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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal adenohypophysis development +   
aberrant formation or incomplete differentiation of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland which arises as a pouch-like outgrowth of ectoderm known as the hypophyseal (Rathke's) pouch from the dorsal midline roof of the stomodeum (primitive oral cavity); the hypophyseal pouch grows toward the brain and the neurohypophyseal bud; as the hypophyseal pouch and the infundibulum make contact, the hypophyseal pouch loses its connection with the pharynx, creating a hollow ball of cells that lies inferior to the floor of the diencephalon posterior to the optic chiasm; these cells undergo division, the central chamber gradually disappears, and this endocrine mass becomes the anterior pituitary gland; the fully developed adenohypophysis consists of a glandular pars distalis, a thin proximal extension called the pars tuberalis, and a narrow pars intermedia
abnormal corticotroph morphology +   
abnormal folliculo-stellate cell morphology  
abnormal gonadotroph morphology +   
abnormal lactotroph morphology +   
abnormal neurohypophyseal bud morphology 
abnormal neurohypophysis development +   
abnormal somatotroph morphology +   
abnormal thyrotroph morphology +   
absent adenohypophysis  
adenohypophysis peliosis  
ectopic adenohypophysis  
enlarged adenohypophysis +   
small adenohypophysis +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal adenophysis development ;   abnormal anterior pituitary development ;   abnormal anterior pituitary gland development ;   abnormal anterior pituitary lobe development
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