
epiphysial cluster
epiphysis of femur +
epiphysis of fibula +
epiphysis of humerus +
epiphysis of metacarpal bone +
epiphysis of metatarsal bone +
epiphysis of phalanx +
epiphysis of radius +
epiphysis of tibia +
epiphysis of ulna +
epithelium of footplate +
epithelium of handplate +
epithelium of otic placode +
esophagus smooth muscle circular layer
esophagus smooth muscle longitudinal layer
excurrent foramen of ectepicondylar foramen
external acoustic meatus +
external acoustic meatus osseus part
external anterior process of basipterygium
external cellular layer
external ectoderm +
external naris +
external nose +
external yolk syncytial layer
extra-ocular muscle +
extraembryonic membrane mesenchyme +
extraembryonic mesoderm +
extraglomerular mesangium
extremitas anterior
eye muscle +
eye primordium +
eye trabecular meshwork +
eyeball of camera-type eye +
eyelid +
eyelid blood vessel
eyelid gland +
eyelid subcutaneous connective tissue
falciform fat
fallopian tube +
falx cerebelli
falx cerebri
fascia of Camper
fasciola cinerea
fasciolar gyrus
feather +
feather barb +
feather barbicel
feather barbule +
feather bud, dermal component +
feather calamus
feather shaft +
feather vane
femoral ridge
fibrous ring of heart +
fibular crest
filum terminale +
filum terminale externum
filum terminale internum
fimbria of fallopian tube
fin fold pectoral fin bud +
fin hook +
flexural organ
floor plate +
The specialized glial structure (non-neuronal cells) situated at the ventral midline of the embryonic neural tube; this structure spans the anteroposterior axis from the midbrain to the tail regions, separating the left and right basal plates of the developing neural tube, and serves as an organizer to ventralize tissues in the embryo as well as to guide neuronal positioning and differentiation along the dorsoventral axis of the neural tube.
floor plate of neural tube +
foramen cecum of frontal bone
foramen nutritium exterius
foramen perforans carpi
foramen perforans tarsi
foramen primum
foramen secundum
forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel +
forebrain midbrain boundary neural plate +
forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod +
forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube
forebrain neural keel +
forebrain neural rod +
forebrain neural tube
forebrain-midbrain boundary
foregut duodenum mesentery
fossula tuberis superioris
fourth ventricle aperture +
fovea capitis of femur
fovea capitis of humerus
fovea centralis +
foveola of retina
frontal nerve (branch of ophthalmic)
frontonasal process epithelium +
fundus of urinary bladder +
future central tendon +
future falx cerebri +
future hindbrain meninx +
ganglion of central nervous system +
gastro-splenic ligament
gastrophrenic ligament
gelatinous layer of statoconial membrane
genioglossus muscle
genital swelling +
germ layer / neural crest +
germinal neuroepithelium +
gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus