composite part spanning multiple base regional parts of brain +
corticopontine fibers
cranial nerve II
diagonal band of Broca +
dorsal cochlear nucleus pyramidal cell layer
dorsal external arcuate fiber bundle
entorhinal cortex layer 1
entorhinal cortex layer 2
entorhinal cortex layer 3
entorhinal cortex layer 4
entorhinal cortex layer 5
entorhinal cortex layer 6
epiphyseal tract
fasciculus of brain +
fasciculus of spinal cord +
forebrain ventricular layer
forebrain-midbrain boundary
funiculus of neuraxis +
glossopharyngeal nerve fiber bundle
gracile fasciculus +
granular cell layer of dorsal cochlear nucleus
gray matter +
hilum of neuraxis +
hindbrain marginal layer +
hippocampus alveus +
hippocampus fimbria
insect adult brain +
insect embryonic brain +
insect embryonic/larval brain +
insect supraesophageal ganglion +
insect synaptic neuropil domain +
internal arcuate fiber bundle
lamina of gray matter of spinal cord +
lamina of septum pellucidum
laminar subdivision of the cortex +
layer of dentate gyrus +
layer of hippocampus +
layer of lateral geniculate body +
layer of superior colliculus +
mammillary axonal complex +
midbrain-hindbrain boundary +
molecular layer of dorsal cochlear nucleus
mushroom body
nervous system lemniscus +
neural decussation +
neural glomerulus +
neural nucleus +
neural tube derived brain
neuropil +
olfactory bulb layer +
olfactory cortex layer 1
olfactory cortex layer 2
olfactory cortex layer 3
olfactory pathway
parallel fiber +
pars intercerebralis
A neurosecretory center of the insect brain, located along the anterior midline[wiktionary]. A medial cleft or depression dividing the left and right protocerebrum and containing numerous large and small somata of neurosecretory and neuromodulatory neurons[FBbt].