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{{ watchedTerm.term }} ({{watchedTerm.accId}})
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serous membrane
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Parent Terms
Term With Siblings
Child Terms
anatomical wall
mesoderm-derived structure
multi-tissue structure
abdominal wall
accessory foramen
acetabular notch
acetabular part of hip bone
acetabular rim
acropodial skeleton
adductor blade
adductor crest
adductor mandibulae complex
adrenal cortex
adrenal gland capsule
adrenal gland cortex zone
adrenal medulla
adrenal tissue
adrenal/interrenal gland
adult mammalian kidney
adventitia of epididymis
adventitia of seminal vesicle
adventitia of ureter
agger limitans anterior of ilium
agger limitans anterior of ischium
alisphenoid bone
allantois of embryonic urinary system
alveolar wall
ampulla of fallopian tube
anal fold
anterior chamber swim bladder
anterior dentation of pectoral fin spine
anterior distal condyle of femur
anterior distal serration of pectoral fin spine
anterior humeral ridge
anterior lateral mesoderm
anterior lateral plate mesoderm
anterior subdivision of masseter
anterior uvea
antotic pillar
aorta collagen fibril
aortic body
apex of urinary bladder
apical region of heart ventricle
apophysis distalis of tibiale fibulare
apophysis distalis of tibiofibula
apophysis proximalis
appendix epididymis
appendix testis
Aristotle's lantern
aryepiglottic fold
ascending process of the astragalus
associated mesenchyme of midgut
astragalus head
astragalus-calcaneum unit
atrial foramen intermedium
atrioventricular region
atrium auricular region
atrium myocardial trabecula
autopodial skeleton
basal zone of heart
base of glans penis
basipterygium element
basisphenoid bone
bicipital crest
bicipital tuberosity
Bidder's organ
blood vessel
blood vessel elastic tissue
blood vessel layer
body of ilium
bone marrow
bone of free limb or fin
branch of ilio-marsupialis muscle
branchiomeric muscle
brevis shelf
broad ligament of uterus
bulb of aorta
bulb of penis
bulbus arteriosus inner layer
bulbus arteriosus middle layer
bulbus arteriosus outer layer
bursal follicle
bursal plica
calcaneal body
calcaneal tuber
canal of Nuck
capitulum of humerus
capitulum of radio-ulna
capitulum of radius
capitulum ulnae
caput epididymis
caput ossis cruris
cardiac chamber
cardiac jelly
cardiac mesenchyme
cardiac septum
cardiac skeleton
cardiac valve
cardiac valve leaflet
cardiogenic splanchnic mesoderm
cardiopharyngeal field
carotid body
cauda epididymis
caudal appendage
caudal rod
celiac trunk
chest wall
chorioallantoic membrane
chorion membrane
chorionic plate
chorionic villous tree
chorioretinal region
ciliary body
ciliary processes
circulatory system dorsal vessel
cnemial crest
collum antibrachii
collum ilei
columnar area
common tendinous ring
compound organ component
condyle of femur
condyle of humerus
condyle of talus
condyle of tibia
coracoid process of calcaneus
corona of glans penis
coronary vessel
coronoid process of ulna
corpus cavernosum clitoridis
corpus cavernosum penis
corpus epididymis
corpus luteum
corpus spongiosum of penis
corpuscles of Stannius
cortex of humerus
cotyloid notch
cranial muscle
crista dorsalis humeri
crista hypertrophica ischium
crista ischii
crista lateralis humeri
crista medialis humeri
crista radii
crista terminalis
crista tibiofibularis
crus of clitoris
crus of penis
cumulus oophorus
cusp of cardiac valve
dartos muscle of labia majora
dartos muscle of scrotum
deep part of masseter muscle
deep part of temporalis
deltoid pre-muscle mass
deltoid process
deltopectoral crest
dermal superficial region
descending thoracic aorta
descending trunk of arch of aorta
diaphysis of femur
diaphysis of fibula
diaphysis of metacarpal bone
diaphysis of metatarsal bone
diaphysis of radius
diaphysis of tibia
diaphysis of ulna
dilated medial process of metacarpal IV
distal cartilage of external anterior process of basipterygium
distal cartilage of internal anterior process of basipterygium
distal cartilage of middle anterior process of basipterygium
distal cartilage of posterior process of basipterygium
distal keel of metacarpal III
distal ureter
dorsal fin actinotrichium
dorsal fin fold
dorsal iliac process
dorsal iliac ridge
dorsal lateral plate region
dorsal nerve of clitoris
dorsal nerve of penis
dorsal part of optic cup
dorsal patch of Leydig's organ
dorsal ridge
dorsal vessel heart
duct of bulbourethral gland
duct of epididymis
duct of lesser vestibular gland
duct of major vestibular gland
duct of seminal vesicle
ectepicondylar flange
ectepicondylar foramen
ectocondylar tubercle
elastica externa of notochord
element Y of fore mesopodium
embryonic cloacal fold
eminentia arcuata
endocardial ring
entepicondylar foramen
