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Ontology Browser

RNA polymerase II transcription initiation pathway (PW:0001274)
Annotations: Rat: (58) Mouse: (58) Human: (58) Chinchilla: (56) Bonobo: (57) Dog: (57) Squirrel: (57) Pig: (57) Naked Mole-rat: (58) Green Monkey: (58)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
lncRNA maturation pathway +    
mRNA maturation pathway +    
RNA polymerase II transcription elongation pathway  
RNA polymerase II transcription initiation pathway  
RNA polymerase II and a set of general and specific transcription factors assemble as a large pre-initiation complex which undergoes a series of transformations before transcription proceeds. Promoter recognition and subsequent initiation of transcription are dependent upon the presence of these transcription factors. Activators and repressors impact upon transcription at these early stages.
RNA polymerase II transcription termination pathway  

Related Synonyms: RNA Polymerase II Transcription Initiation ;   transcription initiation at RNA polymerase II promoter
Definition Sources: GO:0006367, PMID:23000482, Reactome:R-HSA-75953

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