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Ontology Browser

abnormal intraorbital lacrimal gland morphology (MP:0013441)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal exorbital lacrimal gland morphology +   
abnormal intraorbital lacrimal gland morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the small intra-orbital lacrimal glands that are located superficially at the lateral canthus, where both the lacrimal gland and Harderian gland ducts open
abnormal lacrimal gland development +   
abnormal lacrimal gland myoepithelium morphology 
abnormal lacrimal sac morphology 
absent lacrimal glands  
enlarged lacrimal gland +   
lacrimal gland atrophy  
lacrimal gland degeneration  
lacrimal gland hypoplasia 
lacrimal gland necrosis  

Definition Sources:, ISBN:0123813611

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