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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
altered calcium homeostasis pathway 
altered phosphate homeostasis pathway 
calcium transport pathway   
calcium/calcium-mediated signaling pathway +     
fibroblast growth factor 23 signaling pathway +  
parathyroid hormone signaling pathway   
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) signaling is important for calcium and phosphate homeostasis in bone and kidney. It acts to increase the concentration of calcium in the blood, has both anabolic and catabolic effects in the bone and regulates calcium and phosphate reabsorption in the kidney. It also plays important roles in vitamin D metabolism.

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parathyroid hormone-like hormone signaling pathway 
phosphate transport pathway  
tuberoinfundibular 39 residues peptide signaling pathway 

Related Synonyms: PTH signaling pathway
Definition Sources: PMID:19857544, PMID:21777186, PMID:23060860

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