composite part spanning multiple base regional parts of brain +
conjunctiva +
conjunctival papilla
conjunctival sac +
corneo-scleral junction
corpora quadrigemina +
cortex of hair
courtship gland
cranial neural crest +
crista ampullaris +
crista intermedia
crista subnasalis
crista supraorbitalis
crus commune +
cultriform process
cusp of tooth +
cutaneous elastic tissue +
cutaneous microfibril
cuticle of hair
dartos muscle of labia majora
dentate gyrus subgranular zone
dermal condensation of feather follicle +
dermal papilla +
dermal pulp of feather shaft
dermal scale focus
dermal skeletal element +
dermal superficial region
dermis +
dermis of feather follicle
diaphragma sellae
diencephalic part of interventricular foramen
digestive tract junction +
distal limb integumentary appendage +
dorsal iris
dorsal part of optic cup
dorsal zone of medial entorhinal cortex
dorso-rostral cluster
dorsolateral septum
dorsum of nose
duct of apocrine sweat gland
duct of eccrine sweat gland
duct of olfactory gland
duct of sebaceous gland +
ductus reuniens +
dura mater lymph vessel
ecto-epithelium +
ectodermal part of digestive tract +
Eimer's organ
elastica externa of notochord
enamel knot
endolymphatic duct +
endolymphatic system
entorhinal cortex +
epibranchial ganglion +
epidermal egg tooth
epidermal intermediate stratum
epidermal placode
epidermal ridge of digit
epidermal scale +
epidermal superficial stratum
epidermal-dermal junction +
epidermis of feather follicle +
epidermis suprabasal layer
epioccipital bridge
epioccipital posterior process
epiotic +
epiphysial cluster
external acoustic meatus +
external acoustic meatus osseus part
external cellular layer
external naris +
external nose +
extremitas anterior
eye muscle +
eye trabecular meshwork +
eyeball of camera-type eye +
eyelid +
eyelid blood vessel
eyelid gland +
falx cerebelli
falx cerebri
fasciculus of brain +
fasciola cinerea
fasciolar gyrus
feather +
feather barb +
feather barbicel
feather barbule +
feather bud, dermal component +
feather calamus
feather shaft +
feather vane
filum terminale +
filum terminale externum
filum terminale internum
fin fold pectoral fin bud +
fin hook +
flexural organ
floor plate +
floor plate of neural tube +
foramen cecum of frontal bone
forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel +
forebrain midbrain boundary neural plate +
forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod +
forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube
forebrain neural keel +
forebrain neural rod +
forebrain neural tube
forebrain-midbrain boundary
foregut duodenum mesentery
fourth ventricle aperture +
fovea centralis +
foveola of retina
frontal nerve (branch of ophthalmic)
future hindbrain meninx +
ganglion of central nervous system +
gelatinous layer of statoconial membrane
gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus
gingival epithelial attachment
gland of anal canal
gland of diencephalon +
gland of nasal mucosa +
gluteal sulcus
granular layer corpus cerebelli
granular layer valvula cerebelli
gyrus +
hair canal
hair matrix
hair medulla
hair root
hair root sheath +
hair root sheath matrix
hair shaft +
Harderian gland +
Harderian gland duct
head taste bud
Henle's fiber layer
Hensen stripe
hindbrain neural keel +
hindbrain neural rod +
hindbrain neural tube
hindbrain venous system
hindbrain-spinal cord boundary
hoof lamina
hyoid articular area
immature otolith +
inferior branch of oculomotor nerve
inferior horn of the lateral ventricle
inferior parietal cortex
inferior rectal artery
infundibular organ
infundibulum of hair follicle
inner ear foramen +
insect abdominal histoblast anlage +
insect adult brain +
insect analia +
insect antennal disc +
insect anterior ectoderm derivative +
insect arista +
insect Bolwig organ
insect clypeo-labral disc +
insect clypeus
insect cuticular specialization +
insect dorsal ectoderm derivative +
insect dorsal mesothorax +
insect dorsal thoracic disc +
insect embryonic brain +
insect embryonic/larval brain +
insect eye-antennal disc +
insect genital disc +
insect labial disc +
insect mesothoracic tergum
insect presumptive arista +
insect presumptive prothoracic metatarsus +
insect proboscis
insect prothoracic leg +
insect prothoracic tarsal segment +
insect protocerebrum +
insect stomatogastric nervous system
insect supraesophageal ganglion +
insect ventral ectoderm derivative +
insect ventral thoracic disc +
internal acoustic meatus
internal cellular layer
internal ear +
internal surface of frontal bone
interventricular foramen of CNS +
intervertebral vein
iris +
iris stroma
isthmus of cingulate gyrus
kidney corticomedullary boundary
Kimura membrane
labyrinthine artery
lacrimal apparatus +
lacrimal canaliculus +
lacrimal drainage system +
lacrimal gland +
lacrimal lake
lacrimal nerve
lacrimal papilla
lacrimal punctum
lacrimal sac +
lamina inferior
lamina nariochoanalis
lamina of spiral limbus
lamina precerebralis
lamina superior
lateral eminence of fourth ventricle
lateral eminence of hypophysis
lateral entorhinal cortex
lateral floor plate
lateral line +
lateral line ganglion +
lateral line nerve +
lateral ventricle subependymal layer
lateral wall neural rod
lateral zone of hypothalamus +
layer of dura mater +
layer of hippocampal field +
layer of retina +
lens cortex
lens fiber
lens nucleus
lens of camera-type eye +
lens vesicle +
lepidotrichial segment +
limbic system +
limiting layer of elasmoid scale
lobe of cerebral hemisphere +
lobule of mammary gland +
long ciliary nerve
lunule of nail
macula +
macula lutea +
macula lutea proper
mammary gland +
mammary gland alveolus
mammary gland connective tissue +
mammary gland luminal epithelium
mammary gland smooth muscle
mammary lobe
mammillary body +
mandibular arch neural crest
margin of eyelid
margo anterior of cleithrum
margo posterior of cleithrum
margo scapularis
margo vertebralis
medial entorhinal cortex +
medial floor plate
medial zone of hypothalamus +
median pars intermedia
median prenasal process
medulla oblongata +
membranous labyrinth +
meninx +
mesenchyme of mammary gland +
mesenchyme of nasal septum
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural keel +
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural rod +
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural tube
midbrain neural keel +
midbrain neural rod
midbrain neural tube +
midbrain-hindbrain boundary +
The part of the brain that is the morphological boundary between the midbrain and hindbrain and that is the location of an organizing center which patterns the midbrain and hindbrain primordia of the neural plate.