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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
dilated aorta +   
dilated aortic sac  
abnormally stretched or widened aperture of the luminal space of the endothelial lined dilation that is located at the arterial pole of the heart just above (distal to) the truncus arteriosus in mammalian embryos; it is the primordial vascular channel from which the aortic arches (and eventually the dorsal aortae) arise; the aortic sac is homologous to the ventral aorta of gill-bearing vertebrates
dilated basilar artery  
dilated capillary +   
dilated hepatic portal vein  
dilated pharyngeal arch artery +   
dilated pulmonary artery  
dilated pulmonary trunk  

Exact Synonyms: aortic sac dilation ;   dilated aortic sacs
Definition Sources:

paths to the root