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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
altered pathway pertinent to DNA replication and repair, cell cycle, maintenance of genomic integrity, RNA and protein biosynthesis +    
cell cycle pathway +    
chromatin modification/remodeling pathway +     
DNA biosynthetic pathway 
DNA damage response pathway +    
The response mechanism/pathways that assure the maintenance of genomic integrity. This involves detection of DNA damage, signaling and amplification of the signal leading to activation of effectors and resulting in repair of damage, cell cycle arrest or, if necessary, cell death. Such response mechanism/pathways may operate collectively with some of their components being shared.
DNA repair pathway +    
DNA replication pathway +   
mTOR signaling pathway +    
non-coding RNA pathway +    
RNA processing pathway +    
RNA transport pathway +    
transcription pathway +    
translation pathway +     

Related Synonyms: DDR pathway
Definition Sources: PMID:19847258

paths to the root