entire extraembryonic component
epaxial musculature
epicardial fat
epicondyle of humerus
epididymal fat pad
epiphysis of femur
epiphysis of fibula
epiphysis of humerus
epiphysis of metacarpal bone
epiphysis of metatarsal bone
epiphysis of phalanx
epiphysis of radius
epiphysis of tibia
epiphysis of ulna
esophagus smooth muscle circular layer
esophagus smooth muscle longitudinal layer
excurrent foramen of ectepicondylar foramen
external anal region
external anterior process of basipterygium
extra-ocular muscle
extraembryonic membrane mesenchyme
extraembryonic mesoderm
extraglomerular mesangium
eyelid subcutaneous connective tissue
fallopian tube
fascia of Camper
femoral ridge
fibrous ring of heart
fibular crest
fimbria of fallopian tube
fin fold pectoral fin bud
flexural organ
floor plate
floor plate of neural tube
fluid-based anatomical entity
foramen nutritium exterius
foramen perforans carpi
foramen perforans tarsi
foramen primum
foramen secundum
fossula tuberis superioris
fovea capitis of femur
fovea capitis of humerus
fundus of urinary bladder
gastro-splenic ligament
gastrophrenic ligament
genioglossus muscle
genital swelling
gill lamella
glomerular basement membrane
glomerular mesangium
glomerular tuft
gubernacular bulb
gubernacular bulb, extra-abdominal part
gubernacular bulb, intra-abdominal part
gubernacular cord
gubernaculum (male or female)
gut wall
Guérin's valve
head mesenchyme from mesoderm
head of femur
head of radius
heart elastic tissue
heart layer
hematopoietic system
hematopoietic tissue
hemopoietic organ
hepatoduodenal ligament
hepatogastric ligament
humeral diverticulum of clavicular air sac
humerus diaphysis
hyaloid canal
hyoid muscle
hyoid pre-muscle mass
hypaxial musculature
hypodermis skeletal muscle layer
iliac blade
iliac crest
iliac endochondral element
iliac fossa
iliac neck
iliac peduncle
iliac peduncle of the pubis
iliac spine
ilial protuberance
ilial ridge
ilial shaft
ilio-marsupialis muscle
ilioischiadic foramen
imaginal disc
immature gonad
incisura terminalis
incurrent foramen of ectepicondylar foramen
individual digit of digitopodial skeleton
inflow tract
insect embryonic/larval lymph gland
insect trunk mesoderm derivative
interilial region
intermediate cell mass of mesoderm
intermediate mesenchyme
intermedium (fore)
internal anal region
internal anterior process of basipterygium
internal spermatic fascia
internal trochanter
internal urethral orifice
intertarsal sesamoid
interventricular foramen intermedium
interventricular foramen of heart
intestinal bulb
intra-ocular muscle
intramural ureter
intrinsic muscle of tongue
intumescentia bilateralis inferior
intumescentia bilateralis superior
ischial cartilage
ischial endochondral element
ischial foot
ischial peduncle
ischial ramus
ischial spine
ischiopubic ramus
isthmus of fallopian tube
jugular body
jugular bulb
juxtaductal region of aortic arch
labium majora
labium minora
lamina densa of glomerular basement membrane
lamina propria of ureter
lamina propria of urethra
lamina propria of urinary bladder
lamina propria of vagina
lamina rara externa
lamina rara interna
lamina terminalis of ischium
large intestine smooth muscle circular layer
large intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer
late distal segment
lateral epicondyle of femur
lateral floor plate
lateral malleolus of fibula
lateral plate mesoderm
lateral process of basipterygium
lateral tuber of ulna
lateral tubercle of astragalus
lateral wall of nasal cavity
latissimus dorsi muscle
latissimus dorsi pre-muscle mass
latissimus dorsi process
left renal pelvis
lesser tubercle of humerus
levator scapulae muscle
levator scapulae pre-muscle mass
lieno-renal ligament
limb endochondral element
lower part of vagina
major vestibular gland
male preputial gland
manual digit mesenchyme
manus connective tissue
marginal zone of spleen
maxillary canal
maxillary process mesenchyme from head mesenchyme
medial blade of ilium
medial epicondyle of femur
medial floor plate
medial pelvic process
membrana tympaniformis
membranous urethra of male or female
mesenchyme from somatopleure
mesenchyme from splanchnopleure
mesenchyme of umbilical cord
mesenteric fat pad
mesenteric lymph node
mesenteric lymphatic vessel
mesial pelvic ridge
mesonephric capsule
mesonephric collecting duct
mesonephric early proximal tubule
mesonephric juxtaglomerular apparatus
mesonephric late distal segment
mesonephric late proximal tubule
mesonephric mesenchyme
mesonephric nephron
mesonephric nephron progenitor
mesopodial skeleton
metanephric capsule
metanephric collecting duct
metanephric cortex mesenchyme
metanephric cortical collecting duct
metanephric descending thin limb
metanephric juxtaglomerular apparatus
metanephric long descending thin limb bend
metanephric mesenchyme
metanephric nephron
metanephric prebend segment
metanephric pyramid
metanephric renal pelvis
metanephros cortex
metaphysis of femur
metaphysis of fibula
metaphysis of humerus
metaphysis of radius
metaphysis of tibia
metapodial skeleton
metoptic pillar
middle anterior process of basipterygium
mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure
moderator band
monkey lips dorsal bursa complex
mucosa of fallopian tube
mucosa of seminal vesicle
mucosa of ureter
mucosa of urethra
mucosa of urinary bladder
mucosa of vagina
Mullerian duct
muscle layer of epididymis
muscle layer of oviduct
muscle layer of spongiose part of urethra
muscle layer of urinary bladder
muscle of digastric group
muscle rectus abdominis superficialis
muscle tissue
muscular coat of seminal vesicle
muscular coat of ureter
muscular layer of prostatic urethra
muscular layer of vagina
musculus rectus abdominis profundus
navicular fossa of spongiose part of urethra
neck of femur
neck of fibula
neck of humerus
neck of radius
neck of talus
neck of urinary bladder
neural lobe of neurohypophysis
Nobelian rod
notochord posterior region
nucleus pulposus
obturator foramen
obturator process of ischium
olecranon fossa
optic cup
optic foramen
orbitosphenoid septum
organ component layer
oronasal membrane
os clitoris
os penis
outflow tract
outflow tract pericardium
ovarian follicle
ovarian ligament
pair of dorsal aortae
paired fin radial element
paired fin radial skeleton
paired limb/fin field
paired limb/fin skeleton
papillary muscle of heart
parenchyma of spleen
parietal serous membrane
pars cylindriformis ilei
pars reflexa of masseter
part of afferent arteriole forming the juxtaglomerular complex
patella cartilage element
patella pre-cartilage condensation
pearly penile papule
pectinate muscle
pectoral appendage cartilage tissue
pectoral fin actinotrichium
pectoral fin fold
pectoral fin hook
pectoral muscle
pectoral pre-muscle mass
pectoral process of humerus
pedal digit mesenchyme
pelvic appendage cartilage tissue
pelvic fin actinotrichium
pelvic fin hook
pelvic girdle bone/zone
pelvic girdle skeleton
pelvic intercleithral cartilage
pelvic wall
penile spine
perichordal ring
perichordal tissue
pes connective tissue
pharyngeal arch
pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from head mesenchyme
phonic lip
placenta junctional zone
placenta labyrinth
placenta metrial gland
placental basal plate
placental disc
placental labyrinth villous
placental membrane
placental septum
placental villous stroma
placentome of cotyledonary placenta
podocyte slit diaphragm
podocyte slit junction
popliteal area
postacetabular buttress
postacetabular zone
postaxial process of the femur
postaxial process of the fibula
postaxial process of the ulnare
postductal region of aortic arch
posterior chamber swim bladder
posterior dentation of pectoral fin spine
posterior distal condyle of femur
posterior kidney
posterior lateral plate mesoderm
posterior process of basipterygium
posterior process of ilium
posterior pronephric duct
posterior subdivision of masseter
posterior wall of the glottis
posterodorsal process of ilium
preacetabular expansion
preacetabular process
preductal region of aortic arch
prehallux skeleton
preoptic pillar
prepectoral space
prepollex skeleton
prepubic process
presumptive atrium primitive heart tube
presumptive axochord
presumptive cardiac ventricle primitive heart tube
primary heart field
primitive heart tube
process 2 of entepicondyle
process 3 of entepicondyle
process 4 of entepicondyle
pronephric mesoderm
pronephric nephron
prootic bulla
prostatic urethra
prostatic utricle
proximal convoluted tubule brush border
proximal convoluted tubule segment 1
proximal convoluted tubule segment 2
proximal head of humerus
proximal ureter
pubic boot
pubic endochondral element
pubic peduncle
pubic ramus
pubic symphysis
pubis-ischium contact
puboischiadic bar
puboischiadic plate
radial head of humerus
raphe of penis
raphe of perineum
raphe of scrotum
recessus coccygealis
rectal diverticulum
rectouterine fold
rectus abdominis muscle
regional part of nervous system
remnant of cardiac valve
remnant of processus vaginalis
remnant of urachus
remnnant of ductus deferens
renal glomerulus
rete ovarii
rete testis
retroperitoneal fat pad
rhomboid pre-muscle mass
right atrium valve
right renal pelvis
roof of mouth
rostral blood island
rostral tubule
round ligament of uterus
rugal fold of vagina
sac of scrotum
Schweigger-Seidel sheath
sciatic notch
scrotal sweat gland
scrotum skin
secondary heart field
section of aorta
seminal vesicle
seminiferous tubule of testis
sensory canal
septum of scrotum
serosal nerve fiber of appendix
serous membrane
Multi-tissue structure that is comprised of a secretory epithelial layer (mesothelium) and a connective tissue layer.
