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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
altered metabolic pathway +    
amino acid metabolic pathway +    
biogenic amines and polyamines metabolic pathway +    
Those metabolic reactions involved in the synthesis, utilization and/or degradation of biogenic amines and polyamines. Important biogenic amines are histamine, serotonin and the catecholamines. Spermidine and spermine are examples of important polyamines.
carbohydrate metabolic pathway +    
energy metabolic pathway +    
lipid metabolic pathway +    
metabolic pathway of cofactors, vitamins, nutrients +    
metabolic pathway of other amino acids +    
metabolic pathway of secondary metabolites +   
metabolic pathway pertinent to the brain +    
nucleotide metabolic pathway +    
peptide and protein metabolic pathway +    
xenobiotic metabolic pathway +    

Definition Sources: GO:0006595,, PMID:12641342, Reactome:REACT_14820.1

paths to the root