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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
signaling pathway +      
acid and base sensing signaling pathway +  
The signaling pathway elicited by changes in pH and bicarbonate levels.
altered signaling pathway +    
calcium/calcium-mediated signaling pathway +     
cell adhesion signaling pathway +    
chemical compound signaling pathway +    
cytokine and chemokine mediated signaling pathway +    
G protein mediated signaling pathway +   
glycoconjugated protein signaling pathway +    
growth factor signaling pathway +    
hormone signaling pathway +    
kinase mediated signaling pathway +    
lipid signaling pathway +   
mechanotransduction pathway +    
mitogen activated protein kinase signaling pathway +     
nucleoside and nucleotide mediated signaling pathway +   
phosphatase mediated signaling pathway +   
photosignal transduction pathway +    
protease mediated signaling pathway +   
signaling pathway involving second messengers +    
signaling pathway pertinent to development +    
signaling pathway pertinent to immunity +    
signaling pathway pertinent to the brain and nervous system +    
transcription factor mediated signaling pathway +    
vitamin and vitamin metabolites signaling pathway +    

Definition Sources: PMID:20683624

paths to the root