A tube running from the outer ear to the middle ear. The human ear canal extends from the pinna to the eardrum and is about 26 mm in length and 7 mm in diameter.
external acoustic meatus osseus part
external cellular layer
external ear margin
external naris +
external nose +
extrapancreatic duct
extremitas anterior
eye muscle +
eye trabecular meshwork +
eyeball of camera-type eye +
eyelid +
eyelid blood vessel
eyelid gland +
falx cerebelli
falx cerebri
fasciola cinerea
fasciolar gyrus
feather +
feather barb +
feather barbicel
feather barbule +
feather bud, dermal component +
feather calamus
feather shaft +
feather vane
femoral canal
fibroelastic membrane of larynx
filum terminale +
filum terminale externum
filum terminale internum
fin fold pectoral fin bud +
fin hook +
flexural organ
floor plate +
floor plate of neural tube +
foramen cecum of frontal bone
foramen cecum of tongue
foramen perforans tarsi
foramen primum
foramen secundum
forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel +
forebrain midbrain boundary neural plate +
forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod +
forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube
forebrain neural keel +
forebrain neural rod +
forebrain neural tube
forebrain-midbrain boundary
foregut duodenum mesentery
fourth ventricle aperture +
fovea centralis +
foveola of retina
frontal nerve (branch of ophthalmic)
fundus of gallbladder
future hindbrain meninx +
gallbladder +
gallbladder lamina propria
ganglion of central nervous system +
gelatinous layer of statoconial membrane
gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus