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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal adrenal chromaffin cell morphology +   
abnormal gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuron morphology +  
abnormal Herring body morphology 
any structural anomaly of the dilated terminal portions of neurosecretory axons constituting the hypothalamohypophyseal tract, found in close proximity to sinusoidal capillaries in the posterior pituitary; Herring bodies consist of aggregates of membrane-bound neurosecretory vesicles where oxytocin or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) are stored prior to release; each Herring body also contains ATP and either neurophysin I or neurophysin II which bind to oxytocin and ADH, respectively
abnormal magnocellular neurosecretory cell morphology +   
abnormal parvocellular neurosecretory cell morphology  
abnormal solitary pulmonary neuroendocrine cell morphology +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal Herring bodies ;   abnormal neurosecretory body morphology
Definition Sources:,, ISBN:0199652473

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