The arachnoid barrier layer is a part of the arachnoid meningeal layer. It is formed by tight junctions between the endothelial cells of cerebral capillaries in the arachnoid mater.
arachnoid trabecula
arachnoid villus
articular process of palatoquadrate
ascending process of palatoquadrate
atrioventricular septum
auditory ossicle endochondral element +
basal process of palatoquadrate
blood vessel layer +
blood vessel layer of choroid +
body of mandible
bony part of hard palate
brain arachnoid mater
branchial basket
Bruch's membrane
capillary layer of choroid
cardiac valve +
cardiac valve leaflet +
central retinal vein
chorda tendineae +
choroid tapetum lucidum +
choroidal blood vessel
chromaffin system +
cingulum of lower canine tooth
cingulum of upper canine tooth
cochlear ganglion
conjunctival vein
cornea +
corneal blood vessel
corneal endothelium
corneal epithelium
corneal primordium +
corneal stroma collagen fibril
craniopharyngeal canal
cribriform plate
crista contacta
crista dentalis of maxilla
crista dentalis of premaxilla
crista interna
crista lateralis of premaxilla
crista praeopercularis
crista vomeri
cusp of cardiac valve +
dental follicle +
dental pulp +
dentary foramen
dentigerous process
dento-alveolar joint
dermal layer of tongue
dermis connective tissue +
Descemet's membrane
dilatatio alaris
distal part of styloid process of temporal bone
dorsal root ganglion +
enteric nerve +
enteric nervous system +
enteric plexus +
entopterygoid vertical strut
epithelium of hard palate
epithelium of soft palate
ethmo-palatine cartilage
ethmoid foramen
ethmoidal process of inferior nasal concha
extra-ocular muscle +
eyelid connective tissue +
eyelid tarsus +
facial bone +
facial neural crest
facial skeleton +
fibrous membrane of synovial tendon sheath
flange of quadratojugal
footplate of pars media plectri
foramen of nasal bone
foramen rotundum
foramen spinosum of sphenoid bone
forebrain arachnoid mater +
frontal process of maxilla
frontal process of zygomatic bone
geniculate ganglion
gonial bone
greater palatine foramen
Haller's layer
hard palate +
heart layer +
hepatic cord +
hindbrain arachnoid mater
hyaloid canal
hyaloid vessel +
hyoid bone lesser horn
incisive canal +
incisive process of premaxilla
incisor process
inferior part of vestibular ganglion
inferior tarsal muscle
inferior vagus X ganglion
infra-orbital canal of maxilla
infra-orbital foramen of maxilla
infraorbital margin
infrarostral cartilage +
integumentary system layer +
interdental plate
interincisive suture
interventricular foramen intermedium
interventricular septum membranous part
intestinal villus +
intraramal joint
iris blood vessel
jaw skeleton +
labial cartilage
lamella alaris +
lamina anterior of maxilla
lamina anterior of pars facialis
lamina of omasum
lamina propria +
lateral condyle of quadrate
lateral process of malleus
layer of dura mater +
layer of muscle tissue +
layer of sclera +
lenticular process of incus bone
leptomeninx +
lesser palatine foramen
lower jaw incisor epithelium
lower jaw molar epithelium
malleus head
malleus neck
malleus processus brevis
mandible angular process
mandible condylar process +
mandible coronoid process
mandible head
mandible neck
mandible temporal crest
mandibular canal
mandibular ramus +
mandibular symphyseal region +
manubrium of malleus
margo choanalis
margo libera
margo mandibularis of pterygoid +
margo orbitalis of maxilla
margo orbitalis of pterygoid
margo orbitalis of squamosal
margo tympanicus of pterygoid
masseteric fossa
maxilla ascending process
maxillary process of inferior nasal concha
maxillary shank
maxillomandibular part of trigeminal ganglion complex
Meckel's cartilage +
meckelian foramen
medial cartilage of palatine
medial condyle of quadrate
medial palpebral ligament
medial ramus of pterygoid +
membranous layer +
mental foramen
Merkel nerve ending
mesenchyme derived from neural crest +
metoptic pillar
midbrain arachnoid mater
mitral valve anulus
mucosa +
mucosa of palate +
nasal process of premaxilla
odontoid tissue +
optic foramen +
orbit of skull +
orbital fissure +
orbital margin +
orbital septum
orbitosphenoid septum
oropharyngeal choana
otic ligament
otic plate of pterygoid
otic process
otic ramus of squamosal
palatal muscle +
palatal taste bud
palatine aponeurosis
palatine bone horizontal plate
palatine cartilage +
palatine process of maxilla +
palatine process of premaxilla
palatine process of the pars facialis of the maxilla
palatine prong
palatine raphe +
palatine torus
palatine uvula +
palatomaxillary suture
palatoquadrate arch +
palatoquadrate articular process
palatoquadrate cartilage +
paraganglion (generic) +
parasympathetic ganglion +
parietal pleura +
parietal serous membrane +
pars articularis of mandibular arch
pars externa plectri +
pars facialis of maxilla +
pars facialis of maxillopalatine
pars glenoidalis of quadratojugal
pars interna plectri
pars jugalis
pars media plectri +
periodontal ligament
perpendicular plate of ethmoid
photoreceptor array +
postchoanal process
posterior cartilage of palatine
posterior condyle
posterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus
posterior mental process
posterior ramus of pterygoid
posterior stroma of cornea
posterolateral vomerine process
pre-narial cartilage
prearticular coronoid process
prechoanal process
premaxilla articular process
premaxilla ascending process
premaxilla dentigerous process
premaxilla maxillary process
preoptic pillar
preorbital process of the pars facialis of the maxilla
primary palate +
primary palate epithelium
processus ascendens plectri
processus descendens of sphenoid
processus dorsalis of lamella alaris
processus frontalis of maxilla
processus infrafenestralis +
processus internus of pseudoangular
processus lingualis of pterygoid
processus posterior of maxilla
processus posterodorsalis of lamella alaris
processus suprafenestralis
processus triangularis of palatoquadrate cartilage
processus zygomatico-maxillaris
profundal part of trigeminal ganglion complex
pseudobasal process
pterygoid process of palatoquadrate
pterygoquadrate cartilage
pulmonary valve anulus
quadrate condyle
quadrate dorsal process
quadrate posterodorsal process
quadrate process of palatoquadrate
quadrate ventral process
quadratoethmoid process
Reichert's cartilage +
remnant of cardiac valve
retina blood vessel +
retroarticular process
rostral margin of orbit
rostral process
Sattler's layer
sclera +
scleral lamina cribrosa
secondary palatal shelf +
secondary palatal shelf epithelium
secondary palate +
segmental spinal nerve +
sella turcica +
sensory root of facial nerve
sensory root of trigeminal nerve
short ciliary nerve
simian shelf
skeletal element of eye region +
skeletal muscle tissue of levator palpebrae superioris