kidney loop of Henle long descending thin limb inner medulla
kidney loop of Henle long descending thin limb outer medulla
kidney pyramid +
labial region
lacrimal bone
lacrimal lake
lacrimal papilla
lamella alaris +
lamina anterior of maxilla
lamina anterior of pars facialis
lamina of spiral limbus
lamina precerebralis
lamina propria of vagina
lamina superior
laryngeal vocal fold +
lateral appendix
lateral eminence of fourth ventricle
lateral eminence of hypophysis
lateral entorhinal cortex
lateral line nucleus
lateral vaginal canal
lateral wall of nasopharynx
lateral wall of oropharynx
lateral zone of hypothalamus +
layer of tympanic membrane +
left anterior cardinal vein
left apical axillary lymph node
left auditory cortex
left bundle branch
left cardiac chamber +
left central axillary lymph node
left colon
left common iliac artery
left crus of diaphragm
left dorsal thalamus
left ear
left extraembryonic umbilical vein
left eye +
left forelimb
left gastric lymph node +
left hindlimb
left inguinal part of abdomen
left lateral ventricle
left lower central primary incisor tooth
left lower central secondary incisor tooth
left lower first primary molar tooth
left lower first secondary molar tooth
left lower first secondary premolar tooth
left lower primary canine tooth
left lower second primary molar tooth
left lower second secondary molar tooth
left lower second secondary premolar tooth
left lower secondary canine tooth
left lower third secondary molar tooth
left lymph heart
left nipple
left occipital lymph node
left ovary
left parietal lumbar lymph node +
left part of face
left pectoral axillary lymph node
left posterior cardinal vein
left recurrent laryngeal nerve
left retropharyngeal lymph node
left side of back
left subcardinal vein
left subclavian artery
left subcostal vein
left subscapular axillary lymph node
left superior intercostal vein
left suprarenal vein
left testis
left umbilical vein +
left upper central primary incisor tooth
left upper central secondary incisor tooth
left upper first primary molar tooth
left upper first secondary molar tooth
left upper first secondary premolar tooth
left upper primary canine tooth
left upper second primary molar tooth
left upper second secondary molar tooth
left upper second secondary premolar tooth
left upper secondary canine tooth
left upper third secondary molar tooth
left vagus X nerve trunk
left vitelline vein
levator veli palatini
Leydig cell region of testis
lingual artery +
lingual region
lingual tonsil
liver lobule +
lobe of cerebral hemisphere +
lobe of prostate +
lobe of tail +
lobe of thyroid gland +
lower lateral incisor tooth +
lung +
lung saccule
lymph node medullary cord
macula lutea +
macula lutea proper
major salivary gland +
major vestibular gland +
male external urethral sphincter
male genital duct +
male inguinal canal +
male inguinal ring +
male paramesonephric duct +
male urethral meatus
mammalian vulva +
mammillary body +
mandible temporal crest
manubrium of hyale
marginal zone of spleen
margo anterior of cleithrum
margo anterior of scapula
margo choanalis
margo clavicularis
margo fenestralis
margo libera
margo mandibularis of pterygoid +
margo orbitalis of maxilla
margo orbitalis of pterygoid
margo orbitalis of squamosal
margo posterior
margo posterior of cleithrum
margo posterior of scapula
margo scapularis
margo suprascapularis
margo tympanicus of pterygoid
margo vertebralis
maxilla +
medial entorhinal cortex +
medial zone of hypothalamus +
median pars intermedia
median symphysis
medulla oblongata +
medullary ray
medullary region of kidney +
mentalis muscle
mesial region
mesonephric late distal segment
mid-dorsal keel
monkey lips dorsal bursa complex +
mons pubis
Mullerian duct +
muscle belly +
muscle head +
muscle layer of epididymis
muscle layer of infundibulum of uterine tube
muscle layer of oviduct
muscle layer of spongiose part of urethra
muscle tissue of prostate +
muscular coat of seminal vesicle
muscular coat of vas deferens
muscular layer of vagina
myometrium +
nasal bone +
nasalis muscle
navicular fossa of spongiose part of urethra +
neck of pancreas
nephron +
neural fold +
neural lobe of neurohypophysis
neuraxis flexure +
Nobelian rod
ocular fundus
olfactory bulb +
opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus
optic disc
optic foramen +
orbit of skull +
orbital part of frontal bone
orbitosphenoid +
organ component layer +
organ subunit +
osseus labyrinth vestibule +
osteon +
otic and occipital +
otic plate of pterygoid
outer canthus +
outer medulla of kidney +
outer medulla vasa recta ascending limb
outer medulla vasa recta descending limb
outer quadrant of breast +
ovarian cortex
ovarian ligament
ovarian medulla
ovarian vein +
ovary stroma +
oviduct +
oviduct epithelium +
oviduct smooth muscle
paired venous dural sinus +
palatine bone +
palatopharyngeus muscle +
pancreas left lobe
pancreas right lobe
pancreatic lobule +
papilla of tongue +
papillary muscle of heart +
parafoveal part of retina
parasagittal crest
paraurethral duct +
paraxial mesoderm +
parenchyma +
pars articularis of mandibular arch
pars canalicularis of petrosal
pars convoluta of oviduct
pars cylindriformis ilei
pars distalis of adenohypophysis
pars externa plectri +
pars facialis of maxilla +
pars facialis of maxillopalatine
pars flaccida of tympanic membrane
pars glenoidalis of quadratojugal
pars inferior of labyrinth
pars intermedia of adenohypophysis
pars interna plectri
pars jugalis
pars media plectri +
pars plana of ciliary body
pars plicata of ciliary body
pars recta
pars reflexa of masseter
pars reuniens
pars suprascapularis
pars tensa of tympanic membrane
pars tuberalis of adenohypophysis
pearly penile papule
pectinate muscle
pectineal ligament
pectoral girdle region +
