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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal cochlear hair cell development  
abnormal ear lobe morphology +   
abnormal ear position +   
abnormal ear shape +   
abnormal external auditory canal morphology +   
abnormal inner ear development +   
abnormal middle ear development  
abnormal otic pit morphology +   
abnormal otic placode morphology  
abnormal otic vesicle morphology +   
abnormal outer ear cartilage morphology +   
abnormal outer ear development  
any anomaly in the development of any of the components of the auricles or external acoustic meatus
abnormal outer ear helix morphology  
abnormal outer ear skin morphology +   
absent outer ear +   
big ears  
delayed ear emergence  
ear wound +  
early ear unfolding 
excessive ear growth 
floppy ears  
hairy ears 
long ears 
ossification of pinnae 
outer ear necrosis 
scaly ears  
small ears +   
thick ears  

Definition Sources:

paths to the root