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Ontology Browser

abnormal gallbladder smooth muscle morphology (MP:0031021)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal arrector pilli muscle morphology  
abnormal cystic duct morphology  
abnormal esophageal smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal gallbladder epithelium morphology  
abnormal gallbladder infundibulum morphology 
abnormal gallbladder size +   
abnormal gallbladder smooth muscle morphology  
any structural anomaly of the layer of loose smooth muscle bundles (tunica muscularis) located beneath the mucosa of the gallbladder wall and composed of fibers that are not arranged in distinct layers but lie in circular, longitudinal, and oblique directions; when these fibers contract, the gallbladder’s contents are released through the cystic duct into the bile duct and eventually emptied into the duodenum to aid in the digestion of fats
abnormal gastroesophageal sphincter morphology 
abnormal internal anal sphincter morphology  
abnormal intestinal smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal intraocular muscle morphology +   
abnormal lymphatic vessel smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal pyloric sphincter morphology +   
abnormal stomach muscularis externa morphology +   
abnormal stomach muscularis mucosa morphology 
abnormal tracheal smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal urinary bladder detrusor smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal vascular smooth muscle morphology +   
absent gallbladder  
dilated gallbladder