pelvic girdle region +
penile bulb artery
penile spine
penis epithelium +
perifoveal part of retina
peripheral zone of prostate
periventricular zone of hypothalamus +
pituitary stalk
placenta +
placenta blood vessel +
placenta junctional zone
placenta labyrinth +
placental artery endothelium
placental basal plate +
placental membrane +
placentome of cotyledonary placenta +
planum terminale
planum triangulare
pleural plate of carapace
pleural sac +
pontine tegmentum +
posterior cerebral artery +
posterior communicating artery
posterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus
posterior median eminence
posterior part of tongue +
posterior ramus of cleithrum
posterior thoracic air sac
posterolingual region
prepuce +
presacral shield
presubiculum +
primary lateral incisor tooth +
processus confluens
proctodeum portion of cloaca
prostate epithelium +
prostate gland lateral lobe
prostate gland stroma
prostate glandular acinus
prostatic capsule
prostatic utricle
pterygopharyngeal part of superior pharyngeal constrictor
pubis +
quadrate bone +
quadrato-orbital commissure
raphe of penis
raphe of scrotum
recessus basilaris
recessus coccygealis
recessus fenestrae ovalis
remnant of Rathke's pouch
renal column
renal glomerulus +
renal papilla +
renal pelvis +
reproductive gland +
reproductive organ +
reproductive system mucosa +
rete ovarii
rete testis
retrochiasmatic area
right anterior cardinal vein
right apical axillary lymph node
right auditory cortex
right bundle branch
right cardiac chamber +
right central axillary lymph node
right colon
right common iliac artery
right crus of diaphragm
right dorsal thalamus
right ear
right extraembryonic umbilical vein
right eye +
right forelimb
right hindlimb
right inguinal part of abdomen
right lateral ventricle
right lower central primary incisor tooth
right lower central secondary incisor tooth
right lower first primary molar tooth
right lower first secondary molar tooth
right lower first secondary premolar tooth
right lower primary canine tooth
right lower second primary molar tooth
right lower second secondary molar tooth
right lower second secondary premolar tooth
right lower secondary canine tooth
right lower third secondary molar tooth
right lymph heart
right nipple
right occipital lymph node
right ovary
right part of face
right pectoral axillary lymph node
right posterior cardinal vein
right recurrent laryngeal nerve
right retropharyngeal lymph node
right side of back
right subcardinal vein
right subclavian artery
right subcostal vein
right subscapular axillary lymph node
right superior intercostal vein
right suprarenal vein
right testis
right umbilical vein
right upper central primary incisor tooth
right upper central secondary incisor tooth
right upper first primary molar tooth
right upper first secondary molar tooth
right upper first secondary premolar tooth
right upper primary canine tooth
right upper second primary molar tooth
right upper second secondary molar tooth
right upper second secondary premolar tooth
right upper secondary canine tooth
right upper third secondary molar tooth
right vagus X nerve trunk
right vitelline vein
rugal fold +
rugal fold of vagina
sac of scrotum
sacral condyle
sacro-iliac joint
salpingopharyngeus muscle
Schweigger-Seidel sheath
sclera +
scrotum +
septum of scrotum
serosa of fallopian tube
serosa of infundibulum of uterine tube
serosa of uterus +
simplex uterus
sinus of Valsalva
skeletal support for eminentia olfactoria +
skin of external genitalia +
skin of gonad
skin of penis +
smooth muscle tissue layer of ejaculatory duct
solum nasi
spatium sacculare
spermatic cord +
sphenoid bone pterygoid process +
spinal cord lateral horn +
spinous region of dorsal fin
spleen pulp +
splenic cord
spongiose part of urethra +
spongiotrophoblast layer
stria vascularis of cochlear duct +
stroma +
stylopharyngeus muscle
stylus of pars media plectri
subcapsular sinus ceiling
subcapsular sinus floor
subdivision of conjunctiva +
subdivision of oviduct +
subdivision of tube +
sublingual caruncle
submucosa of fallopian tube
suboccular arch
subserosa of fallopian tube
substantia nigra +
substantia nigra pars compacta
substantia nigra pars reticulata
sulcus articularis lateralis
sulcus articularis medialis
sulcus distalis ossis cruris
sulcus longitudinalis
sulcus pro musculo extensori cruris brevis
sulcus proximalis ossis cruris
supcapsular region of anterior region of lens
supcapsular region of posterior region of lens
superior colliculus +
superior parathyroid gland +
superior parietal cortex
superior part of vestibular ganglion
suprarostral ala
supravaginal part of cervix
suspensory ligament of testis
sympathetic trunk +
symphysis maxillaris
tail of pancreas +
temporomandibular joint +
tensor veli palatini
tentorium cerebelli
tenuitas cristaeformis
testicular sheath
testicular vein +
theca cell layer +
theca externa
theca interna
thoracolumbar junction +
thymus lobe +
thyroid follicle +
tip of renal papilla
tongue intermolar eminence
torus pylorus
trabecula +
trabecular horn +
transition zone of prostate
transverse folds of rectum
transverse foramen of axis
transverse pelvic ridge
transverse process of atlas +
triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus
trigone of urinary bladder +
trochlear groove of humerus
tunica albuginea +
tunica vaginalis testis
ulnar condyle
upper lateral incisor tooth +
upper left incisor tooth +
upper right incisor tusk
upper urinary tract +
ureter +
urodeum +
urostyle cotyle
urostyle ridge +
uterine artery
uterine cervix +
uterine epithelium +
uterine fat pad +
uterine horn +
Either one of the pair of tubular extensions from the uterine body where the uterus and the uterine tubes meet; uterine horns are anterior Mullerian duct-derived structures.