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Ontology Browser

abnormal extraembryonic endoderm morphology (MP:0014136)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal allantois morphology +   
abnormal amnion morphology +   
abnormal amniotic cavity morphology +   
abnormal chorion morphology +   
abnormal ectoplacental cavity morphology +   
abnormal extraembryonic coelom morphology +   
abnormal extraembryonic ectoderm morphology +   
abnormal extraembryonic endoderm morphology  
any structural anomaly of the derivative of the hypoblast cells that migrate into the blastocyst cavity, and line the cavity, giving rise to the primary and definitive yolk sacs; the extraembryonic endoderm fills the remaining cavity of the blastocyst
abnormal extraembryonic mesoderm morphology 
abnormal parietal yolk sac morphology +   
abnormal placenta morphology +   
abnormal proamniotic cavity morphology +   
abnormal umbilical cord morphology +   
abnormal visceral yolk sac cavity morphology  
abnormal visceral yolk sac morphology +   
abnormal vitelline vasculature morphology +   
disorganized extraembryonic tissue