A complex network of conduits that begins with the canals of Hering (intralobar bile duct) and progressively merges into a system of interlobular, septal, and major ducts which then coalesce to form the extrahepatic bile ducts, which finally deliver bile to the intestine, and in some species to the gallbladder.
blood-air barrier
body of gallbladder
bone of jaw +
branchiostegal membrane
bronchial lymph node
bronchial mucosa +
bronchial process
bronchial submucosal gland ciliated duct
bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue
bronchopulmonary segment +
bronchus basal lamina
bronchus basement membrane +
bronchus reticular lamina
bursa of Fabricius +
capsule of liver
capsule of temporomandibular joint
capsule of thyroid gland
cartilage of external acoustic meatus
cartilaginous external acoustic tube
cloacal muscle +
cricopharyngeus muscle
depressor labii inferioris
digestive system gland +
disk of temporomandibular joint
distal part of styloid process of temporal bone
dorsal pancreas +
duct of olfactory gland
ductal plate
endo-epithelium +
endocrine pancreas +
endodermal part of digestive tract +
epibranchial organ
epiglottic cartilage
epithelium of biliary system +
esophageal process
esophageal taste bud
esophagus +
esophagus muscle +
ethmo-palatine cartilage
exocrine pancreas +
external acoustic meatus +
external acoustic meatus osseus part
extrahepatic part of biliary bud
extrapancreatic duct
fibroelastic membrane of larynx
food storage organ +
foramen cecum of tongue
fundus of gallbladder
future tongue +
gallbladder +
gallbladder lamina propria
gallbladder primordium +
gastrointestinal sphincter +
gill lamella +
gland of digestive tract +
gland of nasal mucosa +
glottis +
gustatory pore
head of pancreas +
hepatic acinus +
hepatic cord +
hepatoduodenal ligament
hepatogastric ligament
horn of thyroid cartilage +
hyoid bone lesser horn
inferior parathyroid gland +
infrarostral cartilage +
infundibulum of gallbladder
interalveolar septum
intrahepatic part of biliary bud
islet of Langerhans
isthmus of thyroid gland
labial cartilage
lamina propria of bronchus
large intestine +
laryngeal apparatus +
laryngeal associated mesenchyme +
laryngeal cartilage +
laryngeal pre-cartilage condensation +
laryngeal prominence
laryngeal ventricle
laryngeal vocal fold +
larynx connective tissue +
larynx mucous gland
larynx submucosa +
larynx submucosa gland
lateral process of cricoid cartilage
lateral wall of nasopharynx
lateral wall of oropharynx
left lung alveolar system +
ligament of larynx +
ligament of liver +
ligament of temporomandibular joint
lingula of left lung
lip taste bud
liver +
liver lobule +
liver papillary process
liver parenchyma +
liver reticuloendothelial system
liver stroma +
liver subserosa
liver trabecula
lobar bronchus alveolar system
lobe of liver +
lobe of lung +
lobe of thyroid gland +
lower respiratory tract cartilage +
lower respiratory tract connective tissue +
lung +
lung field
lung parenchyma +
lung saccule
lunge feeding organ +
Meckel's cartilage +
membrana tympaniformis +
mentalis muscle
mesenchyme of main bronchus +
mesenchyme of trachea +
metabolic zone of liver +
mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure +
mucosa of biliary tree +
mucosa of bronchiole +
mucosa of gallbladder +
mucosa of larynx +
mucosa of nasopharynx
mucosa of oropharynx
mucous gland of lung
muscle of Aristotle's lantern
muscle of larynx +
musculature of larynx +
nasal cavity mucosa +
nasal-associated lymphoid tissue +
nasopharyngeal gland
nasopharynx connective tissue
neck of gallbladder
nematode pharynx
oronasal membrane
oropharyngeal gland
oropharynx +
otic ligament
palatal muscle +
palatal taste bud
palatine tonsil
palatoquadrate cartilage +
pancreas head parenchyma
pancreas tail parenchyma
pancreatic acinus
pancreatic duct +
pancreatic lobule +
parenchyma of thyroid gland
Peyer's patch T cell area
pharyngeal arch derived gill +
pharyngeal bar
pharyngeal slit
pharyngeal taste bud
pleural sac +
portal lobule
portal triad +
post-anal gut
posterior wall of nasopharynx
posterior wall of oropharynx
posterior wall of the glottis
prominentia apicalis dorsalis
prominentia apicalis ventralis
proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tract +
pulmonary collagen fibril
pulmonary lobule +
pulmonary lymphatic vessel
pulmonary neuroendocrine body
pulmonary part of lymphatic system +
Reichert's cartilage +
respiratory tract +
respiratory tube +
right lung alveolar system +
roof of nasopharynx
rostral cartilage
salpingopharyngeus muscle
septal organ of Masera
small intestine +
sphincter of hepatopancreatic ampulla
spiral valve of cystic duct
stapes base
stapes bone +
stroma of thyroid gland
stylohyoid ligament
styloid process of temporal bone +
stylopharyngeus muscle
submucosa of biliary tree +
submucosa of bronchiole
submucosa of bronchus +
submucosa of trachea +
suprarostral cartilage +
syrinx organ +
tail of pancreas +
taste bud +
thymus primordium endoderm
thyroglossal duct
thyroid follicle +
thyroid gland +
thyroid gland medulla
thyroid primordium +
thyroid primordium endoderm
thyropharyngeus muscle
tongue +
tongue muscle +
tongue taste bud
tooth of lower jaw +
tooth of upper jaw +
trachea basement membrane +
trachea reticular lamina
tracheal submucosal gland ciliated duct
tracheobronchial lymph node +
tracheobronchial tree +
triangular ligament of liver
ultimobranchial body +
uncinate process of pancreas
upper respiratory conduit +
velar vocal fold
ventral liver lobe
ventral pancreas
vermiform appendix +
visceral endoderm +
wall of gallbladder
Y-shaped fibrocartilage skeleton of ventral pouch +