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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal abdominal mammary gland morphology 
abnormal areola morphology 
abnormal cervical mammary gland morphology 
abnormal inguinal mammary gland morphology  
abnormal mammary gland connective tissue morphology  
abnormal mammary gland development +   
abnormal mammary gland epithelium morphology +   
abnormal mammary gland lobule morphology +   
abnormal mammary gland number +   
abnormal mammary gland sensory innervation pattern  
abnormal mammary gland stroma morphology  
any structural anomaly of the complex non-epithelial mammary gland tissue composed of fibrous connective tissue extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, and a wide variety of cell types, including inter- and intralobular fibroblasts, adipocytes, endothelial cells, and innate immune cells (both macrophages and mast cells); the mammary gland stroma is the support network for the epithelium, providing both nutrients and blood supply, and immune defenses, as well as physical structure to the gland; each of the different stromal cell types secrete instructive signals that are crucial for various aspects of the development and function of the epithelium
abnormal nipple morphology +   
abnormal thoracic mammary gland morphology  
decreased mammary gland tumor incidence +   
increased mammary gland tumor incidence +   
mammary gland hyperplasia  
mammary gland hypoplasia  
pale mammary gland  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal mammary stroma morphology
Definition Sources: PMID:20702598

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