sinotubular junction
sinus of Valsalva
skeleton of digitopodium
skin of clitoris
skin of iliac crest region
skin of penis
small intestine smooth muscle circular layer
small intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer
sphenoid bone pre-cartilage condensation
spina pelvis anterior
spina pelvis posterior
spiral prominence of cochlear duct
spiral valve of conus arteriosus
spleen B cell corona
spleen capsule
spleen follicular dendritic cell network
spleen germinal center
spleen lymphoid follicle
spleen perifollicular zone
spleen primordium
spleen pulp
splenic cord
spongiose part of urethra
spongiotrophoblast layer
stomach muscularis externa
stomach smooth muscle circular layer
stomach smooth muscle inner oblique layer
stomach smooth muscle outer longitudinal layer
stroma of bone marrow
styloid process of radius
styloid process of ulna
stylopodial skeleton
subcutaneous adipose tissue
subcutaneous lymph node
submucosa of fallopian tube
submucosa of urinary bladder
subscapularis muscle
subserosa of fallopian tube
sulcus distalis ossis cruris
sulcus longitudinalis
sulcus pro musculo extensori cruris brevis
sulcus proximalis ossis cruris
superficial cervical fascia
superficial part of masseter muscle
superficial part of temporalis
supinator process
supraacetabular buttress
supraacetabular crest
supraacetabular rim
supracondylar tubercle
supracondyle tubercle
suprazygomatic part of temporalis
suspensory ligament of ovary
suspensory ligament of testis
teres major muscle
teres major pre-muscle mass
theca cell layer
theca externa
theca interna
thoracic duct
thoracic wall
tibial crest
tibial plateaux
tibial tuberosity
trabecula carnea
trabecula of spleen
tracheoesophageal septum
transformed artery
transformed vein
transverse pelvic ridge
trapezius muscle
trigone of urinary bladder
trochanteric crest
trochanteric shelf
trochlea of humerus
trochlear groove of humerus
trochlear notch
tubercle of calcaneus
tunica vaginalis testis
ulnar condyle
ulnar metaphysis
ulnar notch of radius
ulnar tuberosity
upper part of cisterna chyli
upper part of vagina
urachus mesenchyme
ureteral orifice
ureteral valve
urethra mesenchymal layer
urethra muscle tissue
urethral crest
urethral gland
urethral meatus
urinary bladder
uterine wall
vacuolated notochordal tissue
vagina orifice
vagina sebaceous gland
vaginal hymen
vaginal sphincter
venous valve
ventral fin fold
ventral humeral ridge
ventral liver lobe
ventral part of optic cup
ventral patch of Leydig's organ
ventral ridge system
ventral tubercle of humerus
ventral wall of dorsal aorta
vesicular appendage of epoophoron
visceral serous membrane
wall of blood vessel
wall of central canal of spinal cord
wall of eyeball
wall of fallopian tube
wall of heart
wall of lacrimal duct
wall of membranous labyrinth
wall of orbit
wall of pharyngotympanic tube
wall of synovial tendon sheath
wall of ureter
wall of urethra
wall of urinary bladder
wall of vagina
wall of ventricular system of brain
ypsiloid cartilage
zeugopodial skeleton
zygomaticomandibularis muscle
gallbladder serosa
gastrointestinal system serosa
layer of synovial tissue
liver serosa
parietal serous membrane
serosa of cloaca
serosa of esophagus
serosa of fallopian tube
serosa of infundibulum of uterine tube
serosa of urinary bladder
serosa of uterus
serous pericardium
visceral serous membrane
wall of synovial tendon sheath
Exact Synonyms:
tunica serosa ; wall of serous sac
Related Synonyms:
FMA:9581 ; GAID:19 ;
; SCTID:362878009 ; TAO:0005425 ; UMLS:C0036760 ; Wikipedia:Serous_membrane ; ZFA:0005425
Definition Sources:
, Wikipedia:Serous_membrane