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Ontology Browser

pathway pertinent to DNA replication and repair, cell cycle, maintenance of genomic integrity, RNA and protein biosynthesis (PW:0000085)
Annotations: Rat: (1738) Mouse: (1656) Human: (1637) Chinchilla: (1319) Bonobo: (1338) Dog: (1332) Squirrel: (1309) Pig: (1328) Naked Mole-rat: (1306) Green Monkey: (1327)     Pathway Diagram Browser
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
regulatory pathway +      
aging pathway +  
altered regulatory pathway +    
cell death pathway +    
cellular detoxification pathway +    
cellular trafficking cycle pathway +   
homeostasis pathway +    
immune response pathway +    
pathway pertinent to DNA replication and repair, cell cycle, maintenance of genomic integrity, RNA and protein biosynthesis +    
Those pathways involved in and/or controlling DNA replication, cell cycle, DNA repair and maintenance of genomic integrity, RNA and protein biosynthesis.
pathway pertinent to protein folding, sorting, modification, translocation and degradation +   
regulatory pathway pertinent to the brain +   
stress response pathway +    
transport pathway +    

Definition Sources: Handbook:Handbook of Biochemistry

paths to the root