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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal chemokine level +   
abnormal circulating cytokine level +   
abnormal CSF3 level +  
abnormal interferon level +   
abnormal interleukin level +   
abnormal tumor necrosis factor level +   
abnormal urine albumin level  
abnormal urine cytokine level +   
any anomaly in the amount in the urine of any of the non-antibody proteins made by inflammatory leukocytes and some non-leukocytic cells that affect the behavior of other cells
abnormal urine HAVCR1 level +   
abnormal urine hormone level +   
abnormal urine lipocalin 2 level +   
decreased cytokine level +   
decreased urine protein level +   
increased cytokine level +   
increased urine protein level +   

Definition Sources: ISBN:0-8153-1691-7

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